The Strongest Life Winner in Pokémon

Chapter 516 : A two-person show What, I left so rudely.

Serena didn't say much when she saw Shinji, so she left directly, so she couldn't help speaking.

"Otherwise, what else do you want? Do you still want him to congratulate me for winning"

Wu You shrugged.

"Xiaoyou, you are too shameful for others, and you let others lose so miserably. This will dampen others' self-confidence."

Cynthia said.

"Cut, if you came to accept the battle, would you be merciful?"

Wu You made a soft cut.

"I... Of course I won't, I am a woman, if I let him, wouldn't he be even more shameless."

"And some people are different, they are not merciful when facing women."

Cynthia glanced at Wu You, as if afraid that Wu You didn't know what he was talking about.

"That's because someone has to look for "One Nine Zero"

Torture, knowing that it is not an opponent, but still has to challenge, isn't it self-defeating. "

Wu You looked at the direction Shinji was leaving, as if he was talking about Shinji.

And Cynthia knew that Wu You was not talking about Shinji, but about her.

Before Wu You traveled, Cynthia often challenged Wu You, but at that time Wu You used mythical beasts. Naturally, Cynthia was abused.

Cynthia is very upset, she still remembers now, complaining that Wu You didn't know to let her.

However, at that time, Wu You could only use sacred beasts. At that time, he only had one Gabite, and he hadn’t evolved into Garchomp yet, so don’t you need the sacred beasts to send heads away. "You are now going to Hearthome City, right?"

Wu You nodded. If it hadn't been for knowing that Cynthia was here, Wu You and the others would not detour here.

"The gorgeous contest in Hearthome City is about to begin. Serena and Dawn are going to participate in the gorgeous contest. Let's go first. Sister, you can investigate here slowly."

Wu You is about to leave.

"Wait..., I will be with you too."

Cynthia stopped Wu You.

"Aren't you continuing to study this?"

Wu You pointed to this ruin and asked.

"It's just a ruin. Actually, there is nothing to study. The main purpose of my coming out is to avoid those... troublesome things, let the old guys in the Sinnoh Alliance take care of it."

Cynthia came out to study history only as a cover, and her main purpose was to avoid those. . . . . . . . . Heavy business.

"Can you still be like this, Sister Cynthia, I find that you are not a competent Champion."

Serena said.

"Haha, I didn't want to be a competent Champion."

Cynthia smiled and didn't care about Serena's words.

Cynthia also feels that he is not a competent Champion.

at least. . . . . . . . . . . . Compared with Lance, Xi is not qualified for his job, but Lance is also miserable, and his feet do not touch the ground.

"Anyway... those... old guys won't bother, I guess I wish I didn't care about it now."

Cynthia said.

There are a lot of things to deal with the galaxy. Now Cynthia has thrown the stall to them, and now they are too happy to have time.

"Then hurry up. By the way, the rules of the Hearthome conference are different. For two-player battles, you need to use two Pokémon."

Wu You reminded the two of them.

"Why use two Pokémon"

Dawn and Serena were surprised.

"Yeah, I know you didn't watch the rules of the Hearthome conference. It's not too late to tell you. When the conference really starts, it will be too late."

Wu You nodded, and he guessed that Dawn and Serena, both of them, had not inquired about the rules of the Hearthome conference.

"I haven't tried it at all. I really can't figure out how to do with two Pokémon."

Dawn's face was worried.

"This is indeed the case. The Hearthome conference is a conference with a relatively high gold content, and the participants are also very powerful. This time you may encounter strong enemies."

Wu You said.

"Now think of a way to cultivate the tacit understanding of the two Pokémon, and let's go through the first review."

"I can help you, don't worry, with the teaching of my Champion, there is absolutely no problem."

Cynthia assured them.

"Then Sister Cynthia, do you know the gorgeous contest well?"

Dawn asked curiously.

"No, she doesn't know anything about the gorgeous contest, and she doesn't even know the rules."

Before Cynthia spoke, Sabrina said it, which made Cynthia feel a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, although I haven't learned about the Gorgeous Competition, my strength lies here."

"It feels a bit unreliable."

Serena whispered. . . . . . Serena is not... Dawn, Dawn doesn't know Cynthia, but Serena already knows Cynthia very well.

Serena knows that Cynthia sometimes is quite unreliable.

"Serena, are you questioning my abilities"

Although Serena's muttering voice was very small, Cynthia heard it, and suddenly looked towards Serena.

Feeling Cynthia's stressful gaze, Serena shook her head.

"No, I really believe in your strength. After all, you are the Champion of Sinnoh Region."

"Then you should train according to my method, there is absolutely no problem."

Cynthia promised, patting her heart.

"Come on, let's find a professional person, Cynthia, you can't."

Wu You shook his head and said.

Cynthia is really good in battle, and may be confused in normal times, but he is not at all confused in the battle.

But the Gorgeous Tournament is not a Pokémon battle. In this regard, Cynthia is. . . A layman, like Wu You, Wu You is also a layman.

If Cynthia is asked to participate in the gorgeous contest, it is estimated that she will not even be able to pass the first round of review.

And Wu You participates in the gorgeous contest, it is almost the same. If Wu You uses the beast to participate in the gorgeous contest, it may pass the first round of review.

"At this time, you still have to contact May."

After all, May has been a coordination trainer for more than a year, and he has won more than 5 Champions.

1 is less.

In this regard, Serena and Dawn are incomparable to May, and May's experience is absolutely superior to them.

"But Cynthia, if you really want to teach them, then teach them to practice fighting, after all, they still need to fight in the second round of review."

The first round relied on performance. This Cynthia certainly won't, but if Pokémon is playing, Cynthia's talent and experience will definitely stand at the top of the world.

"okay then."

Cynthia was a little depressed, Xiaoyou didn't believe her ability.

But Cynthia thinks about it, he really hasn't understood, so don't mislead Serena and Dawn at all.

If Dawn and Serena can't pass because of her, then Cynthia will have no face.

"Let’s learn about the video of the duo performance first."

Wu You found some videos to let Serena and Dawn know about them.

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read, recommended

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