The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 438 :Scourge Beast

Absol rested in this underground lake for one night. Early the next morning, Wu You and the others left the underground lake.

"Miss Qiuzi, we are going to continue our journey, so we will say goodbye to you."

Wu You said to Miss Qiuzi.

"You are leaving, if you have time in the future, you must come back and take a look."

Qiuzi shouted to Wu You.

"Well, I will definitely come here to take a look again in the future."

Wu You waved to Miss Qiuzi, and then continued on the journey.

Continuing to cross the island of Itzabe, Wu You and the others came to a steep foothill, not far away. . . Liado Village.

"How long will it take us to reach Sootopolis City"

Rosa couldn't help but said.

"Quickly, as long as we arrive at the port, we will go directly to Sootopolis City by boat, and we will arrive in Sootopolis City soon."

Wu You said to Rosa.

"I wish I could reach Sootopolis City soon. This Iszabe Island is so big. We have been walking for so long and we haven't crossed this island yet."

"It's so tired, this road is so hard to walk, I can't do it anymore."

May said, leaning on a rock.

It's really tiring to walk this way and climb the mountains.

"Cheer up, May, 24 a little further ahead... Liado Village, you can almost see the bridge leading to Liado Village in front of you, and we will have a good rest when we arrive at Liado Village."

Wu You patted May on the shoulder and encouraged him.

"Huh! I can't do it anymore, I think we'd better take a break first, and then go on our way."

Rosa exhaled.

Seeing Rosa and May are really tired, Wu You nodded, just take a rest here! "It's really great."

Rosa took out a small water bottle from her backpack and drank a few sips of water. It was really exhausting to walk this mountain trail.

Also, be careful with your feet, as you will fall over if you are not careful.

Especially when walking on the edge of a cliff, you must be more careful, because the road on the edge of the cliff is a little loose, and it will collapse if you are not careful.

Sitting down and resting for a while, Wu You pulled Rosa and May up.

"Let's go, there are still a few steps to reach the village, we will come to the village to have a good rest."

Not far away, Wu You and the others saw a bridge, a wooden bridge.

"Did you see that bridge? As long as we cross that bridge, we will soon reach the village of Rado."

Wu You said to Rosa.

"That's great. I can't help but go to rest. Let's speed up."

Rosa shouted cheerfully.

"Looking at Rosa, it doesn't seem like you are too tired."

Caitlin stared suspiciously at Rosa.

"Huh, why aren't you tired? I just saw Da's rest village, and I was all a little excited."

Rosa snorted.

"Okay, stop talking, let's go."

Wu You walked in front, Yi, May and Caitlin followed behind.

"The current of this river is so fast, I don't know if this bridge can bear it."

Wu You glanced at the river and said.

Wu You had just stepped on the bridge, and he heard a creaking sound before it was not there. Then the bridge suddenly broke and was broken by the rushing water.

"It wouldn't be a coincidence, could it be my crow's mouth"

Wu You couldn't help but said silently.

"Look, there is an Absol on the opposite side."

May points to an Absol standing opposite.

They have seen Absol Wu You, yes. . . During the Forina incident in Jirachi, I saw another Absol this time.

"Absol generally lives in the deep mountains and has little contact with people, and it is very close to the village. Absol generally does not appear here. It does appear now, that means..."

"Explain what"

Rosa asked Wu You.

"It means that disaster is about to happen here."

Caitlin continued.

The horn on Absol's head: It can be used to predict disasters. It is a Pokémon that can perceive disasters.

It appears here, definitely to alert the people here and tell them that there is a disaster here.

"Appeared, there, the damn Absol, broke the bridge again."

Several people took sticks and ran over here, staring fiercely at Absol.

Absol turned his head, glanced at these people, and then jumped a few times, stepping away on the mountain wall like flying over the wall.

"Absol's skill is so agile, if I am so good, wouldn't it be so tired?"

Rosa looked at Absol, her eyes gleaming.

"Let's go over."

Although the bridge was broken, it didn't mean that Wu You and the others couldn't make it through. They flew over with Psychic.

The two people standing opposite were already stunned.

"We are traveling trainers, are you from Liado Village"

Wu You asked them.

"Yes, we are from Liado Village."

"You seem to hate Absol"

May said.

"Yeah, this guy has been attacking our village, damn calamity beast."

The two people said angrily.

Following these two people, Wu You and the others came to Liado Village.

"This Absol has always appeared in the mountains, and has never appeared in our village. Now this time, this Absol has appeared frequently and then attacked us."

After arriving in the village, a villager said to Wu You.

"Yeah, I really want to drive it back. It's really hateful. Absol is... the creator of all disasters. If it stays here, it is likely to bring unprecedented disasters to the village. "

The villagers here all think that Absol is the creator of the 190 disaster, and they hate Absol very much.

"Absol is not the creator of disaster 0! It is the Pokémon who can perceive disasters. It is precisely because of disasters that it will appear here to alert you."

May said.

The villagers looked at each other and didn't believe May's words, they had already decided that Absol was. . . A disaster beast that creates disasters.

"Little girl, you definitely don't understand, this Absol is... the calamity beast, since someone witnessed it appearing in the spring, it has destroyed three bridges."

"It did this, maybe there is a reason, you should investigate to see if there is any danger here."

Wu You said to them.

The appearance of Absol is a good thing and not a good thing, because the appearance of Absol basically means that a disaster is about to happen here.

But when Absol appeared, everyone could see the warning and leave this place.

In general, Absol is a beneficial beast, because even if Absol does not appear, there will still be disasters here.

"All disasters must be caused by... Absol. I believe that as long as this Absol is driven away and it no longer appears here, then the disaster will not happen."

One of the villagers clenched his fist and said.

The other villagers also nodded. These people think so in their hearts. If Absol is driven away, there will be no disaster here.

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