The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 833: Shengzong ran away

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When Lin Chen left Yantian Temple, he saw that the Five King Flower Snakes fell into the downwind in the battle with Luo Xiu.


After a loud noise, the body of the Five King Snakes flew out uncontrollably.

Lin Chen's body flickered, and he immediately came to the back of the Five Flower King Snake, fluttering his sleeves, releasing a gentle force, helping the Five Flower King Snake to stabilize his body.

The Five Flower King Snake spit out the letter to Lin Chen, seemingly complaining that Lin Chen came out late.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "A little has happened before, are you okay?"

The King of Five Flowers snake gently shook her head to show that she was not in trouble.

"Okay, let's make the final harvest."

Lin Chen grinned, and his white teeth reflected the cold light.

"Supernatural power, Datiansheng magic hand."

At this time, Na Xiu snorted and urged his magical power again. The huge palm fell from the sky and fell towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen stood up on his feet and came directly to the bottom of the huge palm, punching out.

At the same time, the King of Five Flowers snake flickered and used his powerful poison to attack Luo Xiu from various tricky angles.

With a bang, Luo Xiu condensed the Great Heavenly Devil's Hand, which was directly blasted by Lin Chen.

At the same time, Luo Xiu fell into the downwind and was stunned by poisoned arrows shooting from all directions.

Lin Chen flashed his eyes, clenched his right hand, and blasted out directly into Luo Xiu.


A sturdy air cannon formed and rolled towards Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu grunted, shaking his body, releasing a huge barrier of elemental force, blocking in front of him.

However, at this moment, a huge multicolored snake tail smashed and landed on the Yuanli barrier, directly blasting it into a smash.

The air cannon was not blocked, and descended from the sky, instantly covering Luo Xiu's body.

The endless pressure of pressure came to restrict Deroth's movements, and he couldn't even flick his fingers.

At this time, countless venom shots, extremely fast, and overwhelming.


Luo Xiu's face was gloomy, his eyes were icy with cold killing intentions, and he whispered in his heart, "Datian Holy Demon, open!"

Without any knots, Luo Xiu's body surface appeared a black pattern directly, covering his body, and suddenly, his momentum began to skyrocket at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Later, Luo Xiu's body shook, and the air cannons around his body exploded. Anshen's Venom couldn't touch Luo Xiu's body. Only ten centimeters away from Luo Xiu, he stopped and made progress. may not.

call out!

At the same time, Luo Xiu's body rose suddenly, and he immediately came to the sky above Baizhang, his hands quickly printed, and he drank, "The magical image of the heavenly god!"

The words did not fall, and the last seal of Luo Xiu was formed. There was a huge storm behind him, and the wind was surging, so that the power of the heavens and the earth was violently boiling.

Hundreds of gigantic black statues appeared behind Luo Xiu, and the magic was soaring into the sky. However, the eyes of this statue were glittering with the holy white light, like a great Buddha of compassion.

The two distinct breaths of sacred and evil coexist in the same Fa phase, making this Fa phase not only strange and magical, but also powerful and terrible.

"The heaven and earth law phase ranks 67th, the magical image of the Great Heavenly Saint."

Lin Chen squinted his eyes, and at one glance he recognized the origin of the Fa phase.

There are ninety-nine warriors on the continent, and each of them is powerful and terrible.

After all, among the millions of Phrases, these 99 Phrases can rank in the top 100, which is enough to prove their rarity and power.

Luo Xiu's combat effectiveness is extremely strong, and now the magical image of the Great Heavenly Saint is displayed again, then in the middle-order nirvana, it can be said that it can already be vertical and horizontal.

Luo Xiu's body flickered, and came to the eyebrow of Datiansheng Magic Phase. At the moment, the eyebrow of Datiansheng Magic Phase appeared a prismatic mark, exuding a translucent white light. The mark of the Tao can see the world outside the Fa.

Luo Xiu's face was indifferent, and his eyes contained endless killing intention, and his gaze was straight toward Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was not afraid, but was ready to attack Luo Xiu again.

However, at this moment, Luo Xiu suddenly controlled the magic of Datiansheng and stretched out his palms. He grabbed Xie Yiman and Li Hanhao not far away into his hands.

Li Hanhao and Xie Yiman were in crisis before. After all, under the joint efforts of Lin Guiying, Yun Huashu, and all Huazong disciples, they could not resist.

However, at this critical moment, Luo Xiu suddenly protected them.


Lin Guiying Bao roared, holding a giant axe from the sky, and an axe was slicing on the palm of Datiansheng's magical image.

With a bang, there were ripples on the surface of the magical phase of Datiansheng, and then a powerful reaction force erupted, flying directly out of Lin Guiying, the tiger's mouth cracked.

Yunhuashu moved with a whirlpool of thoughts, strangling around the palms of the magical phase of the Great Heavenly Saint, strangling sharply, tearing everything.

However, the palm of Da Tian's magic just shook gently, and all the swirls released by Yun Huashu were shattered, leaving nothing left.


Yunhuashu snorted, and she couldn't help taking a step back, and her face paled slightly.

At this moment, more than 20 disciples of Huazong launched an attack, condensing into an extremely stout beam of light, like a mountain, blasting towards the sky.

And the magical image of Datiansheng just held the palm of his hand, without any fancy, smashed towards the bottom.

Outrageous violence!

It was this brutal and violent punch that smashed the beam below directly into a smash.

More than 20 female disciples in Huazong were backswept, and their breath fluctuated slightly.

After blocking the three parties' attack easily, the magical image of Datian Sheng did not pursue, but held Li Hanhao and Xie Yiman, and put them into the magical picture of Datiansheng.

Luo Xiu's face is still indifferent, overlooking Lin Chen, his eyes are full of killing.

However, the next moment, Luo Xiu was actually controlling the magical aspect of Datiansheng and turned away.

The speed is extremely fast, and it is almost an instant of effort to escape the Baizhang!


Everyone changed his face.

what's the situation?

How did Shengzong's three talents run away?

"These three guys are pretty good."

Lin Chen grinned, not much surprised.

"Then, let's deal with these four guys with peace of mind."

Lin Chen said that everyone's attention was directed to the four people in Huangpao.

The faces of the four people in the yellow robes changed slightly at this moment.

But then they all laughed: "It's really a shocking guy. Some of us are broken here and it's worth it."

At this time, Lin Chen stepped forward slowly and asked with a smile: "Speaking of you, what age are you?"

The yellow robe first spoke, proudly saying, "Two hundred years ago, the first genius of the too desolate Lingzong, 24 years old fell."

Then the burly man said, "One hundred and forty years ago, there was no way and no faction, and the top three in that year."

The woman in the exposed dress smiled charmingly and said sexyly, "Little brother, kiss me, I will tell you."

Lin Chen remained indifferent.

"It's boring."

The woman waved her hand helplessly, and under the shocking gaze of the crowd, she said impatiently: "Well, 170 years ago, the first person of Huazong was me."

"Then why did you have so much hostility towards Hua Zong before?" Zhai Ziyin, the long sister of Hua Zong's long skirt, asked angrily.

"Secondary, my business, you still can't control it."

The woman snorted softly and said, "But then, we are finally about to be relieved. Alas, it really gave me a headache. Our group of guys have been dead for hundreds of years, and now they are still called to do things."

All three reported their age, but the wrinkled man did not answer.

"Are you hermit?"

Lin Chen smiled, looking at the wrinkled man, and asked slowly.

The man still didn't answer, but snorted softly.

He defaulted.

"It's no wonder that from the beginning it was only you, who hosted so much hostility towards us."

Lin Chen said: "Your hidden door is really good. You have been dead for so many years and you have been called out to work. It seems that your hidden door started planning this thing a hundred years ago."

The wrinkled man finally spoke, and said hoarsely: "The current situation is turbulent and the world will be chaotic. The Baichao domain today is not the Baichao domain in the past. The Baichao domain needs change and revolution." At this point, the man's tone sharply increased, and he yelled loudly: "And my secret door is to be the promoter and initiator of this revolution! What about being scolded and what Wanfu refers to, in order to The development of the entire Bai Dynasty domain, in order for the Bai Dynasty domain to continue to exist in this warfare continent

It is to dedicate all my life in a hidden door, so why not? !! "

"Twisted humanity."

Lin Chen sighed lightly and shook his head gently, saying: "Even if the world is turbulent, you ca n’t take care of it. You worry too much, risk the world, and in the end, the failure must be you guys."

"No bullshit!"

The wrinkled man shouted, "Let ’s do it. Do n’t think we have only four of us, and we will be afraid of you. How many of you are, are we ..."


It was just that, before he finished speaking, it was Lin Guiying's axe that directly hacked 4 to the ground!

"All disciples of Daozong, destroy him." Lin Chen said.

Lin Chen's voice did not fall, Fan Yutong and Li Yan took the lead together, gathered the strength of all disciples of Daozong, and gave the men the most fatal blow. In the sky, the three yellow robes tried to stop, but were delayed by Huazong's disciples, and couldn't approach at all, so they could only watch the man with wrinkles on his face, completely wiped out.

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