The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 515 : Shinji defeated again Froslass?

Shinji frowned. Froslass was the Pokémon of the ice and ghosts, and the Pokémon of the ghosts was notoriously difficult.

Especially since he also owns Froslass, he knows that Froslass is difficult to deal with.

Shinji thought about it and decided to use Magmar to fight Froslass.

Magmar is a separate fire Pokémon, but it restrains Froslass, because fire restrains ice.

Wu You is not afraid of restraint, and this time let Shinji know the strangeness of the ghost system.

"Froslass, use Ominous Wind."

Ominous Wind is a move of the ghost system. It can not only attack the opponent, but also improve one's own state. It is a very easy to use move.

"Magmar, use Flamethrower."

Wu You did not give an order, but even without Wu You's order, Froslass knew to avoid it.

Froslass has super fast speed. In fact, if Shinji asks Ma Sneasel to play against Froslass, it might be a good choice.

However, using Magmar, although Magmar restrained Froslass, Wu You promised that Magmar would not be able to touch his Froslass at once.

"Froslass, use hail."

Weather moves. The reason for using this move is because Froslass has the characteristic of snow hidden. In hail weather, Froslass will improve its dodge ability.

Originally, Froslass' speed was very fast, but now after using hail, the evasion ability has been improved, and Magmar's Flamethrower can't hit Froslass at all.

In the hail weather, Froslass was like a real snow girl, letting Magmar attack, it would be impossible to hit.

"Froslass, use Shadow Sneak."

Hidden in the hail, Froslass' shadow suddenly stretched out and attacked from behind Magmar.

The tricks of the ghost system are the strangest. . . It's impossible to guard against, just like Psychic moves.

Both the ghost type and the Psychic type are very difficult to deal with Pokémon, and many people feel a headache after seeing it.

Just like the current Magmar, it was clearly attacked, but I still don't know how to be attacked.

"Now use Shadow Orb."

A purple sphere was thrown out by Froslass and hit Magmar at Lock-On Froslass at a very fast speed.

Magmar was blasted out, and a big pit was smashed into the ground, and poor Magmar was lying in the pit.

"If you haven't lost the ability to fight, you can only make one more shot. Froslass uses Icy Wind."

Icy Wind is an ice-based move. Although it is not that good against Magmar, it is enough.

Magmar is already at the end of the battle, and a single move can make Magmar lose the ability to fight.

"Come back Magmar."

The duckbill that had been frozen in ice was taken back.

Froslass' ice moves are just that. . . It is so powerful that even Magmar, with its super high temperature on its surface, can be frozen in ice.

"Go, Electivire."

This Electivire came from the original Elekid Evolution. After the battle was defeated, Shinji asked Elekid to evolve into Electivire in a short time.

Originally, his Elekid was about to evolve. Two days after fighting with Wu You, his evolution became Electabuzz.

Then Shinji found a power booster and let Electabuzz directly evolve into Electivire.

"Electivire, use Thunder Punch."

"This Froslass can hit me"

Wu You smiled faintly, it was impossible to hit Froslass with this slow fist.

Seeing Froslass avoiding Electivire's fist easily, Shinji's brow furrowed again.

Such a Froslass made Shinji feel difficult. This time, Froslass should be used against Froslass, and Electivire should not be used.

Shinji regretted it now, but it was too late to regret it.

Froslass has already used the seam shadow technique, and now even if he wants to take back Electivire, replace it, Pokémon will not work, because the current Electivire cannot escape.

"Froslass uses Night Shade."

Electivire saw the terrifying phantom and wanted to turn around to escape, but Electivire, whose body was fixed, could not escape, with a pained expression on his face.

"Now use Psybeam."

"Electivire, use thundering moves."

Seize the moment Froslass attacked and let Electivire use thunder. Although Electivire was frozen and counted as losing combat ability, Froslass was also hit.

Froslass is not the kind of...Pokémon with a strong defense. This attack caused Froslass to suffer some injuries.

"Froslass, can you continue to fight?"

Wu You asked Froslass.

Froslass nodded, there is no problem continuing the fight now, Froslass still insisted.

"Well, let's finish the last battle."

Wu You nodded. At this time, Shinji's Pokémon only had one left.

"Go Froslass."

Shinji has no expression on his face. In fact, he has been beaten and autistic. Although he continues to fight, he is obviously no longer in the state.

Wu You can also see that Shinji is not in a state at all now, but he didn't say anything to enlighten him, after all, he and Shinji are not familiar.

"Unexpectedly, he also has Froslass. Isn't Froslass a rare Pokémon?"

Dawn looked at Shinji's Froslass in surprise.

"Froslass is indeed very rare. Generally, if you want to conquer, you must go to the depths of the snow-capped mountains to conquer."

Cynthia said.

. . . . . . . . . . "Froslass, use Night Shade."

Wu You is the first to attack. After all, it is better to attack first. Attacking is better than defense.

A terrifying phantom appeared, and even though Shinji's Froslass was not scared, he was still hurt.

"Froslass, use Icy Wind."

Shinji glanced at his Froslass, then made Froslass attack.

"Froslass vs. Froslass. This battle is really troublesome. Use Psybeam."

Although Wu You said it was trouble, he didn't feel trouble in his heart. Although his Froslass has gone through several battles, his fighting power is still very strong.

Moreover, Wu You's Froslass is stronger than Shinji's Froslass. Shinji's Froslass is only the peak strength of Superior, while Wu You's Froslass is a quasi-Elite junior, and it is not a little bit stronger.

Icy Wind hit Wu You's Froslass, but it didn't have any effect. Then Wu You's Froslass' Psybeam hit Shinji's Froslass.

The ice cubes instantly condensed, and Shinji's Froslass was frozen in the blink of an eye.

Half a minute later, Froslass, who was frozen in ice, had not yet struggled out, and was directly counted as losing his fighting ability.

"Come back, Froslass."

Wu You took his Froslass back.

"You won this battle."

After Shinji took back his Pokémon, he left without looking back.

In the six-on-six battle, even the opponent's Pokémon was not defeated. Shinji felt ashamed, so he left Yu directly.

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