Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

The three talents of Shengzong fled and fled, and soon they were nearly a hundred miles away from Lin Chen.

Luo Xiu took a breath, and his thoughts moved, and then the huge magical image of the heavenly **** gradually dissipated.

The bodies of the three Romans fell from the sky and landed on the ground.

Li Hanhao first spoke and asked, "Brother, why not fight with them? Who is dead and who is alive is not sure."

He has a huge hatred for Lin Chen and can't wait to kill Lin Chen soon.

Xie Yiman also cast her eyes on Luo Xiu.

Although Lin Chen is strong, they have the means to suppress Lin Chen and the possibility of defeating Lin Chen is at least 60%.

Why let go of the good opportunity just now?

Luo Xiu just shook his head, his face was indifferent, and his voice didn't fluctuate much. He said, "This is not the time to start."

"Then when do we start?"

Li Hanhao frowned, and whispered, "Brother, the purpose of our trip to Wan Mo Tu Xian Tu was not for the treasure here, but for being able to wipe out Lin Chen. If we cannot complete the task, you After knowing ... "


Luo Xiu whispered and interrupted Li Hanhao's words, saying coldly: "I have my own measure, you don't need to say a word, and there are almost 11 days left in the last 11 days. We will kill Lin Chen. "


Li Hanhao's brows frowned deeply, and ultimately he could not refute anything, so he had to give up.

"Han Hao, it was really not the best time to do it." At this time, Xie Yiman also spoke, comforting: "Just now, there are more than forty disciples of Daozong, including Li Yan and Fan Yutong. There are more than 20 disciples in Huazong, including Zhai Ziyin and others. These people are not very good at dealing with them. If they really unite, then

Just us, we all have a headache. "


Li Hanhao nodded and refuted.

Narosho said indifferently: "Lin Chen's nagging will surely enter the Palace of the Immortal King, and the moment he enters the Palace of the Immortal King, it is when he walks into destruction."

"Brother, are you going to fight Lin Chen in the Palace of the Immortal King?" Li Hanhao looked a little surprised.

"From the beginning, that's what I planned."

Luo Xiu said: "Before, I just tried him, but I didn't expect that the difficulty of this forest dust was slightly beyond my previous imagination."

"Tentative ..."

Li Hanhao was a little surprised, because Luo Xiu had never said of the previous battle, it was just a tentative test.

"Brother's mind is indeed big enough."

Li Hanhao murmured secretly in his heart: "Yes, the previous temptations can let us better understand the methods of Lin Chen. Now that we have known some details of Lin Chen, it will be much easier to deal with it next time.

"Let's get ready for it," Luo Xiu said. "If nothing unexpected, today Lin Chen is going to the Immortal Palace immediately, and we can't fall."

"Well, okay." Xie Yiman nodded lightly.

Li Hanhao also had no objection.

Then the three left without hesitation.

The greatest purpose of their Holy Sect's coming to Wanxu Tuxiandi was nothing else, but to kill the scourge of Lin Chen.

And now, it's also time to really get ready to make sure that the next time, one hit will succeed.

"Lin Chen, see you next time, it's your last day."

In the eyes of the three Luo Xiu, the cold intentions were flashing.


Lin Chen went all the way deeper into Wanxu Tuxiandi. Of course, most of his energy was focused on finding Yang Liuqing, Nangong Qian and others.

Dao Zong's disciples are in trouble, but these people have not shown up, and they are likely to be entangled.

In order to avoid extreme things, Lin Chen still has to look for them.

call out!

Lin Chen's body turned into a streamer, and her senses were released to the maximum power, and she felt the surrounding environment around her.

However, under Lin Chen's perception, he really made him perceive a fight.

"Very volatile."

Even if they were far apart, Lin Chen was able to detect the kind of overwhelming fluctuations coming from the center of the battle.

Without much hesitation, Lin Chen flickered towards the battle center.

Because maybe, those who are shaking are the disciples of Daozong.

Lin Chen's speed is extremely fast, which is about one minute before and after, he has come to the fight.

However, when he saw the two fighting, his brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly.

Because the two fighting were not disciples of Daozong!

Of course, Lin Chen did not leave directly, because one of the people in the fight was an old acquaintance of Lin Chen.

"Amitabha, you, the donor, you have passed a hundred years. You really should not stay in this world."

A handsome monk with his hands folded, and a string of big beads hanging in the palm of his hand, his voice was loud and thick, echoing: "Then there is a little monk, to save you."

Before the words fell, the monk clenched his right hand violently, a sense of fearlessness emanated, without any mercy, and the monk's amount was facing the opposite side, blasting away.

"The little monk called this fist as a sacrificial Buddha fist."

The bright voice of the young monk echoed thousands of feet, and as his voice fell, an extremely dazzling golden light fist quietly took shape at this moment, as if there were endless Buddhist voices echoing, the whole world was to be a real Buddha All photos.

The golden light fist covered towards the front, with a mighty momentum and a world of blast.

At the same time, in front of the handsome young monk, a tall man was standing, covered in a thick mist, making it impossible to see his true face.

The tall man looked at the crushing golden light Buddha fist in front of him, and smiled, and said, "Are you the first person in Buddhism today? It is quite powerful, and you have already cultivated magical powers."

Speaking of which, the tall man turned his words and smiled dismissively: "However, if you want to use this magical power alone, you are killing me, but it is a bit too naive."

The voice didn't fall, the tall man didn't have any fancy, directly clenched Shuangquan, and blasted forward together.

Use the flesh for resistance!

Subsequently, with the blast of "Boom", numerous cracks appeared on the surface of the golden light fist and exploded immediately.

After the bombardment of the body-building Buddha fist that the little monk had condensed out easily, the tall man ’s legs gradually bent. When bent to a certain arc, the tall man violently exerted his strength, and his body burst out like a sharp sword. In front of the little monk, his fists exploded again.

"Lin Shi, the little monk knows you are here, so the little monk pleads with Lin, can you help the little monk?"

The little monk didn't panic, but opened his mouth brightly, as if talking to himself.

"You monk, you have a keen sense."

When the young monk's voice fell, Lin Chen's young laughter resounded without warning in this world, and at the moment when the laughter sounded, Lin Chen was slightly thin but stopped his incomparable body. It fell from the sky, and with a bang, it seemed like a meteor fell in front of the little monk.

"Dust returns to dust and soil returns to earth. People who are not in this era are not qualified to continue to survive in this world."

Lin Chen said coldly, his right fist burst out.


The fists of the two sides collided with each other, and immediately a sound wave visible to the naked eye spread out, and the endless waves waved out. The center of the impact seemed to have a sky-shaped storm forming, showing the strength of the two.

However, when Lin Chen was deadlocked with the tall man ...

The intelligent student monk behind Lin Chen stepped out directly and fell mercilessly on the tall man's chest.


The tall man's chest suddenly sags sharply, and Zhisheng kicks him out of the air, rolling wildly on the ground, unable to stabilize his body.

Lin Chen took advantage of this moment, and flew into the sky over your tall man. He flicked his fingers, a treasure fell, and hit the tall man.


Countless beams of light volleyed out, and the man was **** in a flash, limiting his movements.

At the same time, the monk Zhisheng came close to him, using the magical power directly, and a punch fell on the man's chest.


The lobster-like shape of the man's chest was completed directly, and the ground beneath it was annihilated in an instant, forming a huge deep hole.

To give up Buddha fists, you must stand up to become a Buddha!

In the end, under the joint force of Lin Chen and Zhisheng, the tall man was finally completely subdued.

"I am a disciple of Shengzong 100 years ago, thank you for liberating me."

The man's body gradually turned into a series of light spots and fragments, and disappeared, but before he completely dissipated, he opened his mouth and said peacefully.

"It turned out to be Sect."

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows, and the heart Road just made him harder.

On the other hand, the monk Zhisheng folded his hands together, with a humble and respectful attitude, bowed and said, "Amitabha, you are the best way to go."

The tall man smiled and turned completely into nothingness.

Zhisheng turned and looked at Lin Chen, his hands folded, and said humbly, "I've seen Lin Shi again, it really is a fate."

Lin Chen waved his hand. He was not interested in the "fate" mentioned in the Buddhist gate, and then Lin Chen went back to God and asked, "Zhisheng, have you met my disciples of the Holy Sect?"

"I've seen one or two." Zhisheng answered truthfully.

"So how are they? Has anyone been attacked by sneak attacks?" Lin Chen asked.

"That's not true."

Zhisheng thought about it, then shook his head lightly, he was completely thoughtful, so he guessed the matter in an instant, and asked, "Lin Shizhu, is Daozong in trouble?"

"It's not too much trouble, it's just some jumping clowns who come to Tai Sui and start breaking the ground."

Lin Chen shook his head: "But then, Zhisheng, how did you fight this group of people?" "He took the initiative to attack the monk, and the monk was forced to fight back, but the monk finally found out his true identity and was planning to exceed him. . "Zhisheng answered truthfully.

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