The red woman's eyes widened.

It is really hard for her to imagine that in a human body, there is the power of heaven?

This is too unreasonable!

Looking at the surprised expression of the red-clothed woman, Lin Chen smiled slightly, his thoughts moved, and the black vortex behind him disappeared instantly.

And the energy that caused the entire divine consciousness space to sway was gradually dissipated.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "As for you, just stay in Nangongqian's body and help her improve her strength. As for me, I will find a more suitable body for you to rebirth. This is a fortune. Transaction, understand?"


The woman in red nodded vigorously.

Before, she still thought carefully, that is, to report Lin Chen's still alive to Qin Changkong.

Qin Changkong is the number one powerhouse in the mainland, and his methods are great. If he can make Qin Changkong owe him a favor, let alone a martial sage, she can become a martial sage of Samsara!

But now, she changed her mind.

It stands to reason that all the creatures in Zhanwu Continent live under the Dao of Heaven. Even the most powerful and powerful can only be recognized by the Dao of Heaven, and cannot possess the power of the Dao of Heaven.

But this man is not so!

Therefore, Lin Chen's height in her heart is actually much higher than Qin Changkong!

She is an evil way and pursues the concept of "people don't punish the earth for oneself", so she is quite sure that she will stand in the same boat with Lin Chen, and advance and retreat together!

Of course, she was very cunning, if Lin Chen behaved very ordinary, then she would betray immediately.

Therefore, what follows is an observation period.

"If this guy can show extraordinary potential, then I will stand with him; if he is ordinary, then I will fall to Qin Changkong. Although Qin Changkong is my enemy, I don’t want to be like Qin Changkong. The strong fight against."

The woman in red made a secret decision in her heart.

Lin Chen is well aware of the cunning of the woman in red. Unless he tramples her to death, Lin Chen really has nothing to do with her right now, so he can only hold her steady first, and it won’t be too late to deal with her after she is strong. .

The two have their own calculations.

"What's your name?"

Lin Chen asked.

"My name is Hong Ling."

The woman in red replied.


Lin Chen was surprised and said, "I remember that the surnames of your nine-color swallowing birds are divided by colors. Different colors represent different status levels. White starts with black and the middle is red, orange, yellow, green, and green. Lan Zi, since your surname is red, it means that you are on the second stairway among the nine-color swallowing birds clan?"

Upon hearing this, Hong Ling hesitated for a moment, as if she had something to say, but in the end, she still said softly, "Well, that's right."


The divine consciousness space slowly dissipated.

Lin Chen's consciousness returned to his body.

outside world.

Lin Chen and Nangong Qian were still kissing.

Tongue kiss.

When Lin Chen opened his eyes, the first thing that caught the eye was Nangongqian's beautiful pretty face.

"This should be Senior Sister's first kiss, right?"

A sly color flashed in Lin Chen's eyes.

But the next moment, Lin Chen's brows suddenly wrinkled slightly.

Because he felt a chill.

A deep chill!

He immediately retracted his tongue, pushed Nangong Qian away, and at the same time stepped back half a step, turning his head to look behind him.

I saw there, wearing a peerless beauty wrapped in a light blue dress.


However, Yang Liuqing's eyes were quite cold at this time, and his face was covered with a layer of frost, which made people shudder.

Lin Chen felt like he wanted to explain.

However, before he spoke, Yang Liuqing asked coldly: "Is it comfortable?"

"Ah? What's comfortable?"

Lin Chen opened his mouth, pretending to be puzzled, and said, "I am just trying to save her. There is no other meaning. Don't think too much..."

However, as soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, Nangongqian's clear and melodious voice sounded between the world: "I feel quite comfortable."

Lin Chen immediately turned to look at Nangong Qian behind him.

Nangong Qian had already opened her eyes at this time, stretched out her fragrant soft tongue and licked her red lips, which was extremely seductive.

Yang Liuqing's face became colder than before.

Nangongqian directly took Lin Chen's arm and said, "You saved me, and I want to report back to you. How about showing me a promise?"

Three black lines appeared on Lin Chen's forehead, facing Yang Liuqing's cold gaze behind him, and said, "Sister, don't be kidding, how do you feel about your body?"

"It's nothing serious."

Nangong smiled softly.

Before Lin Chen could reply, Yang Liuqing said coldly: "Since there is nothing serious, then you should let him go."

After speaking, Yang Liuqing forced Lin Chen and Nangongqian apart.

At this time, Nangong Qian saw that the Taoist God in the world was standing not far away, waving at her.

Nangong Qian said, "I'll report on the situation."

After speaking, Nangongqian took a step towards the Taoist God on earth.

When Nangong Qian walked away, Yang Liuqing first took out a handkerchief, wiped off the lipstick mark at the corner of Lin Chen's mouth, and then said: "What happened just now?"

Lin Chen replied: "Senior Sister was almost taken over by a nine-color swallowing bird just now..."

After listening to Lin Chen's explanation, Yang Liuqing frowned slightly and said, "The Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Bird is a very evil race. Can you believe her?"

"At present, she dare not make any moths, and she can also help senior sister improve her strength, so letting her stay in senior sister's body temporarily has more advantages than disadvantages."

Lin Chen replied, "After I become Wu Zun, I will try to seal her. As long as I seal her, there will be no problem at all."

Yang Liuqing said, "Actually, I think it's better to kill the red silk to avoid future troubles."

Then the conversation changed again: "However, you have a plan. I will always support any decision you make."

"Qing'er, hug~"

Lin Chen wanted to take Yang Liuqing into his arms.

Yang Liuqing pointed to the front, and said, "The palm teaches us to pass."

Lin Chen turned around and saw the Taoist God in the world beckoning.

The two had to go forward.

The Taoist God in the world didn’t talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: “Since the evil beast was suppressed, there would be no major problem in a short time. However, Nangong Qian killed so many people on Wuying Peak, I am afraid it will be criticized. , Lin Chen, what are you planning?"

Lin Chen said: "You can make the truth of the matter public. Wuyingfeng will eat inside and out, collude with the Baichaoyu Supervision Department, and destroy him. It is reasonable."

The Taoist God on Earth didn’t even know about Wuyingfeng’s collusion with the Supervision Department. Hearing this, his eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately said: “Go, go back to the main hall first. I will gather all the elders to carefully discuss how to deal with the Supervision Department. ."

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