Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

"The three of you summoned me here, but you didn't reveal your true body, what do you mean? Are you playing with us?" Someone stood up immediately, sighing in dissatisfaction.

They are all "responding" to the call of the three sages, so they came here. The three sages said that they are going to host a large event here, which will have great benefits for everyone. Attracted so many people.

I just didn't expect that after they came here, they only saw the phantom of the three sages of the Sect, and did not find the true body of the three sages of the Sect. In the face of people's doubts, at this time, the thin man in the center of the three false images spoke, "Hello, please be calm, the three of us need to deal with some important things, so the body is not here. Here, however, we have arranged our spokesperson, Ling Tian

To host this event for us. "

The mouther was dressed in black, with a long and slender figure, and a handsome face. Among the five elements, it gave people an extremely dangerous feeling. It is the first of the three sages of the Sect-Luo Xiu!

His voice was loud, like thunder, echoing in this square, endless.


"The Fourth Man of the Sect, Ling Tian?"

"I heard that Ling Tian has never been out of Zongmen once, it turns out that he was born with this appearance!"

"I can feel the terrible power in Ling Tian's body, it's really heartbreaking."


Everyone was booing, looking at the little man in a black and white coat, couldn't help commenting. At this time, on the left of Luo Xiu, the charming woman opened her mouth and giggled, "Although the three of us are not here, the three of us will supervise you and successfully hold this trade conference. Dare to violate the purpose of this trading conference, that is to

For the enemy, not only will we kill him in the Wanxu Tuxian land, even after the Wanmo Tuxian land, our Holy Sect will not let him go. "

Xie Yiman, the second of the three wise men of Shengzong, opened her mouth, her voice was charming and soft, like a spring breeze, making people sound extremely enjoyable.

When Xie Yiman's voice fell, Luo Xiu's right, the suffocating man said, "The principle of this trade conference is simple, fair and just. You ca n’t violate fairness and justice. The principle of justice. "

"What the hell? The trading conference?"

"We don't need any trading conventions."

"What the **** is this holy sect doing, it wouldn't be trying to wipe us out here!"

"Not quite right. The people of Shengzong are all wolf ambitions. I worry that we will stay here for a long time and something will happen."


After everyone heard the speeches of the three talents, they all looked very cautious, and some doubted the intentions of the three talents. However, the three talents seemed to have expected such a response from everyone, but they smiled flatly. Xie Yiman first spoke, and a gentle voice echoed: "As far as we know, Wan Mo Tu Xian Di Among them is the most magnificent building with countless and endless treasures

And chance, but to want to enter the building, we must first have enough strength and hole cards, otherwise after entering, it is no different from giving death. At this point, Xie Yiman closed his mouth, and Li Hanhao continued to laugh: "As far as we know, that place is called the Palace of the Immortal King, and you must be present to know the origin of Wan Mo Tu Xian Di. Thousands of years ago, the fairy and demon wars, countless fairy and demon fell here, and thus formed 10,000

Magic Tuxian land. "

Luo Xiu, the first genius of the Sect, continued: "The building we said, the Palace of the Immortal King, was the place where the most powerful immortal fought against the strongest demon of the year and fell, and you said the treasure there Are there more or less opportunities? "

At the moment when the sound of the three sages of the Sect of the Sect fell, in the presence of countless people, there was a touch of fiery color!

Where did the strongest immortal fight against the strongest demon? Real treasure! After that, Luo Xiu continued to say, "But just as we said before, the Celestial Palace has a strong prohibition. If we do n’t have enough strength and means, even if we enter the Celestial Palace, it is quite Yu sent to death, therefore, the three of us have to host this deal

Yes, in order for you to find a treasure that suits you and enhance your strengths and means, so that you can get a lot of chances and treasures in the fairy king palace. "

Xie Yiman smiled softly, and a gentle voice sounded charmingly in this world: "So, everyone, for you, the three of us have done our best, you can not let us down."

Li Hanhao smiled broadly and said loudly: "Since everyone understands the ins and outs of the matter, naturally you should also know the priorities and the time is not waiting, so, next, the trading conference, let's start!

The loud voice of the three echoed in the heavens and the earth and passed into the ears of everyone.

Luo Xiu looked at the little man in a long coat in front of him and said, "Ling Tian, ​​next manage the order here, and you can't mess up."

The little man named Ling Tian didn't answer, but just nodded, indicating that he already knew.

"let's start."

Luo Xiu raised his head, glanced around with bright eyes, and finally took a deep breath and said slowly.

When the last word fell, in front of Luo Xiu, Ling Tian waved his sleeves, and the buzzing sounded immediately. I saw in front of him, a group of light emerged, and in the light group, all contained There is a strong breath, either stingy or harsh.

These are some valuable treasures!

Ling Tian, ​​who had been silent, finally spoke, and his voice was quite hoarse and echoed: "Next, you will show the baby you want to trade. It can be an elixir to enhance strength or a weapon to enhance combat effectiveness. After seeing this scene, many people looked at each other one after another, and then someone stood up and yelled at the four of Luo Xiu, saying, "Some of you are bothered, since you have provided us so Good platform, then we naturally cannot miss such a good opportunity

. "

After that, he was going to take out the babies he wanted to trade, one by one.

After that, the trading conference began.

"Your Persian Pill is good. I want my Blood Sword in exchange. What do you think?"

"For three hundred years of magic ganoderma, only the healing elixir on top of the ground product.

"I have an exquisite snow, look at you there are any treasures you can trade with me?"

A large square started to become extremely messy, as if it had become a trade vegetable market.

However, relying on the majesty of the three talents and the fear of Ling Tian, ​​there was no such bad behavior as robbery, murder or treasure.

At the same time, outside the square.

"Lin Chen, should we also go for fun?" Fan Yutong whispered close to Lin Chen's ear.

Lin Chen did not answer Fan Yutong directly, but asked, "Sister Fan, do you think the people of Shengzong are at ease?"

"What do you mean?" Fan Yutong blinked her eyes.

Lin Chen shook his head gently and said, "One of these three people has attacked me before, but was seriously injured by me. I don't think they can be so idle, and it doesn't hurt them to do this Useful fairs. "

"These three have shot at you? Who?"

Fan Yutong's face changed slightly, and at the same time, a touch of anger appeared in those beautiful eyes.

Indeed, their Taoism is slightly inferior to that of the Holy Sect, but this does not mean that their Taoism can be suppressed by the Holy Sect at will!

It ’s only been five or six days since I came to Wanxian Tuxian Land, and Lin Chen has been attacked by them?

It's abominable!

"It's the guy who looks sullen and stunned."

Lin Chen pointed to Li Hanhao on the right of Luo Xiu and laughed: "That guy does have some skills, but in the end I was seriously injured."

"Li Hanhao."

Fan Yutong naturally knew Li Hanhao. After hearing the words, she smiled: "Li Hanhao is the weakest genius of Shengzong. Although he is not weak, even if I do n’t necessarily lose to him, it is reasonable for him to lose to you. As it should be. "

"Sister, don't be so arrogant. You are the first person at Xianfeng today. When it comes to strength and talent, even that woman may not be better than you." Lin Chen laughed.

"Don't flatter me, but I will float."

Fan Yutong gave Lin Chen a gentle white look, but then he stopped talking and turned to the topic: "However, Lin Chen, what do you think the three of them are trying to hold this trading conference?"

"If nothing else, it should be for the Fairy King Hall."

Lin Chen squinted his eyes, and said instinctively, "These three little cubs are small and big, and like to fish long-line fish. They held this trade conference for the sake of the Fairy King Hall."

"Well, as the saying goes, the best way to deceive people is to make seven points true and three points false. Since they can convince everyone at the scene to convince them, their purpose should be what they mentioned earlier. Xianwangdian. "Fan Yutong also hummed and nodded gently.

Then she asked again, "Would we like to have fun together?"

Lin Chen groaned for a moment, without hesitation, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go and see."

After speaking, Lin Chen was with Fan Yutong, and also took Yun Huashu and Lin Guiying together to the square.

And the moment the four people landed on the square, all of them stared at each other suddenly. In the meantime, the four people became the focus of everyone's eyes. Yun Huashu was a bit shy, Lin Guiying's face was serious, Fan Yutong's face remained unchanged, only Lin Chen was alone. After seeing this, he naturally grinned, raised his right hand, and greeted everyone: "How are you . "

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