"Does it have to be worn?"

Lin Chen looked at the pink object in his hand, smelled the faint fragrance on it, and asked.

The woman in the yellow shirt replied: "Yes, you have no other choice."

"Your grandpa didn't tell you another way?"

Lin Chen asked.

The woman in the yellow shirt squinted her eyes: "Do you have any other methods?"

Lin Chen did not answer this question, but said with a smile: "Your grandfather should think that this little pocket belly is worn on your body, and you can use its power anytime and anywhere, so your grandpa only told you one way. I didn't tell you the second method."

"what way?"

The yellow shirt woman asked suspiciously.

Lin Chen didn't answer, but curled the little pink pocket into a ball and stuffed it into his pocket.

"What do you want to do?"

The woman in the yellow shirt became more confused.

Lin Chen smiled mysteriously: "You'll find out later."


Time flies quickly.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Aloft, an old black-haired old man with an old face but a straight waist was sitting on a cloud. His face was indifferent and he was not humiliated. It seemed that even if the sky fell, his expression would not change at all.

His breath is perfectly converged in his body, without a trace of leakage, and there is no wind around him, and he looks like a most ordinary old man from a distance.

However, when you get close to him three or five feet away, then even a fool can feel his powerful and even terrifying aura!

This is an aura that can only be possessed by killing at least 100,000 people!

The old man looked at the sun above his head, pinched his fingers to calculate the time, and muttered, "A quarter of an hour is up."

He slowly stood up from the white cloud, stretched his waist, his body shook slightly, bright light came out of his eyes, and then a terrifying aura poured out of his body, turning into a torrential river. Shock space!


In an instant, the void with a radius of several thousand meters was distorted by the aura pressure. Within this range, all the birds fainted instantly and all fell.

The next moment, the black-haired old man opened his thin lips slightly, and let out a deep and loud shout: "The time has come. Since you don't hand over that girl, the old man will step down Dao Sect today!"

The old man only moved his throat a little, but his voice was louder than Feng Lei, resounding thousands of feet!

Before he could finish his words, the old man raised his right foot and stomped on the vast martial art below!


The endless air exploded in an instant. With the old man's right foot as the center, the vast void directly turned into a vacuum, without a trace of air!

The vacuum took the shape of a foot, transforming into a huge foot, descending from the sky, slowly descending to the sect below.

The sky suddenly lost its light, the earth began to tremble violently, and the sky collapsed!

Of course, at this moment, a figure of a man flew out of Dao Sect, turned into a straight streamer, soaring upright into the sky!

His speed is extremely fast, accompanied by a loud "boom", directly burst the vacuum giant feet, and came to the black-haired old man in the blink of an eye.


The black-haired old man was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that there was a Martial Emperor in Dao Sect.

However, the next moment, when he fixed his eyes, his expression instantly became unstable!

Five feet away in front of him, stood a middle-aged man who seemed to be in his early thirties, with black hair and black clothes, sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome and picturesque.

He also carried a huge sword on his back. This huge sword was black and copper in color, and the blade was larger than him, and it looked very discordant.

Anyone who has a bit of eye-sight can see his gentle and jade-like character at a glance, and he must be a person with a very good temper.

However, the black-haired old man pointed at the man with a trembling finger and exclaimed: "Wh, why are you?!"

"Why can't it be me?"

The man smiled softly and calmly.

The black-haired old man is extremely incredible: "You, you, haven't you followed that adult to the Emperor's Domain in Zhongzhou..."

However, before he could finish speaking, the man smiled and interrupted: "My granddaughter is in danger of life. I, the grandfather, will naturally come back to save her. By the way, get rid of the guy who is dangerous to her."

In the end, the man's tone has become extremely cold!

A swishing cold wind blows between the heaven and the earth, and the cold is deep into the bone!

The expression of the black-haired old man became extremely complicated at this moment, his eyes were also uncertain, and he was obviously thinking crazy.

The cold wind blows away all the white clouds in a radius of several thousand feet.

Suddenly, the black-haired old man had a grim expression and yelled: "I don't believe you are real!"

Before the words were over, the black-haired old man squeezed his right hand abruptly, and the surface of his fist shone with bright golden light, and an extremely sharp aura swept out!

"Golden Light Cracking Sky Fist!"

With a sigh in his heart, the black-haired old man punched the man and blasted out!


Golden light flashed!

In an instant, with a radius of 30,000 feet, the white clouds and air were neatly cut in half instantly!

Looking at the golden light that roared like a blade in front, the man smiled contemptuously, his lips lightly opened, and he let out a majestic scorn: "Hehe, why is this trick again? The last time you used this trick, I almost killed him. , Why, you don’t have such a long memory? Or, you just want to die like this?"

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the black-haired old man directly shrank to the extreme!

Almost at the same time, the man raised his right hand and waved his sleeve lightly.


A torrent of force, turned into the waves and roared out!

Although the golden light was extremely sharp, it was submerged by the waves, and disappeared without a trace in a few blinks of an eye.

The black-haired old man's "Golden Light Cracking Sky Fist" was easily resolved by a man!

However, the huge waves of power that the man shook his sleeves only consumed half, and the remaining half continued to roll forward, towards the black-haired old man!

The turbulent aura hits his face, making the face of the black-haired old man change drastically!

He is very aware of this breath!

This is a shame he will never forget in his life!

"You actually came back!"

The black-haired old man gritted his teeth and glared at the man!

"I dare to take action against my granddaughter. I will destroy you when I return today."

The man's tone had already become extremely cold, and his murderous intent broke out!

Although the black-haired old man really wanted to take the shame of the snow in the first battle, he knew his strength very well. He was not a man's opponent at all!

A man slings him is like playing!

Therefore, without any entanglement, the black-haired old man immediately turned and ran!

Can't afford to provoke?

"Huang Zhongtian, wait for the old man, and the old man will report the old and new hatreds sooner or later!"

However, before running, the black-haired old man made a cruel remark.

It's just that his embarrassed and rat-like runaway appearance does not match this cruel remark. Not only will it not make people jealous, but it will only make people feel funny and ridiculous.

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