The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 831: Local tycoon

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When the figures of Fan Yutong were revealed, countless disciples of Daozong became very happy.

One forest dust is enough. Add another Fan Yutong, isn't it stable?

And when everyone in Lin Chen gathered, the people in the sky were involuntarily gathered together.

Because they all know that their three parties, no matter which side, are not the opponents of the people below.

There is only one way, and that is to unite!

"This guy is the first genius of Daozong now?"

The man in the yellow robe wore a shawl, and was rather embarrassed. He looked at Lin Chen spitefully and murmured softly.

"It is indeed a Taoist sect. Even if it is now gone, its first genius is still so powerful."

The burly man sighed and sighed, looking at Lin Chen's gaze, he was more appreciated.

"This little brother is very good. If it was my year, I must find a way to sleep with him for one night."

The exposed woman licked her red lips, her posture was sexy, and she said charmingly.

"Daozong, it's still as difficult as it was then!"

The man with a wrinkled face groaned and said a bit of depression. The four people in Huangpao are a team. Among the three talents of Shengzong, they are a team. Among the three talents of Shengzong, Li Hanhao snorted and said, "This Lin Chen is not the first genius of Daozong, the first day of Daozong is A guy named Chu Feng, who has not been in Bai Chaoyu all the year round, now Wan Mo Tu Xian Di opens

He also came, but just don't know where he is now. "

Xie Yiman smiled tenderly and said softly: "In fact, even if it is Chu Feng, it is not necessarily better than Lin Chen. My brother Lin Chen is facing Wu Zundu. I won't counsel it. "

Luo Xiu's face remained indifferent, and he did not answer.

But the words of Xie Yiman and Li Hanhao passed into the ears of the four people in Huangpao, but the complexions of the four people changed slightly.


This man is not yet the first genius of Daozong?

So how powerful was the first day of Daozong!

In their eyes, Lin Chen's methods are so many and powerful, even compared to the first day of the Taoist sect of the year, they are all indifferent.

But now, Lin Chen is not the first genius of Taoism?

"It is indeed a Daozong."

The man in the yellow robe said quietly: "Even if it is not finished like this, its top genius is still arrogant and terrible."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's go all out and kill him again." The wrinkled man shook his head gently, and as his voice fell, his breath became choked instantly.

The words did not fall, the four of them actually shook their bodies at the same time, even though their hands were raised, they formed the same fingerprints at the same speed.

A special amplitude, emanating from the bodies of four people, mysterious and magical.

"Do you want to join forces ..."

Below, Lin Chen saw this scene, narrowing his eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

However, Lin Chen did not act lightly, but turned his eyes to look at the direction of the three sages of Shengzong.

I saw Xie Yiman and Li Hanhao of the three geniuses of the Sect of Kings shot at the same time, and a huge array of tactics floated out. In the sword art, there are countless sword qi, which are all mysterious. The power of space makes it impossible to figure out the true direction of these sword qi.

However, Luo Xiu stood on one side, his face was indifferent, and he did not move, there was no sign to shoot.

Then he turned to look at the other side. The two men and a woman shrouded in thick mist seemed to have realized Lin Chen's difficulty, and they shot together.

I saw the two of them holding their hands with their fingers crossed, and in the looming eyes, a thick black light flickered at the same time, just like a black hole, but without a trace of white eyes, it was weird.

Today, the three parties work together to deal with Lin Chen!

"Three strikes, each with the power to turn a five-turn nirvana into a serious injury."

Even when Lin Chen judged whether the situation was bad or not, he touched his chin and thought secretly.

"How's it going?"

Lin Chen turned, looked at the disciples behind him, and asked.


"No problem."

"You can fight them!"


Many disciples headed by Li Yan nodded, fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

"Sister Fan, you and Li Yan, gather the strength of all Daozong disciples, and fight against those four people."

Lin Chen pointed at the four people in the yellow robes and said.

"Good." Fan Yutong nodded immediately.

"This girl, you lead all your disciples in Huazong, plus my two friends, to fight to defeat both Xie Yiman and Li Hanhao." Lin Chen is the long-skirted royal sister looking at Huazong again, Pushed Lin Guiying and Yunhuashu to the front and said.

"Ok, no problem."

The sister in the long skirt nodded her head and added: "And, I don't call this girl, my name is Zhai Ziyin, Zhai Ziyin's Zhai, Zhai Ziyin's Purple, Zhai Ziyin's sound."

"Okay, girl Zhai Ziyin, please take care of you and Huazong." Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Zhai Ziyin smiled back, her smile was contagious.

"Then ..."

Lin Chen's gaze became sharper for a moment, and he looked at the King of Five Snakes beside him: "You deal with those two people with me, but you don't use all your strength, because you have to stare at that guy."

Lin Chen pointed to the first gift of Shengzong, Luo Xiu.

The King of Five Flowers snake could understand Lin Chen's language, nodded her head, and agreed with Lin Chen's decision.

"All right, then fight."

Lin Chen took a deep breath, folded his hands together, and a huge amount of energy in his body gathered wildly.

At this time, in the sky, the four of the yellow robes had gathered to complete the attack.

A towering giant hand tore the sun, fell from the sky, brushed the man in the yellow robe, and covered toward the bottom.

On the towering giant hand, there are carved ancient lines, exuding the vicissitudes of breath, the lines quietly walk, like a living creature, actually the giant hand's attack limit has been elevated to an absolutely perfect level.

When it covers, the air below is gradually frozen, just like the frozen water, and the feeling of depression is suffocating.

"Daozong disciple, follow the enemy with me!"

At this time, Li Yan and Fan Yutong both drank softly and spurred Yuanli, merging the power of more than forty people from Daozong together, releasing the power of one plus one greater than two, and finally condensing into a hundred feet Giant punch, burst into the sky.

At the same time, Xie Yiman and Li Hanhao were both united to complete the attack. Tens of thousands of sword qi are suspended above the sky, and the surface of each sword qi is covered with a layer of translucent formation. The formation method is like an activity, but it flows around the sword qi rapidly, and under the formation method , The countless sword qi trembled slightly, and the amplitude and frequency of trembling reached one

This wonderful amplitude, under the tremor, actually caused the surrounding void to ripple, and the scope of this ripple continued to increase over time.

"Destroy it."

In the end, with Xie Yiman and Li Hanhao speaking together, the endless sword gas shot out and fell downward.

Seeing this, the Lin Guiying immediately roared, holding a big axe, and waving wildly towards the sky, and suddenly a rage of axe wind tore out, terrifying.

At the same time, Yun Huashu also exerted her efforts to control a huge vortex, spinning towards Xie Yiman and Li Hanhao.

"The disciples of Huazong follow me!"

Zhai Ziyin also drank at this moment, gathered the strength of all the disciples of Huazong, condensed a huge petals, suspended above the head, and then each of the petals was sprayed with a bright beam. With an obliterating breath, the overwhelming impact left.

Lin Guiying, Yun Huashu and more than 20 disciples of Huazong worked together to show their momentum and power, far greater than Xie Yiman and Li Hanhao.

At the same time, in the sky, the two were almost silent from the beginning to the present, and there was also an attack.

The two of them stretched out their palms at the same time. On the palm of their hands, there was a black light ball the size of a baby's fist condensing out. Rotate the light ball.

This attack is strange.

However, behind this singularity, there is a terrible energy that even the Five Turn Nirvana Realms must be afraid of!

Then, the two of them dropped the ball of light together towards Lin Chen.

When Lin Chen saw this, he didn't have the slightest panic, but turned his palm calmly and took out a red jade.

This is the treasure that Lin Chen snatched from a weak monk before. It is a consumable that can release a huge amount of energy to attack in an instant.

Lin Chen flicked his fingers, and immediately this red ruby ​​stone was lifted up by a whistle. Immediately, with the gently grip of Lin Chen's right hand, the red ruby ​​stone exploded, forming a ray-like stout beam of light, rising into the sky In an instant, the black light ball enveloped it.

But the next moment, the crimson beam was twisted and broke.

The black ball of light was intact, and still hurriedly fell towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen took out another consumable and bounced it up.

Before, Lin Chen grabbed a lot of things, but now, Lin Chen is using it with generosity, without any pain.

Therefore, under the stunned gaze of many disciples, Lin Chen madly used more than 20 methods, each of which is extremely precious, but in the hands of Lin Chen, these methods are as if coming at hand. There is no distress.

And Lin Chen's behavior like this tyrant has also produced a good effect.

The black light ball finally produced a slight shake, and the landing speed suddenly slowed down, apparently because its energy has been consumed to a certain extent!

"It's over." Lin Chen twisted his neck, grinning his lips and smiling.

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