The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 816: Lin Chen is here

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

"Daozong Linchen?"

"I didn't expect this guy to come."

"I heard that he has done a lot of things in the midst of this 10,000 monsters."

"And I also heard that this Lin Chen was most targeted at the disciples of the Sect, and he gave the face of the disciples the least."

"Oh my god, this guy is here. He won't want to **** our treasure. But I heard that he has robbed many people's treasures before."


Many people stared at Lin Chen with extreme caution, for fear that Lin Chen would make a sudden change.

"Brother Lin Chen, it seems that your reputation in the Wanmu Tuxiandi is not good." Fan Yutong covered her mouth with a smile, and the ancient spirit was strange.

"I don't know who it was. When I grabbed something before, it was more enjoyable than me." Lin Chen rolled his eyes.

"Hum, I don't know which fairy." Fan Yutong hummed, arms around, proud of his face.

Lin Chen no longer cares about Fan Yutong, but instead looks at the people in front of him, and opens his mouth and said, "Well, I also have a lot of treasures on me. I also want to trade things, don't you welcome?"

At this point, Lin Chen turned his eyes and looked at the center of the observation. The short figure of Ling Tian and the three talents of Shengzong, laughed and asked, "Not welcome?"

Li Hanhao frowned, looking into Lin Chen's gaze, showing this extremely strong killing intention!

Xie Yiman looked at Lin Chen with bright eyes, which seemed to be particularly interested in Lin Chen.

Luo Xiu's face was indifferent, staring at Lin Chen, without saying a word, giving people a feeling of being thousands of miles away.

The three had different expressions, but between them and Lin Chen facing each other, it created a tense atmosphere, spreading quietly above the large square.

The next moment, Xie Yiman opened his mouth and smiled gently: "Of course, welcome, the treasure on Lin Chen's body is definitely worthy of existence. Lin Chen's son can appreciate the trading conference we host. How can we Can you welcome you? "

Xie Yiman's voice is very soft and soft, like a flowing water, rippling open, the effort in the blink of an eye is to remove all the tense atmosphere between heaven and earth.

"It's still this pretty girl."

Lin Chen smiled, and arched his hands gently to Xie Yiman, and then said: "And the beauty of the beauty in the formation method is not shallow, next time if there is another opportunity, I must ask for some advice."

"Just rest assured, Lin Chen, next time, the little girl will definitely make you extremely comfortable and extremely satisfied." Xie Yiman grinned his lips, and the spring breeze was so charming.

By the side of Lin Chen, neither the looks nor the temperament were inferior to Xie Yiman's Fan Yutong. Seeing this, he couldn't help rolling his eyes. Lin Chen was really a rogue hooligan, even the fierce one Words can be so ambiguous as he said.

There is that Xie Yiman, which is really a glamorous and cheap product. If it is so filthy, it is estimated that only with a shameless face, can she speak directly in front of these strangers.

However, the conversation between Lin Chen and Xie Yiman was so shocking to everyone present.

"Well, it turned out that Lin Chen and the three of them had already had a fight."

"And it seems that even the three of them are not in Lin Chen's hands, and they are not seeking any benefits!"

"Special grandma, how powerful is Lin Chen!"

"Well, it is worthy of being able to create so many miracles. His realm is not something we can understand."


Everyone sighed, looking at Lin Chen's eyes, even more shocked and awed.

Lin Chen didn't care about everyone's words, but glanced at Ling Tian, ​​because he could feel the kind of ...

However, even when Lin Chen was wary of Ling Tian, ​​he saw that Luo Xiu whispered a few words to Ling Tian.

When Luo Xiu ’s lips were closed again, Lin Chen felt that Ling Tian ’s hostility towards himself had almost disappeared for almost a moment, and after a few breaths, Ling Tian ’s hostility towards himself had almost disappeared. Exhausted.

Even if there is still a trace of this kind of hostility, Ling Tian will not lose his mind and shoot Lin Chen directly here.

"Well, the words of the first disciple of the Holy Sect really worked."

Lin Chen sighed, in his mind, an extremely tall and mighty figure appeared involuntarily.

The first person of the sacrament, the saint.

The Holy Sect has three saints in total-the saint of heaven, the saint of water, and the saint of saints.

Today's Shengzong also has three strongest talents-Luo Xiu, Xie Yiman, and Li Hanhao.

Therefore, even a fool can see that the Sect is trying to cultivate the three successors and successors of the three sacred deities.

Lin Chen can detect the talent and strength of Luo Xiu, and if it is not unexpected, give Luo Xiu one or two more time. Maybe Luo Xiu can become the next saint, which is the next saint. metropolitan!

Later, Lin Chen no longer thought about it, took out his own treasures, and began to exchange with others.

Lin Chen collected a lot of treasures these days, plus the treasure of the nearly 30 people who had previously snatched it. Therefore, with a wave of Lin Chen, he directly and proudly took out more than 60 treasures, each one Both are valuable.

"Guy, Lin Chen has so many babies!"

"Every one of us has less than ten babies, but he has just taken out more than sixty!"

"And the most important thing is that Lin Chen has definitely not taken out the real baby, what he has taken out now is just the baby he does not want!"

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"


Everyone looked at Lin Chen with a look of pride, they were all envious.

However, due to Lin Chen's reputation and majesty, none of them dared to step forward and exchange a baby with Lin Chen.

But human greed is endless.

Finally, there was a man, brave, holding a baby he thought was valuable, and wanted to exchange Lin Chen's baby.

"You thing, although it didn't do much to me, but I read it because you are my first customer, and I just promised you."

After speaking, Lin Chen moved his mind and pushed a blood-red fruit wrapped in blood-red light into the man's hand.

"Thank you Brother Lin Chen! Thank you Brother Lin Chen!"

The man looked very happy, and hurried away with the red blood fruit, for fear that Lin Chen would regret it.

"Sister, don't you take out your treasure?" Lin Chen asked again, looking at Fan Yutong, who was standing aside.

Fan Yutong smiled slyly and said, "You are enough."

Lin Chen suddenly understood Fan Yutong's mind and couldn't help cursing: "Traitor."

"My good mentor, you need to care for your sister, do you understand?" Fan Yutong touched Lin Chen's head and smiled happily.

Lin Chen no longer cares about Fan Yutong, waiting quietly for the second customer.

With the precedent of the first customer, after that, more and more people want to trade Lin Chen for the baby.

After all, Lin Chen's babies are not only large in number, but also complete in variety, suitable for the needs of most people, so there are more and more people looking for Lin Chen in exchange for babies.

"Sister, brother, that fan is a good one, it's a good magic weapon, I want it!" Fan Yutong grabbed Lin Chen's arm, shook it, and shouted excitedly.

Lin Chen had no choice but to bargain with the other party and eventually exchanged two elixirs for the fan that looked very shabby.

Fan Yutong hugged Lin Chen in excitement, kissed Lin Chen vigorously, printed a prominent lipstick mark on Lin Chen's cheek, and then took the fan and went to study happily. Lin Chen was helpless, and wanted to wipe the lipstick on his face, but found that Fan Yutong's lipstick material was special, and he couldn't wipe it at one-half, so he shook his head and sighed, and said: Fan Yutong is a good girl It is also the first disciple of Xianfeng.

The kind of high-cold fan of me? Look at her these days, every day is like a mental retardation, how can there be a bit of the first disciple of Xianfeng!

No longer tangled in Fan Yutong, Lin Chen glanced behind him, the two faithful "guards"-Yun Huashu and Lin Guiying.

"Give them a weapon too."

Lin Chen immediately began to glance at his treasures, trying to find a weapon suitable for two people.

After that, Lin Chen found two more suitable weapons, one with a long whip and the other with a sledgehammer.

The long whip can be used by Yun Huashu, and the sledgehammer can be used by Lin Guiying.

However, Lin Chen always felt that the grades of these two weapons were a little too low, and even if they were used by them, that would not improve their combat effectiveness.

Lin Chen began to look around, and wanted to find if there was a weapon suitable for the two of the treasures brought out by everyone.

Not to mention, Lin Chen really found a weapon suitable for Lin Guiying.

Lin Chen stepped out with more than sixty treasures, and within a few steps, he came to a woman in a strange dress under the curious and doubtful eyes of everyone.

The reason why this woman is dressed strangely is that his whole body is almost naked.

The sunlight left a bronzed healthy complexion on the surface of her body, and underneath the skin were the looming beautiful muscles and lines, like a wild cat, full of wild colors.

Looking at her face again, the woman looked good, but her eyes were a maroon color, strange and mysterious.

At this moment, she saw that Lin Chen came to the front, raised her eyelids, and asked boringly, "Is there something?"

"At the trading conference, what do you think I can do?" Lin Chen said with a smile.

The woman opened the door without seeing any nonsense, and said straightforwardly, "What do you want to exchange?" "I want to change this axe." Lin Chen pointed to the huge axe above the woman's head in the brown light group.

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