The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1887: Positioning and goals

In fact, Lin Chen didn't have any good solutions.

In the case of the Supervision Department, you can't beat and beat, and you can't run.

Therefore, we can only rely on external forces.

The only thing Lin Chen thought of was the Eternal Medicine Sect.

However, Lin Chen did not know the true strength of the Supervision Department.

If the background of the Supervision Department is really an "old friend" of Lin Chen a thousand years ago, then no matter how powerful the Eternal Medicine Sect is, it may not necessarily be the opponent of the Supervision Department.

Before investigating clearly, Lin Chen didn't want to drag the Eternal Medicine Sect into the water.

"The organization of the Department of Supervision and I share the same hatred. I must destroy them. This is my current goal."

Lin Chen squinted his eyes.

No matter when and where he is, Lin Chen likes to "position himself" and "set goals."

And now, Lin Chen's goal is very clear: to destroy the Supervision Department by all means, not only to avenge Qinger, but also for his own future!

Lin Chen is also very clear about his position: the enemy is the Supervision Department, but he can't fight it alone, and he can't escape, so he can only rely on external forces.

"Positioning is the starting point, the goal is the end, and the process between the start and the end is what I will do next."

Lin Chen made a decision in his heart: "First, investigate the true strength of the Supervision Department. If the Wangu Yaozong can deal with it, then let the Wangu Yaozong send someone over. If the Wangu Yaozong is not its opponent, then think of other methods."

Lin Chen made a decision in his mind: Well, take advantage of these three days to thoroughly investigate the Supervision Department!


After half a day.

In the forest.

Lin Chen was galloping holding Yoyo.

Yoyo let out a beautiful voice, and asked, "Benevolence and grace, where are we going now?"

"Go to the Supervision Department."

Lin Chen replied.

"Oh, is that very evil force?"

Yoyo asked, blinking her big eyes.

"Who told you they were evil?"

Lin Chen teased and asked.

"Sister Nangongqian."

Youyou replied: "Sister Nangongqian said that the Supervision Department is a very evil and hateful organization.

Hearing this, Lin Chen smiled and said nothing.

"My dear, don't worry, you will help you."

You You said delicately.

"Thank you Yoyo then."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Lin Chen was fast, and within an hour, he approached the area under the jurisdiction of the Supervision Department.

The Supervision Department is not a sect, so the jurisdiction area is not large, and the radiation area is not wide. The real jurisdiction area is equivalent to a small village.

The base camp of the Supervision Department is located in the depths of the forest. Through layers of leaves, Lin Chen can hear the noise coming from the depths of the forest.

And the closer you get, the louder the noise and the intensive sound of gongs and drums, it seems that some ritual activities are being held inside.

Lin Chen stopped, frowning slightly.

At the same time, Yo-yo asked, "Benevolent man, what are they doing? Why are they so messy?"

Lin Chen said: "Go, go over and take a look."

After speaking, he first hid his own breath, and then walked forward quietly holding Yoyo in his arms.

He didn't deliberately conceal Yoyo's breath, because Yoyo's body organization is very peculiar, unlike other creatures in Zhanwu Continent, so as long as she is silent, she will not be discovered.


There is a huge building in the depths of the forest. The whole body is pitch black, and the construction looks very aggressive, with a sense of attack, like a sleeping beast, crawling motionless on the ground.

In front of the building, there is a martial arts training ground, covering a huge area. At this time, two people are fighting in it.

The strength of these two people is the Seventh Rank Nirvana, but the battle between them did not use Yuan Li, but physically fought each other, every punch and every palm reached the flesh.

And around the martial arts ground, there are dozens of people standing, with varying strengths, the strong have the Nine-turn Nirvana state, and the weak have only the Sky King state.

However, at the highest point of the martial arts field, there were three elderly people sitting in front of a red cloth table. Obviously, the three of them were judges.

The man on the left was an old white-haired woman with piercing eyes and strong heroic spirit. At this moment, he was watching the battle in the martial arts field intently, nodding his head constantly, and his expression was quite satisfied.

The man on the right is a black-haired old woman, but her eyes are very muddy, as if her eyes are dim, and the old one can't see things clearly. At this moment, she is squinting her eyes and watching the battle with no expression on her face.

The man in the middle is a white-haired old man with a national character face, giving people an extremely majestic feeling. At this moment, he is bowing his head and closing his eyes, as if he is sleeping, and doesn't even look at the martial arts field.

The three have different appearances and different behaviors.

However, the strength of the three of them is the same-Wu Zun!

On the surface, Dao Zong only had two martial arts, but now, as soon as Lin Chen arrived, he saw the three martial arts of the Supervision Department!

Lin Chen hid in the grass, looking at the three old people in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly and said: According to intelligence, there are no more than eight martial masters in the Supervision Department. Qinger killed three before and Feng Zhan was injured. One, plus these three, a total of seven martial arts have appeared. In other words, if the information is correct, at most one Wu Zun in the Supervision Department has not shown up.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen smiled.

I didn't expect to see such an important piece of information when I first arrived.

In addition to the lower Wu Zun who was wounded before, there are now four lower Wu Zun and an unknown Wu Zun.

In order to obtain more information, Lin Chen continued to lie in the grass, watching quietly.

The fierce battle in the martial arts field continues.

However, this long-lasting battle will soon come to its end.

In the beginning, the two did not want to go up and down, and their physical performance was almost the same in terms of attack power, defense power, and speed.

However, the endurance of the two is quite different.

A fat man, wide and fat, is like a ball.

A thin man with a thin body, as if falling down in the wind.

The fat man's endurance is obviously not as good as the thin man, so he fell into a decline.

"That fat guy is going to lose."

Lin Chen thought while looking at the martial arts field.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the thin man to hit the fat man in the throat, knocking him out, and his fat body fell straight to the ground with a bang, unconscious.

"it is good!"

The crowd cheered.

The thin man clasped his fists at three Wu Zun.

The white-haired old woman said, "Wang Liang is the winner of this ring match. A drop of the supreme spiritual liquid is rewarded!"

Before she finished her words, she flicked her finger and suddenly a crystal clear jade bottle appeared out of thin air, flew out, and fell into the hands of the thin man.

The thin man's face was overjoyed, and he immediately accepted the jade bottle, and at the same time bowed his hand to the old white-haired woman to show his thanks.

"The next ring battle will be held in a quarter of an hour, and Wang Liang is ready."

The white-haired old woman said with a loud voice.

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