The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 834: I want to follow you

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

In the blink of an eye, the wrinkled man was wiped out by the people of Taoism together.

"Not of this age, don't stay in this age."

Lin Chen shook his head gently, watching the man who disappeared into nothingness, and said, "Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil, go."

"Lin Chen, what the **** is going on?"

Fan Yutong approached and couldn't help asking.

"What else can you do, haven't you been attacked by such people before?" Lin Chen shrugged and said, "They are all geniuses a hundred years ago. Somehow, the people who were resurrected by the hermits became The slaves of the hidden door, but now, it seems that they have only been controlled in action, but they are not controlled by the hidden door mentally and verbally.

very. "

"It turned out to be people who have died once." Fan Yutong nodded slightly.

"Okay, fix those three too."

Lin Chen's narrowed eyes flashed a cold light, and said, "After solving them, we will go to Qinger them."

From the previous conversation, Lin Chen learned that Yang Liuqing, Chu Feng, and Nangong Qian should have been attacked.

Just like the original Fan Yutong.

It was just that Fan Yutong had better luck, met Lin Chen and was rescued by Lin Chen.

Therefore, Lin Chen is more worried about Yang Liuqing and Nangong.

Although Yang Liuqing is a reincarnation, her strength is terrible, but everyone knows that Yang Liuqing is a reincarnation, and those who are not allowed to hide the door will study what means to check and balance Yang Liuqing.

Although Nangong Qian also has many means, even Yang Liuqing may be in danger, let alone Nangong Qian.

This is why Lin Chen no longer entangled the three talents of Shengzong before.

Those three people will have to get rid of it sooner or later, but now it won't work. Now we need to save time and look for Yang Liuqing and others.

Lest they encounter something unexpected, that's a big deal.

Therefore, Lin Chen no longer inked ink afterwards, shot with the crowd, and launched an attack on the remaining three.

That is the effort of half a cup of tea ...

The three of them lost their stubborn resistance and lost their fighting ability.

"That's right, I lost in the hands of the first person of Daozong that day, and today I didn't expect to be defeated." The burly man smiled bitterly.

The man in the yellow robe said, "Finally, I don't need to be tortured anymore. I solved it quickly and died early."

The exposed woman was sighing softly, "I have been awake for more than half a month, but I have not slept with a man, and my body is almost itching to death."

"Sao fox, shut up, we are also seniors anyway, so we must lose face in front of the younger ones." The burly man said angrily.

The man in the yellow robe just smiled and didn't speak.

"Are there any good things on your body, such as the magical miracle?" At this time, Lin Chen came to the top of the three and asked with a smile.

The man in the yellow robe glared slightly, and said angrily, "You are so awful and horrible. You didn't destroy us quickly, but you still want the treasures on us? Young man, I advise you, too greedy is not a good thing!"

And the burly man laughed: "Epigenetics, we have no treasures and cannot meet your material needs, but fight this battle with us. For you, there is no harm in this. It should be We the oldest of our predecessors. "

"Little brother, why don't you come over to accompany your sister once and make sure you are comfortable at home. This is equivalent to the baby your sister gave you, how about it?" The exposed woman smiled and groaned.

Lin Chen patted his forehead.

What the **** is this ...

"OK, let's get you on the way."

Lin Chen no longer had ink, and took the action to completely wipe out the three.

Afterwards, Lin Chen stepped forward and came to the Five Flowers King Snake and said, "Snake King, you need to postpone things for a while. There may be many people killed in my gate, so I have to look for them."

The King of Five Flowers snake nodded humanely, and seemed to understand Lin Chen's approach.


Lin Chen nodded gently, and immediately looked at the people behind him, saying, "The crisis has been lifted, and I will not stay with you anymore, so be careful."

"Ah? Brother Lin Chen, are you leaving?"

"Let's go together, too? Maybe we can help."

"Yeah, there are so many people. Take us together."


Many disciples are somewhat unwilling, not only because they simply want to contribute, but also because Lin Chen gives them a sense of security.

After experiencing this crisis, they do not want to leave Lin Chen's side for the time being.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "The purpose of our visit to Wanxu Tuxiandi is to find the treasures here. If in the end we do n’t get the corresponding number of treasures, it ’s just a bit unreasonable, so It ’s better if you do n’t follow me. ”At this point, Lin Chen paused, and then continued:“ Also, I have limited strength alone and I have limited scope to search. Now our Taoist disciples are trapped. There are definitely not a few living here, so we need to spread out and rescue the Daoism disciples one by one. If always

Together, our efficiency will be greatly reduced. "

Lin Chen's words all talked about this, even if they were not willing anymore, they had to accept it silently.

"Brother Lin Chen, I want to follow you!"

Liu Yixue stood up at this moment, and said angrily with a small face.

"Don't make trouble, little girl."

Lin Chen waved his hand and looked at Zhai Ziyin, who seemed to be smiling behind Liu Yixue, and said, "Beauty, optimistic about Yi Xue, don't let her go wrong."

"Relax, don't need you to say." Zhai Ziyin said.

"No, I will follow you!"

Liu Yixue rushed forward, holding Lin Chen's arm, and stubbornly said, "You can't leave me anymore!"


Lin Chen patted his head.

Why is this little girl getting more and more dazed.

She hadn't been so disobedient before, how can she be a bullhead and learn from whom?

"Lin Chen, just take her." Zhai Ziyin also said.

"No, there are too many dangers around me. With her, I can't protect her." Lin Chen shook her head, determined.

"I can protect myself now, I'm not young anymore."

Liu Yixue beaked her mouth and hummed coldly.

Zhai Ziyin said: "Lin Chen, if you ca n’t even protect Yixue in this 10,000 magic slaughtering fairy land, is there anyone else who can protect Yixue? It is safest to let her be with you of."

Lin Chen felt that he could not argue with Zhai Ziyin.


In the end, Lin Chen sighed and said, "Okay, then I'll take her."

Liu Yixue smiled like a flower on her face.

However, Lin Chen's face became serious, and he knocked on Liu Yixue's head, saying calmly, "However, before this, we need to make three outlines and five constants."

"What three outlines and five constants?" Liu Yixue blinked beautiful eyes, very curious.

Lin Chen said slowly: "First, no matter what happens, don't shoot without permission."

"Second, as long as I don't fall, you'll be honest behind me."

"Third, if you see me falling, you run quickly, don't look back."

Lin Chen put out three fingers and finished speaking in one go.

"it is good."

Liu Yixue didn't even think about it, and nodded with a smile and agreed.

"You little Nizi, did you listen to me?" Lin Chen's face was black.

"I listened, of course I listened." Liu Yixue grinned.

"So what do you repeat what I just said?" Lin Chen asked.

Under Lin Chen's gaze, Liu Yixue blinked her eyes, and then smiled, scratching her head and saying, "I seem to have forgotten everything."


Lin Chen was completely speechless.

She simply stopped talking about Liu Yixue, but looked at Fan Yutong not far away, and said, "Sister Fan, take these Taoist disciples with Li Yan, lest any accidents occur."


Although Fan Yutong was a little bit reluctant, she nodded and smiled.

"If anything, please contact me at any time, I will be on call." Lin Chen said.

"OK." Fan Yutong nodded again.

"Let's go."

Lin Chen greeted three monsters, Lin Guiying, Yunhuashu and Wuhua Snake.

Immediately they were rushing towards the deeper part of Wanxu Tuxian Land under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Sister Fan, this Lin Chen is really powerful." Watching Lin Chen leave, Li Yan said softly.

"Yeah, this guy is difficult to use common sense." Fan Yutong said deeply.

Immediately, Fan Yutong looked at Li Yan and asked, "Li Yan, I ask you, you must answer me truthfully."

"What are you asking?" Li Yan's face tightened slightly.

"Only one thing."

Fan Yutong stretched out a slender finger and asked seriously: "Is your strength so rapidly increased, shouldn't you use something you shouldn't use?"

Li Yan's pupils shrank slightly.

Then he took a deep breath and said firmly: "Sister Fan, you know, in order to repay my sister's revenge, no matter what I pay, even if it is life, I will not blink."

Some of his answers were unanswered, but Fan Yutong was not a fool. How could he not understand what he meant?

"You fool!"

Fan Yutong slaps Li Yan's head even hard, and hates iron and steel: "You, you, really, I don't know what to say about you anymore, no wonder I feel that this time you come back, your whole body has changed It's up! "

Li Yan didn't say anything, his face was a bit indifferent.

"Okay, when you return to Zong this time, please take a look at the elders in Zongmen and ask them to restore you to their original state."

Fan Yutong waved his sleeves and did not tangle in this matter.

Li Yan gave a soft hum, and said nothing.

However, his heart was secretly saying: return to the original state? Oh, it can't be recovered.

Can't go back again! At this moment, Li Yan's pupils brushed a black color that was extremely difficult to detect, but he was suppressed by him, so even Fan Yutong, who was closest to Li Yan, could not detect anything wrong. .

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