The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 439 :Help to solve the disaster By the way, you are the trainers of travel. Can you help? Ge

The villagers asked Wu You.

"Sorry, I won't help you, and this Absol is saving you."

Wu You shook his head.

"How can it be, it's a disaster beast, how can it save us."

"Didn't you find that the water in the river is too turbulent?"

Wu You asked these villagers.

Um... the bridge was not destroyed by Absol at all, but because the river washed down. The river was so turbulent that something was wrong.

"After you say so, it seems like this."

The villagers in Liado Village also thought of this time, the river seemed to be very turbulent, not the same as usual.

"I see, you should go to the source of this river and take a look! Maybe there is something wrong. Absol is really not a disaster beast, but it can sense disasters. If you don't believe me, look at this."

Wu You searched for a paper on Absol, which was written by a professor and also for "catastrophe"

Absol vindicated thesis.

As mentioned above, Absol is not a disaster beast, but Pokémon, who can perceive disasters and notify humans of disasters. It does not cause disasters by itself.

After reading this paper, they all believed it because they had the title of Professor.

"Absol is really not a disaster beast. Could it be that something is wrong with the source of our river"

"Why don't we go check it out."

The villagers talked a lot, and then decided to check it out.

The source of the river outside their village is flowing from a large water vein on the mountain. Could it be that the water vein has changed. If this is the case, the consequences will be very serious. So some people in the village, Immediately rushed to the mountain.

Wu You and the others did not follow. They found a hotel in this village and stayed here temporarily.

Towards the evening, those. . . . . . . . . The villagers who went up the mountain to check, ran back anxiously.

"The traveling trainers we met before are still in the village now, don't you know if they can Help Hand us..."

"Let's try with them first, otherwise, we can only relocate the village."

An older villager said helplessly.

The great underground water veins really changed, and the mountains overflowed with water, and even sprayed out directly.

If there is no other way, the groundwater veins all gush out, then the village will definitely be flooded.

Through inquiries, they gathered together and came to the hotel where they stayed in Wu You.

After finding Wu You, they explained the situation to Wu You, and then asked Wu You for help.

"It's okay to help."

Wu You looked at himself with Xiyi, and agreed.

"If you can help us, you are the grace of our village.

To be honest, after living here for so many years, we really don't want to leave here. "

After living here for so long, no one wants to open this place, but if it really can’t be solved, then they can only move out of this village instead of waiting here to die.

"You take the liberty to ask, can you really be in crisis?"

A villager hesitated and asked embarrassedly.

"Don't worry, since I agreed, it can be resolved."

Wu You said to them.

It is already evening, and there must be no way to go. Wu You is going to help them solve it tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Wu You got up and asked Rosa and the others: "Are you going to go up the mountain with me?"

"Go, I feel very interesting, so I want to go up and play, okay?"

"Of course, as long as you are not afraid of hard work."

Wu You said to Rosa.

As long as Rosa doesn't feel hard, it's really hard to actually go up the mountain.

When Wu You and his group came to the mountain, they saw a continuous flow of water from the mountain, and the ground was slippery. You must walk carefully.

"It's so hard to go! If I knew this was the case, I won't come."

Rosa couldn't help but said.

"I knew you would complain, so I shouldn't bring you with me."

Wu You knocked Rosa on the head.

Rosa stuck out her tongue.

"Originally, I came up to take a look at the scenery on the mountain. I didn't expect it to be bare and there was nothing."

May said disappointedly.

"Wu You, how are you going to help those villagers"

Caitlin asked Wu You.

"This is very simple. Just change the direction of the groundwater vein flow. This should be a piece of cake for Kyogre."

Wu You released Kyogre, Caitlin looked at Kyogre very speechless.

"I actually use Kyogre, how come I feel a little overkill."

"Regardless of overkill or underutilization, what I'm after is only fast."

Wu You said with a smile.

"Kyogre, change the direction of this underground water vein."

Wu You said to Kyogre.

It is very easy for Kyogre to change the direction of the flow of groundwater veins, and it is done in an instant, and there is no more water flowing out of the mountain.

"That's it, let's go down."

"That's it."

Rosa was stunned. She thought it was fun, but she didn't expect it to be over.

"Yeah, otherwise you thought it was going to happen."

Rosa was very depressed, and after a stroll on the mountain, she was about to go back.

After returning, they rested in this village for a long time, and then Wu You left the village in the afternoon and continued to the port.

Originally, this village was not far from the port, so Wu You and the others only came to this port after walking for less than two days.

From the port of Wu You, they boarded a boat and headed to Sootopolis City.

"Finally got on the boat to Sootopolis City. The Liuli Gym in Sootopolis City is also the last Gym to be challenged."

Wu You took a deep breath and said.

"I don't know how Sootopolis City is."

Rosa has expectations in her eyes.

Wu You of Deno had never been to Sootopolis City, and he didn't know how Sootopolis City was. After arriving in Sootopolis City, everything became clear.

Sootopolis City is a big city, it should be very good.

"Wu You, after arriving in Sootopolis City, when you challenge Liuli Gym, do you really want to help Lance teach Wallace a lesson?"

Caitlin asked with interest.

"Actually this is what I want to see."

Rosa is willing to watch the excitement.

"Wait until then! In fact, when you go to Liuli Gym, you may not meet Wallace. It is possible that the current Gym Leader is Adam."

Wallace often participates in gorgeous competitions, so he rarely stays in the gym. What's more, he is a Champion. Although he is also a gym leader, he rarely engages in gym competitions.

It might not be easy to meet Wallace at Liuli Gym.

The boat ride was very fast, but in half a day, Wu You and the others came to Sootopolis City from Itzabe Island.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, recommended

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