The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1888: Supreme Spirit Liquid

The so-called ring battle means that one person is standing on the ring and the others are in the ring. When that person is beaten to the ground, then the host of the ring will be replaced.

Today's challenger is the thin man named Wang Liang.

In the next two consecutive games, Wang Liang did not lose.

However, the interval between each game was only a quarter of an hour, and Wang Liang could not rest at all.

After many consecutive battles, Wang Liang had collapsed and was out of breath.

Therefore, in the third battle, Wang Liang was easily defeated by an eight-turn Nirvana state.

But even so, Wang Liang was quite happy.

Because he has harvested three drops of Supreme Spirit Essence!

"Supreme Spirit Liquid?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

In his memory, there is the impression of the words "Supreme Spirit Liquid".

"It is impossible for Baichaoyu to extract such things as Supreme Spirit Liquid. It seems that the background of the Supervision Department is indeed a force outside the Baichaoyu."

Lin Chen said heartily.

The longer he lay in the grass, the more intelligence Lin Chen obtained.

On the martial arts field.

The main challenger is replaced and a new round of defense begins.

Lin Chen was lying in the grass, watching motionlessly.

Time passed slowly.

Before I knew it, the sun had already reached the west, and it was about to set.

Since Wang Liang, the ringmaster has changed eight, and now the one who is guarding the ring is a burly man at the pinnacle of the eighth-turn Nirvana state.

"Who else?"

The burly man, with his head full of blood, roared around with a terrifying expression.

However, as soon as his voice fell, a man in white fell from the sky, slowly falling in front of the burly man like an immortal.

He held a long sword, his face was indifferent, his expression disdainful, and he asked: "Did you take the initiative to surrender, or did I beat you to surrender?"

"Bai Zitian, don't think you were the top three in the 100-dynasty domain youth list. I am afraid of you. Come on, let's make two gestures!"

The burly man roared loudly.

"Signing with you will dirty my sword."

The man in white did not look at the burly man at all, but at the sword in his hand, and then sighed lightly and said, "Well, this is the rule of beating. If this is the case, then, my old friend, I will wrong you first."

After finishing speaking, he first stroked the blade of the long sword with his palm, and then raised the sword in his hand high. A bright light burst out from the blade, and his anger was pressing.

When the burly man saw this scene, his face was filled with caution in an instant, and he was obviously aware of the power of the man in white.

Lin Chen lay down in the grass, watching this scene, and said in his heart: That muscular man is about to lose.

Suddenly his eyes flashed slightly, and he said to his heart: These younger fighters are all people from a hundred dynasties? This Supervision Department is very good at playing, knowing that it will take a long time for them to gain a foothold in the Hundred Chaos Domain based on their own power. That's why they will recruit the powerful from the Hundred Chaos Domain.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's face was also full of solemnity.

The more you look, the more you can feel the horror of the organization of the Supervision Department. Although the opponent is powerful, they are not completely dependent on strength, but are good at using strategies.

Courageous and intent, this kind of force, even Lin Chen in the previous life, didn't want to provoke him.

"It seems that I have encountered the toughest enemy since rebirth."

Lin Chen said heartily.

At this time, the battle on the martial arts field has also been resolved.

Sure enough, the burly man was defeated.

The white-clothed man harvested a drop of supreme spiritual liquid, and a smile appeared on that iceberg-like face.

In the battle just now, he also proved his strength, the Ninth Rank Nirvana.

You know, there are not many Ninth-turn Nirvana in the scene.

The man in white stood on the martial arts field, and after a full quarter of an hour, no one came up to fight.

There was a curve of pride on the corners of his mouth.

Lao Tzu is so awesome!

At this time, a Ninth-turn Nirvana is about to move.

This is a woman, she looks like she is thirty or forty years old, her charm still exists.

Although she is not sure if she is the opponent of the man in white, she can only fight for the supreme spiritual liquid!

However, she hadn't played yet, and suddenly a voice rang from the sky: "Since there is no one to deal with you, let me come."

A beautiful figure in a yellow shirt fell from the sky, slowly falling in front of the man in white.

This is a woman in a yellow shirt. Although she is not overwhelming, she is extremely attractive.

The more you look, the better the type.

With the same strength as the white-clothed man, she is also a Nine-turn Nirvana.

The man in white did not know the woman in the yellow shirt, so he frowned slightly and asked, "Who is your excellency?"

"Fight, fight, what are you doing with so much nonsense? You can ask those three people if I am qualified to participate in this ring battle?"

The woman in yellow shirt pointed to three Wu Zun.

The man in white cast his gaze on the three Wu Zun.

Although the woman in the yellow shirt was a little disrespectful to the three, the three did not care about anything, all nodded in agreement.

"In that case, then, girl, I will fight you."

The man in white turned his head and bowed his hands to the woman in the yellow shirt. Qianqian said politely, "Under the name Baizi..."

However, he hadn't finished speaking yet, in the palm of the woman in the yellow shirt, a ball glowing with blue light slowly condensed out.

"Wow! Wow!..."

The sound of the waves roared between the world and the earth, and in that blue light pill, there seemed to be a sea!

The face of the man in white changed slightly, and he realized the horror of this trick, and he shut up immediately, and at the same time he sealed his hands with his own means.

At the same time, among the grass.

Lin Chen's expression became a little strange.

Because he knew the woman in the yellow shirt.

The guardian of the Ten Thousand Demon Tuxian Land is a real martial emperor powerhouse.

The martial emperor had a granddaughter, and there was nothing unusual about the Ten Thousand Demon Tuxian Land on weekdays, so she replaced her grandfather to help protect the Ten Thousand Demon Tuxian Land.

That's right, the woman in the yellow shirt on the martial arts field is the granddaughter of Emperor Wu!

"What is she doing here? Has her grandfather been taken over by the Supervision Department?"

Lin Chen frowned, his mind uncertain.

Her grandfather is second to none among the hundreds of dynasties.

After all, the native living martial emperor among the Hundred Dynasties is not common.

If the Supervision Department wants to gain a foothold in the realm of hundreds of dynasties, it must first obtain their "consent."

To obtain their "consent", using violence is the most simple and clear.

"Let's watch the changes."

Lin Chen lay in the grass for a long time, his right arm was already a little numb, and he quietly changed to his left arm to support his body, holding Yoyo in his right hand.

At this time, the battle on the martial arts field has also become clear.

The woman in the yellow shirt is the granddaughter of the Wuhuang strong man, and her combat power is naturally extremely tyrannical. Of course, she is not comparable to a man in white.

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