The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 836: Mercenary Crisis

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"Hey guys, don't feel at ease."

After Lin Chen heard the words, he said: "The geniuses who specifically selected the major gates to attack. Is this hidden gate trying to dominate the hundred dynasties, why is the ambition so great?"

"Amitabha, be kind and good, you can't have greed." Zhisheng said aloud the Buddha.

"Monk Zhisheng, you have to be careful. You are the first genius of Buddhism. In the future, you will become one of the most targeted group of Yinmen." Lin Chen looked at Zhisheng and said.

Zhisheng shook his head gently, showing a fearless gesture: "Give up your life for righteousness, die where you want to be, and hurry up."


Lin Chen gave Zhisheng a white look. If he hadn't even lost his life, what was the meaning?

"Okay, I still have something to do. Let's take a step."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said goodbye to Zhisheng.

However, Lin Chen hasn't walked out a few feet, but suddenly thought of something, he stopped suddenly, turned and looked at Zhisheng and said, "Monk, please take care of you. If you encounter a difficult Taoist disciple, help them A hand. "

"This is nature, Lin Shizhu rest assured." Zhisheng said slowly, his tone was not shocked.


Lin Chen waved his hand, turned himself into a streamer, and lased away.

Zhisheng no longer stays, leaves here and walks deeper into Wan Mo Tu Xian Di.


In the following day, Lin Chen did not find any trace of the suffering Taoist disciples.

"Can it be that I am too deep, and those disciples are outside?"

Lin Chen sat on the ground, frowning slightly, thinking secretly.

On his thigh, a little girl in a white plain skirt, looking clean and simple, was resting on her pillow, and it was naturally Liu Yixue.

On this day, Liu Yixue ran along with Lin Chen and was exhausted, so she fell asleep.

"Would you like to take a look outside?"

Lin Chen was wondering.

During this day, although he encountered many battles, he did not find any Taoist disciples.

Therefore, Daozong disciples, such as Yang Liuqing, Nangong Qian, and Chu Feng, have a great possibility that they have not yet entered the inner layer of Wan Mo Tu Xian Di.

However, when Lin Chen was thinking ...

call out!

A sudden sharp pupa flew suddenly, tearing the air and bursting towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen flicked his sleeves and flew this pupa easily away, and then swung towards the space on the left.

However, the moment he shook the punch, his expression was slightly surprised, and he couldn't help muttering, "Run?"

Just now, Lin Chen wanted to use Yantian Temple to imprison the other party. However, he did not expect that the other party ran away on the occasion of the fierce attack.

"Little girl, wake up."

Lin Chen patted Liu Yixue's small face and called.

Liu Yixue woke up staggered, rubbing his eyes and asking, "Brother Chen, what happened?"

"Someone attacked us just now."

Lin Chen smiled: "Let's go, let's catch up and see."

"Ah? Sneak attack? Are you all right?" Liu Yixue flipped Lin Chen's body in concern.

"It's okay, what can I do." Lin Chen smiled and helped Liu Yixue to stand up: "Lin Guiying and Yun Huashu, they have gone after them, let's go too."

"it is good."

Liu Yixue nodded lightly.

Immediately the two stood up and chased towards the left.


About half an hour later.

Lin Guiying, Yunhuashu, and Lin Chen surrounded a martial arts practitioner from three different directions.

The monk was wearing a large loose robe with a straw hat on his head, and a long black veil hung around the straw hat, hanging like a waterfall, covering his cheek.

Lin Chen saw at a glance that this man was not hidden.

Because the hidden door guy will not use this simple way to cover his face.

Afterwards, Lin Chen spoke and asked, "I wonder what your attack was on me?"

Lin Chen can feel the strength of the other party—the beast king's realm, which is really not very conspicuous among the 10,000 monsters.

However, after hearing the words from the person below, he didn't reply, but swung his sleeves in all directions.

call out! call out!

The sharp plumes of plumes spewed out of his sleeves, and they shot at the three of Lin Chen overwhelmingly.

Lin Chen was disdainful, but just a thought, there was a huge barrier of power rising in front of him, and it was easy to block these pupa feathers.

Yunhuashu flicked her fingers, forming a huge vortex in front of her, and the vortex slowly rotated, devouring all the feathers that came from the shot, leaving no one left.

Lin Guiying held a large axe in his hand, chopped down horizontally and vertically, forming a huge cross air wave, destroying all the flying feathers.

All three were able to resolve the attack without any difficulty.

"Sir, you should be able to feel that you are not our opponent."

Lin Chen smiled and said with a smile: "So go ahead and avoid it, lest something **** happen that I don't want to see."

And the martial arts practitioner still didn't answer, but a little toes, light in shape, rising up, wanting to escape here.

"You can't escape."

Lin Chen sighed slightly, raised his right hand, and snapped a snapping finger.

The surrounding space began to become red with a violent speed, and the hot air was shrouded in heaven and earth.

The moment Lin Chen came here, he quietly exhibited the Yantian Temple, but the Yantian Temple had not played a role before, it was just dormant.

The martial arts stagnation for a while, it seemed that he had given up his fate, fell from the sky, and landed on the ground.


At this moment, there seemed to be a faint sigh under the veil of the black robe, and it came out.

"Please take off your towel, don't force me to do it." Lin Chen said.

And the martial artist seems to be really dead, as Lin Chen said, taking off his hat.

Three thousand blue silk scattered.


Lin Chen's eyes brightened.

But then, Lin Chen was startled.

Because of this woman's looks, it's a bit scary!

Half of her face seemed to have been burned by the flames, which was shocking, while the other half was delicate, fair, and beautiful.

But immediately, Lin Chen looked intent, because she thought the woman was familiar.

Where does he seem to have seen this woman before!

"you are?"

Lin Chen frowned and asked.

"Lin Chen."

The woman smiled bleakly, calling Lin Chen's name and saying, "Don't you recognize me? Yeah, I've become like this. It's reasonable that you don't recognize me."

Lin Chen is crazy searching for memories.

To be sure, he must have had a certain intersection with this woman before!

Lin Chen stared at the woman, suddenly flashing in front of her, what seemed to be thinking, and then lost her voice: "You are, the deputy head of the Huali Mercenary Corps, Zhang Lier ?!"

After the woman heard the words, she couldn't help but glance at a slight surprise, then smiled bitterly and nodded: "I never thought you could remember me."

"How did you become like this?"

Lin Chen's body flickered, and she came directly to Zhang Lier's body, looking at the terrible scar on Zhang Lier's face.

The woman was Zhang Lier, the deputy head of the Huali mercenary regiment. When Lin Chen saw her, she was a beautiful woman, charming and charming, and very attractive to men.

But now, Zhang Lier's face has only two words for men: scare!

After that, without waiting for Zhang Li'er to reply, Lin Chen asked again: "How is the head of your Huahua mercenary regiment, Huahua?"

The head of the Hualu mercenary regiment, Huayan, and Lin Chen are even close friends. Obviously, Zhang Lier has an accident now. Maybe Huali has already ...

"She's no problem for the time being." Zhang Lier shook her head slightly.

"What does it mean temporarily?"

Lin Chen frowned: "And what's wrong with this injury on your face?"

It was not until Lin Chen approached that Lin Li saw that the injuries on Zhang Lier's face did not seem to be caused by trauma, but rather caused by internal injuries.

That feeling is like the food that caused the allergy, but this allergy is far more terrible and shocking than the allergy caused by food.

Under Lin Chen's cross-examination, Zhang Lier had to tell the whole story, and said it all carefully.

It turned out that the senior members of the Huali mercenary regiment did not know where to obtain a method to quickly improve their strength. However, at the beginning, everyone was not convinced that this method would work. try out.

I didn't expect this method to actually succeed.

Therefore, this method is in a very short time, it is swept the entire Hualu mercenary regiment.

Zhang Lier did not stand the temptation and tried this method.

After all, this approach is not a small increase in strength.

However, the head of the Huali mercenary regiment, Huali, said: Cultivation must be solid and down-to-earth. All the methods to quickly improve strength are nothing more than boosting seedlings. They are harmless and not beneficial. They must not delay for immediate benefits. After the long-term development.

However, at that time, no one had listened to the commander.

After all, that method is really too effective.

Even Zhang Lier, through that method, went from the Realm of the Air King once and crossed the three realms to reach the Realm of the Beast King, and this was not over, Zhang Lier was still able to feel that her strength was still skyrocketing!

In that month, the overall strength of the Huaya mercenary regiment has been greatly improved. It can be said politely that the Huahua mercenary regiment at that time could already be regarded as a small sect of the Bai Dynasty. Door!

You need to know that the mercenary regiment in front of the flower is just a mercenary regiment that survives between the Wanwu Dynasty and the Beast Dynasty. No matter how it develops, it may not be too strong. After all, it is the surrounding environment and restrictions. Up their development height. In that month, the Hualien Mercenary Regiment reached a new height and ushered in the most beautiful period. At that time, the Hualien Mercenary Regiment destroyed a junior dynasty with ease!

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