The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 802: Yes, I want it all!

"In this case, it should be more conducive to the development of your relationship?"

Su Mo froze for a moment, and then some unpleasant expressions appeared on his face, and his voice gradually became cold, "In this case, I don't want to hear it again."

"How is the relationship between me and Xiaoxi, do you need to intervene?!"


With a trace of anger!

In Su Mo's view, love is holy and should not be tainted by anything.

And his love with Yan Jiuxi doesn't need any catalyst.

Go with the flow, it will come naturally!

"Teacher Su, I'm sorry."

Rose's small face turned white and hurriedly apologized: "I promise I will never say anything similar again. If I commit another crime, I don't need you to drive me away. I will leave by myself."

"When I go out in the future, you can follow me, but you can't enter the National Tsing Hua University."

Su Mo looked out of the car window and said in a light tone: "Acceptable, then continue to be my bodyguard. If you can't accept it, then just leave!"

"Ms. Su, this is not compliant!"

Hearing this, Rose was about to cry anxiously. She had known it before. She didn't say anything like that just now, she just moved a rock and hit her in the foot.

She had read Yan Jiuxi's information. The girl was beautiful and thrilling, just like a fairy who can't eat fireworks.

When a normal boy hears that he can live with such a best girlfriend, he must be one hundred and eighty willing, and it is impossible to refuse such a condition.

As long as Su Mo agrees to move out, then her protection plan can proceed smoothly. This is a death order from above, and she also knows the importance of Su Mo to Xia Guo. If Su Mo has any accident, then she is The sinner of Xia Guo.

That's why Rose chose to make this worst move. Although the method is not very glorious, it is easy to use!

But never expected that Su Mo is different from ordinary boys...



Su Mo turned his head and glanced at Rose faintly, "With me, I have the final say!"


How to do?


She also worried that if Su Mo was in danger, she would not be able to rush to the scene immediately.

Do not agree?

The result can be imagined with toes!

If she really says'no' to Su Mo, Rose believes that she will definitely be driven away by Su Mo.

If that's the case, then she is well-known among Nightingales, and she rushed to serve as Su Mo's bodyguard, but within a day, she was returned?


No, it's shameful to throw it at grandma's house!

I am afraid that in the future, her rose, one of the four golden flowers of the Nightingale, will become a joke!

After reading this, Rose had already made a choice in her heart, and whispered: "Teacher Su, I can promise you this condition, but you also have to promise me one thing."


Su Mo calmly uttered a word.

"I want to install a positioning system on Teacher Su's mobile phone, so that I will know your location in the future. If there is any danger, I can rush to the scene as soon as possible. Isn't this request too much?" Rose has a guilty conscience. Explained.

Su Mo thought for a while and nodded slowly: "Yes!"


As soon as he returned to school, Su Mo received a call from Chen Daoming, and he couldn't help but wonder.

Generally speaking, Chen Daoming would seldom call him if there is nothing wrong. After pressing the connect button, Chen Daoming's voice came from the phone.

"Su Mo, let you know a news."

"Teacher, what news is worth asking you to call and notify me in person?" Su Mo chuckled.

"good news!"

Chen Daoming’s laughter rang out on the phone, “Isn’t this year’s three-year public certification of mathematicians? The International Mathematics Group has announced the date, on July 15, it’s still the same, with ten places in each country.”

"Well, are you interested in these ten places?


Su Mo didn't mean anything euphemistically, he hehe smiled and said, "Teacher, give me all these ten places!"


Chen Dao on the other end of the phone was obviously drinking water, and was directly frightened by Su Mo's words, with a trace of silence in his voice, "You want it all?"

"Yes, I want it all!"

Su Mo had been thinking about the public certification quota this time, and finally waited until he was willing to let it go.

These places are of great use to him, because he wants to do something that shocks the mathematics world!

As for what it is, keep it secret for now.

"Your kid is too greedy, right?"

Chen Daoming's voice was very dissatisfied, "Isn't it enough to give you half of ten places? I want to take them all? Anyway, leave a few for the Academy!"


Su Mo refused aloud and asked on his mobile phone: "Teacher, how many mathematicians can be rated for the ten places that Xia Guo publicly certified in the past?"

"If it's better, two or three, of course, there will be cases where the whole army is wiped out. After all, this is a mathematician certification, and the difficulty is still very high. If you don't have talent in the mathematics school, it is difficult to achieve a first-level mathematician by hard work alone. I believe you know this too."

"In that case, the ten places should be given to me this time!"

Su Mo smiled confidently, "If someone asks, please tell the truth, teacher. If someone has an opinion, let him come to me personally."

"This... alright."

In the end, Chen Daoming chose to compromise.

Su Mo is now the only fifth-level mathematician in Xia's country. It is reasonable to say that these places should be allocated by Su Mo. Now giving all the places to him is not a violation of the rules.

After hanging up, Su Mo was in a very good mood. Ten spots were available, and his plan was about to start next.

Just do it.

Before he could even return to the dormitory, Su Mo went directly to the Department of Mathematics. When he arrived at the door of the Department of Mathematics, he saw Xia Haisheng explaining a first-level conjecture.

Although it is a first-level conjecture, the difficulty is still too high for the students of the mathematics department. Except for a few students, the faces of the remaining students are more or less incomprehensible.

There are only three very few students.

One Yan Jiuxi, one An Ran, and another Wang Ye.

Don't look at Wang Ye's usual appearance, but Su Mo has read his college entrance examination math papers and knows Wang Ye's talent in mathematics, so he is not surprised at all.


Su Mo knocked on the door frame of the classroom.

In an instant, everyone looked at the door, and after seeing Su Mo, many students began to talk quietly.

"Look, it's Su Mo!"

"Calm down, Yan Jiuxi is in the Department of Mathematics. Isn't it normal for us to see Su Mo?"

"Wow, I saw the idol again, so happy!"

"Class will be over soon, what is Su Mo doing?"

"Don't worry, Su Mo is definitely not here to find you."

Naturally, Xia Haisheng also saw Su Mo, quickly put down the things in his hands, and strode to the door of the classroom, with a trace of respect in his expression, and asked in a low voice: "Ms. Su, why are you here?"

"I have something to announce, can I take up Teacher Xia's class time for a while?" Su Mo said his intention.

"of course can!"

Without any hesitation, Xia Haisheng directly agreed to Su Mo's request.

There must be a reason for Su Mo's doing this. As for the reason, Xia Haisheng would never ask because he felt that he was not qualified.

"Thank you."

Su Mo nodded and crossed Xia Haisheng into the classroom.

After standing on the podium, he faintly blinked at Yan Jiuxi, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

Yan Jiuxi couldn't help but smile immediately, and the scenery in an instant was enough to eclipse Baihua.

Others hadn't noticed the little movements of the two of them, but An Ran, who was sitting with Yan Jiuxi, noticed, and her little mouth couldn't help but curl.


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