The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1881: Nine-color swallowing bird


The beauty in red nodded vigorously.

As a figure a thousand years ago, she certainly knew how terrifying the great **** in front of her was.

Although he was killed by a group of people in the past, the skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and she is not able to provoke a small evil way to reincarnate now!

Therefore, the beauty in red made a decisive decision and said: "I will leave this little girl's body immediately."

Hearing this, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and then asked, "What strength was your previous life?"

"Quasi Martial Saint."

The beauty in red answered honestly.

"Quasi Martial Saint, but has the ability to stop time, you are not a human race?"

Lin Chen asked.

The red-dressed beauty said lightly: "Yes, I am not a human race, I am a nine-color swallowing bird."

"Nine-color swallowing bird?"

Lin Chen smiled.

This race was notorious thousands of years ago.

Because everyone in this race, from the patriarch to the newborn, is broken to the bone!

The beauty in front of her, although her appearance is coquettish and charming, her heart must be extremely vicious.

"No wonder Qin Changkong's servant would commit suicide. It seems that your reputation at the time was quite stinky."

Lin Chen smiled.

Upon hearing this, the beauty in red scratched her head awkwardly, not knowing how to answer.

Lin Chen said again: "In this way, you continue to stay in her body."


The red-dressed beauty stared slightly.


Did I hear it wrong?

Did he agree with me to take her away?

However, even if he agreed, I dare not take home anymore!

I have only one thought now, that is to stay away from you, to stay away from you completely!

Staying by the side of someone like you, I will sleep all night, even sleeping!

Therefore, the woman in red wants to shirk.

However, before she spoke, Lin Chen said again: "You help her improve her strength. During this period, I will choose a more suitable host for you to rebirth, how about?"

The red-dressed beauty didn't want to stay by Lin Chen's side, so she shook her head and said, "I don't have to bother adults with this little thing..."

However, before she finished speaking, Lin Chen said: "If you let you do it, do it, don't talk so much nonsense."

The voice was cold, and the tone contained domineering.

"Ok, no problem!"

The attitude of the beauty in red suddenly turned upside down, and she respectfully nodded in agreement.

"I remember your patriarch of the Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Bird, he seems to be called... Li Tian, ​​right?"

Lin Chen suddenly asked again.

"The patriarch Litian is an old patriarch. He retired because he was injured when he was practicing in retreat."

Said the red beauty.

"Something went wrong during retreat practice? Huh."

Lin Chen laughed directly.

Seeing Lin Chen's gentle smile, the red-clothed woman's heart shook, and a bold guess came out of her heart.

Could it be that the man in front of the man in front of him hit the wound on Patriarch Litian's body?

"That old guy has a high self-esteem, and he dared to come over to provoke my friends back then, but I was not in Zhanwu Continent at that time, so I only used a clone. If not, could he still live the Hui people back then?"

Lin Chen said with a smile.

The beauty in red only felt sweat on her forehead.

But she is just a divine sense now, of course it is impossible to sweat.

She was shocked.

Li Tian is the most talented and accomplished patriarch of the Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Bird since its creation, and the only reincarnation martial sage of the Nine-Colored Sky Swallowing Bird since ancient times.

After the plowing sky retreated, the Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Bird clan declined and eventually went to extinction.

When Plow Sky was in power, the Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Bird was at its peak and became notorious for the entire Zhanwu Continent.

Li Tian is a reincarnation martial sage, and Lin Chen is also a reincarnation martial sage.

I thought that the strength of the two should not be much different, after all, Samsara Wusheng has no distinction between high and low.

However, a clone of Lin Chen could actually defeat Li Tian?

If this matter is placed on other Samsara Martial Saints, then the beauty in red will definitely have a questioning attitude.

However, she would not doubt Lin Chen.

You know, the battle between Lin Chen and Qin Changkong and others shocked the entire continent!

More than a dozen reincarnation martial sages besieged one Lin Chen, but Lin Chen killed seven or eight. Except Qin Changkong, all the others were seriously injured, leaving a sequelae that can never be eliminated!

One can imagine how terrifying Lin Chen is!

However, Lin Chen's reputation after death was also notorious in Zhanwu Continent.

He was the strongest rogue. He didn't abide by the rules and was not bound by etiquette and law. After his death in the battle, Qin Changkong was charged with a lot of unreasonable charges, which caused his reputation for a while.

Later, Qin Changkong stipulated that everyone in Zhanwu Continent could not mention Lin Chen's name. Lin Chen was gradually forgotten, so that few of the current martial sages and reincarnation sages knew Lin Chen.

The beauty in red in front of her was a Martial Emperor when Lin Chen was alive, so she naturally knew Lin Chen's name.

Moreover, she once worshipped Lin Chen.

She is an evil way, do whatever she wants, and act recklessly, and Lin Chen also does what she wants. Although not an evil way, she is almost the same as an evil way.

Therefore, Lin Chen became her idol.

However, when she was actually talking face to face with Lin Chen, she felt terrified.

Just like now, she was by Lin Chen's side, she didn't dare to speak at all, feeling that her whole body was trembling, and the crisis of death always enveloped her heart.

She was really afraid that Lin Chen would step on him to death!

But Lin Chen had only one purpose when he said about the past life: to shock.

She can use Nangongqian's body to display extremely powerful strength and stop time, which is very tricky.

Lin Chen was worried that she would rebel in the future and stabbed a knife in the back, so today we must completely convince her!

However, the beauty in red was once a quasi-martial sage no matter what, her temperament and experience needless to say, it is not advisable to deter her by intimidation alone.

Therefore, Lin Chen was ready to give her some sweetness.

He said lightly: "You can rest assured, as long as you keep your promise, then I will fulfill my promise to rebirth you, and even make you a martial sage, even a reincarnation."

Before he finished his words, a round of black holes appeared behind Lin Chen. The black holes were extremely deep. As they slowly rotated, they released an extremely mysterious energy fluctuation, causing this divine consciousness space to shake violently.


The beauty in the red dress suddenly stared!

She did not become a real martial artist all her life. The reason is that she did not get the approval of heaven!

God does not recognize her, she naturally cannot become a saint martial artist!

In order to become a martial artist, she often retreats and breaks through, but every time she fails.

However, because of this, she is very familiar with the breath of heaven.

And the breath that the black hole emits is almost exactly the same as the breath of God!

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