The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 824: Break through

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Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, in a dense forest.

The forest is huge, and there are mutated plants everywhere. From time to time, mutated monsters rush out, revealing the appearance of crickets, which makes people dare not approach.

The sky is silent.

Suddenly, a loud noise of "Boom" resounded from the forest without any warning!

Then a hoarse voice echoed like a thunder: "Everyone breaks out with me!"


At the moment the words started, a bright beam of fire in the central area of ​​the forest turned into a pillar of fire and stood up straight towards the sky!

After that, the fire was spreading and bursting out. Alas, the astonishing temperature swept away, and the wind screamed, as if it turned into a huge fire storm. Everything!

And in this forest, no matter how abnormal the plants are, if they are shrouded in this flame storm, they will be instantly burned and scattered into ashes!

The flames raged, and the whole world turned into a steamer, almost in a blink of an eye. This huge forest is a third of the area, burned to ashes, and nothing is left.

The forest lost a third of its area at once, and this third is still in the middle of the forest. If you look down from the sky at this moment, it will be as if there is one more in the forest. The appearance of the piazza was startled.


However, at this moment, several lights and shadows passed across the sky and reached the sky above the forest, overlooking the huge open space.

To be precise, they are overlooking the huge open space, and the thirty or forty practitioners are not weak.

The leader of these thirty or forty disciples was a man with red hair in the head and a burning body. At this moment, his face was extremely dark, his eyes were extremely cold, and he was staring at the people in the sky.

At this time, one of those people suddenly said, "Li Yan, the little fire god, is really good. If the Taoist disciples today are all of your level, then we are really good. Can't handle it. "

There are six people suspended above the sky, and the opener is a man in a yellow robe. The whole body is covered with a light mist. Although the fog is light, it just blocks the sight and makes people Can't see his true face.

And then, waiting for the laughter of the man in the yellow robe to fall, there was another man with a burly figure, shook his head, and sighed, saying, "Today's Taoist sect, there have been too many and many falls. Every disciple of Daozong is of this standard. "

Between the words, his body was also covered with a faint mist, just blocking people's sight, giving people a mysterious and weird feeling. However, when the voice of the burly man fell, not far away, there was a woman in an exposed dress giggling, with a sharp voice, shook his head and said, "In fact, it should not be so exaggerated, just a peak of Daozong Disciples in the door, can everyone reach this

It's just a matter of planting. If you say that all the disciples of Zongmen have reached the realm of Li Yan, the little fire god, it is a bit exaggerated and unbelievable. "When the woman's voice fell, another man spoke. Although he couldn't see his face, he could faintly see the wrinkles on his face. He said," Okay. Now, everyone, do n’t let it go. Let ’s go. This group of disciples are the best of Daozong.

An energetic batch of blood has killed them, and it will definitely cause a fatal blow to Daoism. "


The others nodded. The woman in the exposed dress sighed and said quietly: "To be honest, the sect that the youngest woman does not want to provoke is Daoism. However, the times have changed. I did not expect the arrogant Daoism that year. It has already fallen into such a state, and it has been overwhelmed by the Sect.

It is really disappointing. "

And as they said, the thirty or forty martial artists standing on the open space below were all Taoist disciples.

The leader is naturally Li Yan, the little fire god.

At this moment, after the young man Li Yan heard the words, his brows could not help but frown, looking around at the six people who surrounded him, and asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

"Who are we? Oh, I forgot it myself." The man in the yellow robe laughed at himself.

The burly man hummed and said proudly: "Our identity is not something you can know!"

As for the man with a wrinkled face, he smiled and said, "In fact, to be honest, we didn't know you Li Yan existed. I didn't expect that there was a character like you in Taoism."

The exposed woman giggled, and said softly, "Yeah, without him, we wouldn't have dragged things off till now."

"What do you mean?"

Li Yan's brow frowned again, and an extremely bad feeling came out in his heart!

"You don't seem stupid, you already guessed it."

The exposed woman smiled and groaned, "Yes, all of your Daozong disciples have been solved by us. Are you wondering why the top people in your Daozong did not? Come here to save you? "

Li Yan heard the words, clenched his fists, and scolded, "Damn!"

"Okay, talk nonsense to them, quickly settle the fight, and avoid accidents," said the man with a wrinkled face.

Subsequently, the six of them no longer hesitated and shot one after another, pointing directly at the thirty or forty disciples of Daozong.

In the end, Li Yan was still a mixed person from the outside. Even when he encountered such a "fuck" situation, he was still not shocked. Instead, he made a decision in an instant and said, "Everyone in Daoism, defense and wait together. Rescue. "

"But they just said, have all our top disciples been solved?"

One Taoist disciple looked desperate, as if ashes, stood up and said weakly.

"Don't be discouraged! This group of people is just talking, how can Daozong's group be so easily solved?"

Li Yan was furious: "This group of people is just to defeat our military hearts. If you believe him, you are a fool!"

"Yeah, Brother Chu Feng is so powerful, how can it be easily solved?"

"Yes, there is Goddess Yang, but she is a reincarnation. Who dares to kill her? Are you trying to die?" "Well, we are scared and stupid. We just feel that they are powerful and can push us to despair It ’s forgotten that none of our top disciples are vegetarian. Just like Master Lin Chen, in the realm of the world, even several Wu Zun ca n’t help him.

What can kill him in Tuxiandi? "


As Li Yan said, most Daozong disciples came with confidence and muttered excitedly.

However, just as they were discussing one after another, Li Yan suddenly clenched his right hand and blasted out with a punch in the sky.


The flame erupted, condensed directly into a huge red fire python, burst out with a bang, and then "banged", this fire python hit a huge Yuanli palm, then whether it was Yuanli The palms or the pythons of the flames are both smashed, regardless of up and down.

"Okay, don't discuss it anymore, it's not the time to be happy."

The huge impact shocked a lot of Taoist disciples, meanwhile, Li Yan's hoarse voice sounded, reminding him.

"it is good."

"Yes, defend first!"

"Wait for Chu Feng and Lin Chen to come and save us!"


All the disciples of Daozong are united in spirit and fighting spirit.

Li Yan took out a flame token from his arms and said, "This is a defensive Lingbao that I spent at a great cost during my travels, but I have never been willing to use it, but now is the time to use it . "

After that, Li Yan threw the flames directly and shouted, "Everyone, release all your strength."

As soon as Li Yan's words fell, there was a rush of Yuanli rising into the sky, like an endless stream, all pouring into the flame token!

Li Yan took a deep breath, then made a fingerprint, and drank low, "On!"


With the formation of Li Yan's last seal, a sharp buzzing sounded, and immediately a huge cube glowed with fire, and suddenly more than forty people were enshrouded in it.

On the surface of the cube, there are flickering patterns of flames condensed by fire light. Between the movements, it looks like a living creature, raising the defense of the cube to a perfect extreme.

Then, Li Yan sat cross-legged and controlled the cube with all his heart.

And other Daozong disciples also sat down with Li Yan, cramming the power of the body into the crimson token, consolidating the cube's defense.


From above, the man in the yellow robe among the six people saw this scene, and there was a touch of interest in his eyes, and then he said, "It's interesting, let me take a look. "

After that, the man in the yellow robe extended a little finger, and suddenly a towering giant finger suddenly took shape, fell from the sky, crushed the air, and landed on the surface of the firelight cube.

However, such severe impacts did not make a slight sound, because it was the moment when the towering giant finger just fell on the surface of the cube, it was crushed by an inch, and the work of several breaths was Fragmentation.


The man in the yellow robe frowned slightly.

However, when the disciples in the cube saw the situation, they were all very happy, because before, the man in the yellow robe was so powerful that only Li Yan could barely block it. Now, this cube is very easy. Is it exhausted? Its defensive ability is really overbearing!

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