Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

"I want to change this axe." Lin Chen said.

However, before Lin Chen's voice fell, the woman said, "No."


Lin Chen frowned, and then asked, "And if you don't change, what do you take out?"

"You don't have what I want," the woman said directly.

"What do you want?" Lin Chen smiled. "How can you be so sure, I don't have what you want?"

The woman is not a bird of forest dust, and a cold one.

"Beauty, you can talk about it, maybe I don't have it, but maybe my friend has it, right?" Lin Chen pointed to Fan Yutong not far away.

The woman heard the words, and suddenly there was a scornful radian in the corner of the mouth: "I don't have anything you want, neither do women."


Lin Chen froze for a moment, what do you mean? Call me a woman?

But then Lin Chen reacted: what she wanted was not for women, only for men!

"Beauty, what you want is very strange, I'm stupid, I haven't guessed what you want, what exactly it is." Lin Chen said, arching her hand towards the woman: "Can you tell me specifically a bit?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" The woman smiled and looked at Lin Chen and asked.

Lin Chen had a bad feeling in his heart, but still bit his head and nodded.

"Okay, don't regret it."

The woman smiled slightly, although her tone was light, but she made a loud noise, and suddenly echoed above the square: "I only want one thing, that is a man's, virgin body."

At this point, she raised her eyes, looked at the strange face of Lin Chen, and continued: "It's just a pity that you don't have this thing anymore."


When the woman's voice fell, the whole square was filled with a fierce laughter.

Lin Chen is thick-skinned and not embarrassed. Instead, she looked at the woman with a smile and said, "Beauty, your needs are really something special."

"So, since you don't have this thing, don't delay me in doing business." The woman waved her hand, impatiently walking.

"Wait a minute, I have one more thing here, I think you should consider it."

Lin Chen waved his sleeves, Yuanli turned into a mist, surrounded him and the woman, outsiders could not see it, and could not sense the breath in it.


As soon as this scene came out, many people immediately cheered.

This Lin Chen, wouldn't want to overpower the bow!

Is it so exciting? !!

"What a lunatic."

Fan Yutong rolled his eyes angrily and was too lazy to manage Linchen.

And at the moment, in that mist.

The woman stared cautiously at Lin Chen and asked in a low voice: "What do you want to do?"

During the conversation, the muscles in her whole body were tightened up, and she was about to shoot.

Lin Chen did not answer the woman, but took one hand and took out a black sword.

A sharp momentum swept out, leaving traces on the dilapidated square below.

The woman suddenly lighted up and couldn't help losing her voice: "This is ... a good spirit?"


Lin Chen smiled attentively, and then put away the dark long knife. He looked at the woman and asked with a smile, "Do you want it, beauties?"

"If you use your big knife and change my axe, I can consider it," said the woman.

Lin Chen immediately laughed out loud: "Beauty, do you think I'm stupid, or are you too clever? Use a spirit artifact to exchange for a spirit artifact that barely reaches the quasi-quality?"

The woman frowned, and was quite displeased.

However, after waiting for the woman to say something, Lin Chen continued to speak and said with a smile: "And, to be honest, beauties, I have a lot of spirits here, but these spirits are not big to me. usefulness."

"What on earth do you want?" The woman asked displeasedly.

"Barter is equal to value."

Lin Chen uttered a word, his voice was loud: "I want the axe, the same, I will exchange it with a quasi-earth-quality spirit. To remind you, you can't help but agree."

"Are you threatening me?" The woman's face was gloomy.

"Almost." Lin Chen shrugged, seeing the woman's gloomy look: "Oh yes, the three guys of the Sect, they can't decide for you. From my conversation with them before, I think you should be able to see that I have dealt with them before, so the transaction they proposed was

For me, it doesn't apply. Belle, I would like to remind you again that what I want, I will take it at all costs. "


That layer of mist continued for almost half a cup of tea.

After half a cup of tea ...


With a majestic wind blowing, the mist floated on its own, exposing the body of Lin Chen and the woman.

"Lin Chen, you can't do it. Can the battle be resolved so soon?"

"Yeah, like me, at least for a quarter of an hour, it's good for you. Will you be out before half an hour?"

"Lin Chen, it's time to nourish the kidney. Go back and eat one more natural plant called wolfberry spirit, which works."


The crowd shouted and the scene was lively.

Lin Chen heard the words and smiled at the crowd: "Thank you for your concern, but today I am not in a good shape. In fact, I am also very persistent in normal times."


As soon as Lin Chen said that, it immediately caused countless laughter.

Behind Lin Chen, the woman who was almost naked covered her cheeks immediately after hearing the words.

"Happy trading."

Lin Chen turned and smiled at the woman, then walked back with the heavy ax in his hand.

"Noah, hold on."

Lin Chen tossed this dark axe to Lin Guiying.

Lin Guiying hurriedly caught it and cast his doubtful gaze towards Lin Chen.

"Give it to you. With this axe, you can exert more combat power." Lin Chen said.

Then Lin Chen threw a long whip to Yun Huashu and said, "You haven't found a weapon that suits you. You just need to make use of this, wait until you find a weapon that suits you, then change."

"Thank you, son Lin."

Yunhuashu salutes Lin Chen slightly and is very polite.

But at this time, Fan Yutong was close, sniffing the smell of Lin Chen's body, and then looked at Lin Chen with a disdain, and said, "I thought you really took her away. . "

"I'm free. What should I do for her?" Lin Chen said silently: "I just want to exchange her treasures."


Fan Yutong turned his head away, no longer dealing with Lin Chen.

Time flies ...

In the following time, Lin Chen continued to exchange for babies. In the process, Lin Chen also got a lot of useful babies.

All in all, this trade conference has really helped Lin Chen a lot.


Half a day passed by blink of an eye.

The trading conference was successfully completed.

The large square is extremely quiet and leaves can be heard.

At the end of the three talents of the Emperor Shengzong, Li Hanhao opened his mouth and said, "This is the end of the trading conference. After today, you must increase your strength as quickly as possible, and then set aside time to impact the greater opportunity in the Palace of Immortals."

Xie Yiman smiled charmingly: "The three of us will be in the Palace of the Immortal King, waiting for you, but we took a lot of effort to notify you, so hope that in the end, you must not I missed my appointment. "Luo Xiu clapped his hands and made a final summary. His voice was strong:" Everyone, as the first gate of Bai Chaoyu, my Holy Sect should take the lead role. After this trading conference, for you Tomorrow, for the future of your ancestors, and for our future

Fight, fight, fight, one day, you will feel sincere thanks for you who are working so hard today! I announce that the trading conference is over. "

When the last word of Luo Xiu was dropped, the figure of the three sages of Shengzong was also gradually illusory, and eventually disappeared quietly.

Trading Conference, End!

"Sister Fan, look at the Holy Sect of others, shoulder the role of leading the elder brother, and be praised for the country and the people."

Lin Chen said with a smile.

However, Fan Yutong took a sip and said badly: "There must be demons when things happen abnormally, and Shengzong is not so kind. They must use this group of people to do something!" "And regardless of what they want to do with us Let us look at today ’s results. Without them, there would be no today ’s trading conference, and no such harvest today. ”Lin Chen said indifferently:“ This saint, still did it for us A good thing

. "

Fan Yutong sneered, ironically: "Brother Lin Chen, I think you're all right. Scars forget the pain. You don't hate them when you kill you, right?"

"One yard owned by a yard."

Lin Chen spread his hands: "Anyway, among the 10,000 magic slaughtering fairy lands, I will destroy the three sages of the Holy Sect sooner or later, but before that, I still have to praise the three little guys for this trading conference. "


Fan Yutong snorted softly and turned his head away, no longer dealing with Lin Chen.

The trading conference was over and ended, and everyone left. This was a noisy and lively square, and soon there were only dozens of people left. And even these dozens of people left in waves, more and more. less.

"Let's go too."

Lin Chen is also ready to leave with Fan Yutong.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen suddenly felt a cold behind him. Obviously, he was locked by a gaze.

Even if he didn't turn around, Lin Chen knew the master of this stern look—Shengzong's fourth disciple, Ling Tian! Lin Chen is not a seducer, so when he felt the next moment of this look, he laughed, and his bright voice echoed: "If you want to fight, come to fight, just stare at me with eyes, but you can't stare. I."

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