The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 832: Yin Yang face

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

And also when Lin Chen wholeheartedly dealt with the attack released by the two ...


Above the sky, dark clouds rose, a huge colorful snake tail descending from the sky, carrying a huge shocking power, and crashed onto the bodies of the two men above.

There was a loud bang, and the two bodies were directly smashed to the ground. In an instant, the hard ground was smashed into a deep pit!

This is not over yet. The colorful snake tail fluttered violently. At the tip of the tail, a thick colorful liquid was released and rolled together to form a huge liquid mass, which shrouded toward the lower side.

The speed of the liquid mass rolling out seemed unpleasant, but in a flash, they came to the top of the two people, covering the two bodies.

呲 啦 呲 啦!

The earth began to erode.

Flowers and trees are directly turned into nothingness.

Under this severe toxicity, there is almost nothing to resist!

At this time, Lin Chen used the power of a thousand points of sword spirit to blast the black light ball over the sky.


Lin Chen shook his head lightly, and his fingertips bounced. Numerous sword qi rushed out from his fingertips, and fell into the earth shrouded in colorful liquid.

Where the sword air passed, the void seemed to be torn apart, showing its sharpness ...

However, when Lin Chen was about to obliterate the two ...


A soft humming sounded, and immediately, Luo Xiu's tall figure flashed out, not far from Lin Chen, but still punched out in a punch towards Lin Chen.


A giant fist flashing with strong black light condensed into shape. The surface of the giant fist wandered through a strange pattern, as if from Jiuyou Hell, exuding a cold atmosphere, and blasting towards Lin Chen.

However, before Lin Chen's shot was taken, the thousands of snake tails descended from the sky, all of a sudden fell on the black light fist, and a loud bang made it into an endless crush.

call out! call out!

The next moment, with the violent sound of breaking through the air, hundreds of multicolored liquids shot out, turned into sharp swords, and shot at Luo Xiu from all directions and at various tricky angles.

Luo Xiu waved his sleeves, and suddenly a huge barrier appeared around him, extremely thick, protecting his body.

The next moment, those colorful liquids shot and hit the barrier, making a sharp signing sound of stabbing and stabbing. These colorful liquids were extremely toxic and fell on the barrier. It was easy to penetrate the barrier. , Like a knife-cut tofu.

However, Luo Xiu ’s wave of Yuanli's barrier is too thick, so the multicolored liquid is only half the thickness of the blessing, or it can no longer move forward and is exhausted.

However, at this moment, the huge colorful snake tail was pumped again, and the speed of the power was so fast that even the air made a series of blasts, and finally fell heavily on this heavy barrier.

There was a loud bang, the whole earth seemed to tremble violently at this moment, the Yuanli barrier was shattered and countless cracks appeared. It was only two breathing times, and the Yuanli barrier was covered by the crack. , Bursting.

The colorful snake tail was unstoppable, and hurried to Luo Xiu, who was about to obliterate Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu kicked out.

With a bang, the colorful snake tail was directly flew out by the stingy cricket, and Luo Xiu could not help but recede because of the reaction force.

And just in this gap ...


Lin Chen's body flickered, and he came directly to the two mysterious men and women like ghosts, fluttering his sleeves, the Yantian Temple was released, and the two bodies were included in them.

"Snake King, hold on for half a minute!"

After Lin Chen ordered a sentence, he moved into the Yantian Temple and disappeared.

The King of Five Flowers continuously vomited the letter, as if cursing Lin Chen.

However, afterwards, he put his cold snake pupil's eyes on Luo Xiu's body.

It can feel the strength of Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu's strength has reached the four-turn nirvana realm, and his method is mysterious. If you only look at the combat effectiveness, it is estimated that this rosiu can already be comparable to the strongest of the five-turn nirvana realm. .

The strength of the Five Flowers King Snake is only equivalent to the peak of the Three-turn Nirvana Realm, but it is extremely toxic. If the sneak attack succeeds, even the strongest of the Five-turn Nirvana Realm will be miserable.

Moreover, this is the Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, its home field, and he can play his best form here.

Therefore, even in the face of Luo Xiu, the King of Five Flowers snake did not have any fear. This is a kind of self-confidence, a kind of self-confidence and arrogance.

"go to hell."

However, Luo Xiu didn't look down on the king of snakes in his eyes. In his eyes, the king of snakes was even stronger, it was just a beast, a beast, how much can be done?

Because, immediately, Luo Xiu printed his hands, took a deep breath, and drank softly: "Supernatural power, the demon hand of the heavenly god."

The words didn't fall, and Luo Xiu's head covered with a huge palm, tearing the sun, and falling towards the King of Five Serpents.

The King of Five Flowers snake is small, just like a thumb. If it had been faced with such an attack before, its first choice would be to avoid it.

But now, it cannot escape.

If it evades, all the disciples below will suffer.

Lin Chen let it stand for half a minute, that is, let it resist Luo Xiu's attack for half a minute, it could not escape without fighting.

Although at this moment, it had already scolded Lin Chen in his heart, but in the end he still stubbornly chose to resist.


At the same time, among the Yantian Temple.

The moment Lin Chen put the two into the Temple of Yantian, he used the Yantian Nine Gate directly to hang him crazy.

Yantian Jiuzhong Gate, once all released together, it is easy to seriously hurt a three-turn nirvana, showing its power.

The two were previously attacked by the Snake King of the Five Flowers, so they are a little bit embarrassed at the moment, but even so, the fog around them has not disappeared, but there is a more intense trend.

"It's around the peak of the three-turn Nirvana ..."

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at the two who were in an endless fire, desperately resisting, and murmured secretly.

The strength of these two people has reached the peak of the Three-turn Nirvana Realm, but the attacks they released are easily wiped out by even the strongest of the Five-turn Nirvana Realm.

However, their attacks cannot be released one after another. They must rest for a period of time and readjust them before they can continue to be released.

"Well, let me take a look at what you guys are."

Lin Chen snorted slightly, increasing the power of the Yantian Temple, and at the same time borrowed the power of a thousand sword spirits to launch a crazy attack on the two.

In the Yantian Temple, Lin Chen is the master. Here, Lin Chen's fighting power will be maximized in Chengdu, but the two men's fighting power will be suppressed to the greatest extent. Therefore, when entering the Yan Tian Temple, the two men It's only for the sake of being beaten.

So, soon they were defeated.

With a bang, the two bodies flew upside down together, and the mist on their bodies completely dispersed at this moment, revealing their true faces.

However, Lin Chen did not stop, but continued to urge Yantian Jiuzhong Gate, releasing an endless fire, covering them both.

At the same time, Lin Chen flickered and burst out, reaching the tops of the two men.

He wants to see what these two people are.

However, the next moment, Lin Chen's complexion was slightly surprised.

Because the eyes are two yin and yang faces!

The reason they are called yin and yang faces is that the faces of the two of them are divided into two parts, and the appearances of the two parts are actually different.

That feeling is like merging two people together.

"This method is a bit disgusting!"

Lin Chen sneered, a person, but with two faces, was really upsetting.

"The group of guys at Hidden Gate is really getting increasingly restless."

Lin Chen shook his head gently: "Just, kill these two monsters first, wait for the Wan Mo Tu Xianxian Di war, and then find the hidden door to calculate the ledger."

Lin Chen's maximum power spurred the Yantian Temple, and at the same time attacked them with a thousand sword spirits.

It took half a minute to go back and forth. The two who were still prestigious and unfavorable before were wiped out by Lin Chen and turned into dregs.

Lin Chen clapped his hands, preparing to leave Yantian Temple.

However, at this time, two bursting sounds suddenly sounded, and immediately Lin Chen saw that the two translucent light clusters were shooting at him at a speed not exceeding thunder.

Lin Chen's defense before it was shot into the eyebrows by these two light groups.


At that moment, Lin Chen felt only a violent bomb-like energy, destroying his consciousness frantically.

If it were an ordinary person, it must have been destroyed by this violent energy in a matter of minutes, and became a crazy fool.

However, these two translucent light clusters are the wrong objects.

The strongest thing in Lin Chen's body is the god-like consciousness!


Lin Chen closed her eyes and hummed, and directly suppressed the two translucent light masses with a thundering method!

"Lin Chen, let me swallow it."

At this time, Zhou Qing's shrill laugh sounded in Lin Chen's mind.


Lin Chen nodded. Before Lin Chen devoured the soul of others, it was also given to Zhou Qing. After all, this thing didn't have much effect on Lin Chen.

However, Lin Chen saw the human face in the two translucent light clusters through the consciousness.

Unlike the previous yin and yang faces, the face in the light group is a normal human face, but it is slightly distorted, like a mad dog, whoever bites when he sees it.

"What kind of torture and pain have these two souls experienced before? They are so crazy."

Lin Chen was a little curious.

However, Lin Chen didn't bother to take care of it now, and when he moved, he left Yantian Temple. After all, there is still a big battle outside to deal with.

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