The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1897: Coping method

Loud and thunderous voices are resounding in this world!

The face of the woman in the yellow shirt was immediately pulled down.

Isn't it too "timely" for this face to be hit?

The Taoist God in the world looked at the woman in the yellow shirt with a smile, but the next moment, his face became serious, and he looked up to the sky.

Zhong Lingyu said: "What to do? The other party is a martial emperor, we are probably not his opponent."

After speaking, Zhong Lingyu looked at the woman in the yellow shirt and let her make her own decision.

The woman in the yellow shirt groaned for a while, her eyes flickered, then she looked at Lin Chen and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Chen shrugged, "This is your business, it has nothing to do with me."

"You are really a ruthless man."

The woman in the yellow shirt made a mockery.

"thank you."

Lin Chen spread his hands indifferently.

In fact, Lin Chen was not ruthless and unjust, but he believed that the woman in the yellow shirt must have a trump card.

No matter how she said she was also the granddaughter of the Wuhuang strong man, it was impossible to even have this hole card.

Sure enough, the next moment, the woman in the yellow shirt sighed and said, "Since you don't help me, then I can only help myself, Lin Chen, you help me up."

Lin Chen flicked his sleeves, releasing a gentle force, wanting to hold up the graceful and delicate body of the yellow shirt woman.

However, as soon as Lin Chen's Yuanli touched the yellow shirt woman's body, it was instantly disintegrated, like remnant snow meeting lava, disappearing without a trace.

The woman in the yellow shirt said: "My body has been covered by the power of the Emperor Wu, unless it is the power of the same realm of the Emperor Wu, otherwise it will not be able to get close to my body, you should honestly support me with your hands."

Even if she didn't say these words, Lin Chen knew.

Lin Chen just wanted to test it.

He helped the girl in the yellow shirt and stood on the ground.

Almost at the same time...


A huge sound like a bomb exploded, suddenly rang above the sky!

Immediately afterwards, the entire Dao Sect trembled at this moment, and the ground with a radius of several thousand feet began to rumbling and shaking, as if a major earthquake had occurred!

Lin Chen and the others immediately looked up to the sky.

Above the sky, a huge fireball of hundreds of feet dropped from the sky, covering the sky and clouding the sky, and the light was brighter than the scorching sun, carrying a powerful force, and fell on an invisible wall!

This wall was in the shape of an inverted bowl, covering the entire Dao Zong. The fireball fell on the wall. Although the wall was blasted with cracks after another, the energy in the fireball was exhausted. The wall is not broken either.

However, countless cracks are suspended in the sky like spider webs, which is very unsightly.

"I won't tell you the third time, hand over that girl. If not, the old man will flatten your Dao Sect today! The old man will only give you half an hour to consider!"

The voice turned into a billowing wind and thunder, resounding from the sky, echoing throughout the Dao Sect!

"This old immortal thing, when Grandpa comes back, he must be beaten into a pig again!"

The woman in the yellow shirt gritted her teeth and looked resentful.

After that, she stopped grind, looked at Lin Chen squintingly and said, "Lin Chen, you pull out my little pocket, the pink one, close to the body, don't pull it wrong."


Lin Chen was taken aback, standing still, motionless.

"You heard it right, hurry up, no ink!"

The yellow shirt woman ordered.

"Can't you let her do it?"

Lin Chen glanced at Zhong Lingyu and asked.

Although Lin Chen doesn't reject this matter, there are other women here. Wouldn't you be ashamed to let me do this kind of thing?

However, the woman in the yellow shirt resolutely said: "If you let you do it, you can do it, don't be so inked, only you can do this."

At this point, Lin Chen didn't hesitate anymore, he rushed to his authority.

"You two turned around."

The woman in the yellow shirt looked at the Taoist God and Zhong Lingyu on earth and said.

The Taoist God in the world turned away without saying a word.

Zhong Lingyu pointed at himself and asked in a delicate manner: "I am a girl, do I need to turn around?"

"Of course, except for him and me, everyone else must turn around!"

The yellow jersey woman nodded her head.

"Oh, OK."

Zhong Lingyu pursed his mouth and turned around.

After that, Lin Chen "three under five divided two" (actually very strenuous), pulled out the yellow shirt woman's little pocket.

It was pink, warm and with a hint of body fragrance.

Lin Chen clamped the nails between his index finger and thumb, and his right arm was straightened, so the little belly was far away from his body, and he didn't seem to want to touch this fragrant little belly at all.

Seeing this scene, the woman in the yellow shirt was immediately unhappy, and asked angrily: "What is your expression? Are you so disgusting with me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, what should I do next?"

Lin Chen rolled his eyes.

"Easy, you put it on."

The tone of the woman in the yellow jersey was understated.

Lin Chen almost jumped up!

What the hell?

Did I hear it wrong?

You let me wear your little belly?

You old man, wearing women's underwear, isn't this insulting?

However, even though Lin Chen didn't want to, he didn't say much. Instead, he stared at the pink little belly with sharp eyes, trying to discover its clues and strangeness.

After all, Lin Chen was very knowledgeable. After a few breaths, Lin Chen realized the clues and squinted his eyes and said, "You want me to pretend to be your grandfather?"

"Oh? How did you see it?"

The girl in the yellow shirt originally had an expression that looked like a smile or a mockery, but when she heard Lin Chen's words, her expression suddenly changed and her tone became incredible, she asked.

"If I can't even see this thing, then my eyes will grow for nothing."

Lin Chen smiled proudly.

The girl in the yellow shirt was silent for a while, and then said, "Lin Chen, Lin Chen, my grandfather is right, you really are not an ordinary person."

"The old man is quite discerning."

Lin Chen smiled triumphantly.

"Since you have seen it, then I won't sell it to you. Put on it and you can temporarily transform into my grandfather's appearance, and temporarily possess my grandfather's abilities. It's easy to force back that old immortal thing."

The woman in the yellow shirt spoke freely.

"Then why didn't you use it before?"

Lin Chen asked.

The woman in the yellow shirt sighed softly: "I have been imprisoned before I can use it. And this little pocket can only be used once in my life, I don't want to waste it."

Speaking of this, the woman in the yellow jersey turned her head and added: "You can wear it in your clothes. No one can see it anyway. After it's done, you can take it off and give it to me."

However, as soon as the woman in the yellow shirt finished speaking, the Taoist God and Zhong Lingyu turned around together, staring straight at the pink object in Lin Chen's hand!

Both of them have a smile but a smile, and they look so cheap!

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