The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 803: Not a family, don't enter a family!

It is a very immoral thing to show affection in public in the public.

However, An Ran had no choice but to silently swallow the dog food.

Oh, who makes her sharp-eyed, she has to see this scene that she shouldn't be watching...


Su Mo coughed and said solemnly, "Everyone, be quiet, I have something to announce."

As soon as the voice fell, the classroom instantly became silent.

It has to be said that Su Mo's weight in the hearts of contemporary young people is very heavy, and he can almost be said to be the idol in the hearts of all young people.

After all, he, with countless honors, has already become the mountain that all young people chase after.

Although knowing that he can't catch up, he still has to bite the bullet to catch up.

Otherwise, I'm afraid they don't even have the qualifications to look up to Su Mo!

"Teacher Xia, can you call out the results of the first test?"

Su Mo turned around and nodded to Xia Haisheng at the door.

Now that the ten places for public certification have been obtained, it is time to start exploring potential candidates.

"it is good!"

Soon, Xia Haisheng adjusted the results of the first test of the mathematics department on the electronic screen, and his name and results were at a glance.

Su Mo glanced at the transcript, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes, sighed slightly, and said, "Everyone's grades are worse than I expected. Except for the first place student Yan Jiuxi, the grades of other students It's really unsatisfactory!"

Everyone: "..."

In full view, is it really good to praise your girlfriend so much?

Could this affection be more obvious?

Let them go!

They are really simple children...

Even when Yan Jiuxi heard this, a red glow rose on Qiao's face, and she lowered her head in embarrassment, and quickly looked out the window.


Seeing everyone's reaction, Su Mo narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "Everyone seems to be not very happy!"

Everyone: "..."

Suddenly I was critically hit by dog ​​food, and I couldn't be happy for who it was!

However, unhappy to unhappy, no one complained, who let Shi Su Mo, who spread the dog food, they...can only remain silent.

"Don't think too much, I am always right and wrong."

Speaking of this, Su Mo’s voice suddenly improved a lot. He pointed to the test scores on the electronic screen, "Look at your own scores. Except for Yan Jiuxi who scored 103 points on the 120-point test paper, no one got it. Over sixty points, was it wrong that I was just now?"

"If you are not used to listening, you can choose to go back to your previous professionalism!"

Hearing that, all the students lowered their faces in shame. Indeed, their first test results were very bad, and the bad results can be said to be unsightly.

Although this is only a preliminary examination and not a monthly professional examination, it is not a small blow to everyone.

They can volunteer to join the new major of the Department of Mathematics, who doesn't have two brushes?

But in this bottom-testing test, the body was beaten to nothing!

At the same time, the students of the Department of Mathematics couldn't help feeling that Yan Jiuxi was so powerful. She had been following Su Mo, a quiet and beautiful girl, how exaggerated her mathematics talent was?

Sure enough, not a family, do not enter a family!

"I just got the news that the International Mathematics Group will hold public certification on July 15 this year. We Xia Guo have a total of ten places, that is to say, a total of ten people can participate."

In the entire mathematics classroom, only Su Mo’s voice sounded, "So, I want to give you a test paper, and the top ten people can get the place for the international math group public certification."

"Moreover, I will also set up a tuition group, tuition for two hours every night, and I will personally be the teacher to help you quickly improve your maths. I wonder if you are interested?"

As soon as this was said, the whole classroom was like boiling water, instantly boiling.

"Oh my God!"

"The number of public certification places for the International Mathematics Group? Can we really?"

"Su Mo Niubi!"

"The three-year public certification quota is in front of us. Unless it is a fool, who doesn't want it?"

"But this number seems to be only ten per country, right? Is Su Mo rounded up? This..."

"Good job!"

Not to mention the students, even Xia Haisheng couldn't help his eyes widening after hearing Su Mo's words.

Compared with ordinary students, he knows more.

There are indeed only ten publicly certified places. In the past, if you wanted to get a place, it was only possible to get one if you had to recommend it by a more qualified mathematician.

After all, although mathematicians are relatively unpopular compared to writers, under the background of Xia Guo's huge population, there are still countless geniuses that emerge every year.

Want to get these only ten places, the competitiveness is very big!

However, this year does not seem to be the case.

There is no need to compete, because the quota was given to National Taiwan University by Su Mo Baoyuan...


Xia Haisheng could only use the words ‘dominant’ to describe Su Mo. Looking at the entire country of Xia, only Su Mo had this qualification. Except for him, even He Guangwen, the dean of the School of Mathematics, would not dare to do that.

Seeing the excited student, Su Mo smiled slightly, and interrupted the discussion, "I want to remind everyone that the test paper I produced is not that simple, so everyone should work harder these two days. It depends on you whether you can get this place."

"Teacher Su, I have a question." Zhao Tian stood up and blinked at Su Mo on the stage.

"what is the problem?"

"You have to talk about the scope of the exam questions in advance, right?"

"Exam scope?"

Su Mo thought for a while, "At your current level, I won't ask too difficult questions. Let's tentatively decide on a first-level mathematical guess!"

Everyone: "..."

Is this serious?

In the previous sentence, it was said that there would be no too difficult questions, and in the next sentence, a first-level mathematical conjecture would be introduced. Is this amusing them?

Is it not difficult to guess first-level mathematics?

Although the first-level mathematical conjecture is the simplest mathematical conjecture, it is for rating mathematicians. They are still just ordinary math enthusiasts, and they can't handle the first-level mathematical conjecture at all!

For a time, all the students screamed.

"What the hell? First-level mathematical conjecture?"

"Isn't this... difficult?"

"Teacher Su, we are just a bunch of scum, don't be so serious!"

"That's it, can I put a little water on it?"

"It's over, why am I so bottomless?"

In fact, this is not to blame for this student's appearance. You should know that their current courses have just come into contact with first-level mathematics conjectures, and most of the content is a little clouded.

Su Mo suddenly said that the content of the test was a first-level mathematics conjecture. The students in the mathematics department naturally resisted it because they knew how many brushes they had.

First-level mathematical conjecture?

They can't figure it out!


Su Mo's expression gradually became serious, his eyes swept across the classroom, and he said in a deep voice, "Do you think that the public certification is for children playing the house?"

In a word, all the students closed their mouths obediently, Su Mo was a little unhappy as anyone could see.

"I can release water, but will the International Mathematics Group release water for you?"

There was a hint of coldness in Su Mo’s voice, “If you can’t figure out even the first-level mathematical conjecture, why do you get the qualification for public certification? You have to know one thing, you are from the country of Xia, and what you will lose is not yourself. The face, but the face of Xia Guo!"

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