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"Yellow robes, don't be ashamed anymore, just step back."

The exposed woman saw that the man in the yellow robe was unsuccessful and wanted to take another shot. He sarcastically said that his voice was sharp.

"You do, you come."

The man in the yellow robe snorted and took a step back.

"I'll come and I'll come."

The woman hummed, and then closed her eyes slowly, a strange energy condensed in her body.


After three or four breaths, as the woman slowly exhaled a stale air, her beautiful eyes opened sharply.


At this moment, it seems as if there is a pair of light beams, suddenly burst out from the woman's eyes.

"Use it for me."

The woman obviously used a kind of pupil technique. At this moment, his eyes slowly moved down to look at the Taoist people in the cube.

Since storming doesn't work, control their souls!

There are many ways, this group of Taoist disciples are not strong enough, so there is always a way to deal with them!

However, the next moment, when the woman focused her eyes on the surface of the fire cube ...


Without any sign, the woman groaned directly, her body trembled, her complexion was white, her eyes were closed!

Then, with a trembling in her body, her right foot took a half step back, which barely stabilized her restless breath.

"Haha, the waves have a reputation, but that's it!"

At this time, the man in the yellow robe laughed, disdainful and disdainful.

The woman snorted, instead of ignoring the man in the yellow robe, but looked down, with a lingering heart and interest, looking down at the huge cube emitting fire.

Just now, she wanted to control Li Yan through pupillary surgery, but she did not expect that her pupillary surgery was bounced back by the cube below!

If it weren't for her closing her eyes and closing in time, then she would be more backstabbed!

"I'll try it."

The burly man was also interested, and after saying a word, his hands were printed.


With a roar that shook the clouds, a huge giant brown tiger formed and rushed out, the huge tiger claws pressing heavily on the cube.

However, almost at the same time, this giant tiger's rebound disappeared.

"So strong defense!"

There was a faint touch of strangeness in the eyes of the burly man, and he whispered, "The order of this defensive spirit is extremely high!"

"Okay, don't waste any more effort."

The wrinkled man gently shook his head and said, "Since he took out this method, it shows that he believes in the defensive power of this method. It is an ordinary attack, afraid that it cannot be broken."

At this point, he paused, his eyes flashed, and then continued: "Do not wait for others, only let the opposite two shot."

The words did not fall. The four men, the yellow robe man, the burly man, the exposed woman, and the man with a wrinkled face, all looked opposite, and the two had not said a word from the beginning.

"Two people, although we are not on the same road, but you also know that dragging on like this is of no benefit to us, so please take the shot."

The wrinkled man said, his voice loud.

The whole body of the two people on the opposite side is also covered with a layer of mist, but this layer of mist is obviously much thicker than the whole body of the yellow robe four people, making it impossible to see their true faces.

After that, when the man's voice fell, the bodies of the two people on the opposite side trembled slightly.

"it is good."

After that, one of the two was vocalizing, and his voice didn't have any emotional fluctuations, just like a machine.

In the end, he just printed his hands with his hands. The speed of his printing was not fast, but gave people an extremely jerky feeling, as if he had never used this method before.

At the same time, below the firelight cube, Li Yan's pupils could not help shrinking slightly.

Because of his instincts, he had a bad feeling.

And at this time, over the sky, the man ’s seal was finished. I saw that he slowly stretched out a palm. In the palm of his hand, a black light ball the size of a fingernail quietly condensed out.

There is no breath fluctuation around this photosphere, and it is very stable. However, it is such a seemingly inconspicuous black photosphere that has caused Li Yan's pupils to contract sharply and directly!

And then, with the light verticalening of the palm, the black light ball fell from the sky and fell toward the firelight cube. Its speed was not fast, and it looked like a catkin, giving a kind of Fluttering sense of sight.

However, it was this scene that made Li Yan's hair all tied up, without any hesitation. Li Yan immediately shouted: "Fuck, everyone will give their best!"

The other Daozong disciples also noticed that something was wrong, and even if they had the power to feed, they extracted the power from Dantian and input it into the crimson token crazy.

The red light on the surface of the flaming cube is very big, and the defense function has been upgraded to a perfect extreme again!

And the next moment, the small, unremarkable black light ball quietly landed.

When this black light sphere touched the flare cube, it actually penetrated the flare cube by one millimeter!

Then the black ball of light exploded.

However, this explosion did not produce any sound, because all the energy, including solar energy, shock energy, and even sound energy, had been absorbed by the black light.

The whole world is silent, this is a real dead silence.

In the sky.

Seeing this scene, the man in the yellow robe couldn't help jumping, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "This is a bit abnormal."


The burly man is more nervous, even when he applauds it.

"What are the two of them, exactly?"

The exposed woman flashed her eyes with interest.

As for the man with a wrinkled face, after seeing this scene, his frown just wrinkled, but even if he eased away, there was no expression on that face, I do not know whether it is joy, anger, or fear.


After about two minutes.

The firelight cube has not disappeared. Although at this moment, its surface is already mottled, but it is still like a Taishan mountain, standing on the earth in a steady manner, protecting many disciples of Taoism.

Many Daozong disciples were relieved, and a look of joy appeared on their faces.

They scared them just now, because even through the cube, they can feel the smell of destroying everything in the black light.

But in the end, they managed to come over.

Li Yan slowly wiped the sweat from his forehead. To be honest, even he was nervous just now.

"The attack just now should only be released once."

Li Yan murmured secretly.

However, at this moment, Li Yan suddenly jumped violently, even if he turned his head sharply to look upward.

And at the end of Li Yan's gaze, the man turned out to be printed again, and it was exactly the same handprint as before!

Suddenly Li Yan's hair was going to blow up!

Are you kidding me?

He was able to release the attack just now?

Who is he? !!

Bai Chaoyu actually has such a character? !! The three sages of Sejong do not have such ability!

And the thought of the three sages of Literary Sect, Li Yan is fiercely tickling, because if the three sages of the Sect did not lead him here, he would not be attacked by this group of "devil ghosts"!

The people of Shengzong must be partnering with them to deal with the disciples of Daozong!

And at this time, just when the person had the seal, suddenly, a small white hand reached over, holding the palms of those seals to stop her seals.

The owner of this little hand, not the other, is just another person.

"I come."

There was no mood swing, and a female voice sounded like a machine.

Then, the little white hand was put back, and then she also made a seal.

Like men, women's seals are slow and jerky, as if she had never used this method before.

In the end, under the gaze of several eyes, she slowly stretched out her small hand. On the palm of her hand, there was a round of black swirl shaped like a baby's fist, slowly rotating, like a black hole.

Subsequently, the woman flicked her fingers, and immediately this round of vortexes flew out, straight toward the flare cube below.

"His mother is endless!"

After Li Yan saw this, he yelled aloud again, and all the elements in the body broke out, all pouring into the flame tokens above!

At the same time, other Taoist disciples were aware of the danger, and mobilized the strength of their bodies, all entering the Fire Token.

At this moment, the disciples from different peaks were all united, because if they are not united, then there will be only one end to them, that is, death!

The moment when the round of dark swirls touched the flare cube, it was instantly enlarged and turned into a huge black hole that was hundreds of feet long, and the flare cube was swallowed up all at once!

In the flare cube, the sky and the earth suddenly became completely dark, and no sunlight was visible. Only the flare token above was still emitting flickering flickering light, symbolizing that they were still in the refuge of the flare cube.

However, the fool can see that at this moment, the light on the surface of this flame token is fading at a very slow speed!

"His mother doesn't want to die, she gives me the energy to feed!"

Li Yan shouted and was sweating. Obviously at this moment, his body is already turning on the maximum power output!

Other Taoist disciples also worked their best.

But even so, it can only slow down the dimming speed of the token overhead, but it cannot reverse the dimming process!

"Kacha!" After that, when a glass-like sound of crackling sounded, the look of all Taoist disciples was astonishing!

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