The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 837: She undressed

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The easy destruction of a junior dynasty is in the eyes of the Huahua mercenary regiment in the past. It is simply an impossible dream.

However, at that time, it only took two days for the Huali mercenary regiment to destroy that junior dynasty.


It can be seen at what level the overall combat effectiveness of the Huali mercenary regiment reached that level.

It's not enough. Everything has two sides.

When the Huayan Mercenary Regiment was less than a month old, it was in a big situation.

Almost all the members of the Hualien Mercenary Regiment showed symptoms of maladjustment, or their faces were destroyed, or their arms and legs were missing, anyway, it was like food poisoning and allergies. This allergy is too destructive.

Zhang Li'er was also unable to protect herself from the harm. Half of her beautiful, enchanting face was destroyed.

Only one in 10,000 people in the Huakui Mercenary Regiment were not harmed by it.

One of them was the head of the Huakui Mercenary Regiment, Huayan.

It might as well be said that from the beginning, people in Huayan did not use this method of pulling seedlings to promote, but down to earth, step by step to practice.

However, other people did not think so. After all, the strength of Huayao also had a certain breakthrough at that time, reaching the beast king's great mastery, so other people felt that Huayao must have used that method.

But why was Huayan not backfired by that means?

That's right, Hua Yan must have her own unique means!

She has the means to prevent back biting, but she is not public, grandma, what **** leader!

Therefore, the Hua Kui mercenary regiment directly caused civil unrest.

Originally, Huayao was the strongest presence in the Huakui Mercenary Regiment. The other members of the team were not necessarily the opponents of Huahua.

But now, the entire Hualu mercenary regiment has used that method, and the strength of the members has been rapidly improved. The difference from Hualu is not too long. Therefore, once they are united, Hualu is not an opponent at all.

Therefore, today's Huayao has been imprisoned by the members of the Huakui Mercenary Regiment!

Of course, these groups did not kill Huayan, but just placed him under house arrest, wanting to know the means to prevent back phasing.

But how could Huayao know this method, so the double convenience was deadlocked.

Zhang Lier, as the deputy head of the Hua Kui Mercenary Regiment, naturally knew that from the beginning Hua Huan did not use that method.

She wanted to stand up and get justice for Huayu, but she found out that the people of Huakui Mercenary Group were crazy!

They have become less and less human!

Zhang Lier finally realized the seriousness of the matter, so she asked a small ancestral gate to pretend their disciples, and came to this land of Wan Mo Tu Xian to find Lin Chen for help.

Kung Fu is worthy of care, she has finally found Lin Chen.

"Do it yourself, and you cannot live."

After Lin Chen heard the words, he hummed quietly: "It's also blame that girl is not very disciplined. As the leader of a group, since you didn't believe this method from the beginning, why didn't you stop it?"

Zhang Lier smiled bitterly, and said in her heart: Even if it was explicitly forbidden under the huge temptation, someone would secretly use it privately, and wanted to eliminate it, but it could not be eliminated at all.

"Sit down and undress. I'll check it for you."

Lin Chen is no longer ink, he said.


Zhang Lier blinked her eyes and looked at Lin Chen with some doubts.

Check and check, what to do if you take off your clothes?

However, for Lin Chen, Zhang Lier is more convinced. Besides, she is now a human woman. Although her maintenance is better, after all, her age is there, so it is impossible for Lin Chen to look after herself.

Therefore, Zhang Lier was not shy, she sat on the ground and took off her clothes.

The perfect skin is exposed to the air, and it seems to be glowing, which makes people want to go up and kiss.

"Sister Zhang is very well maintained." Lin Chen looked at Zhang Lier's slender and plump figure and smiled.

Zhang Lier gave Lin Chen a white look, and this little guy in the heart said that he was really a little bit serious.

And Liu Yixue behind Lin Chen, at this moment is frowning willow eyebrows, pursing his mouth, looking unhappy.

Because she felt that Lin Chen was taking advantage of this woman!

Huh, Lin Chen's brother is a big satyr, a big bad guy, and men are big pig hoofs!

Zhang Lier's eyes were sharp and she noticed the change in Liu Yixue's look. She couldn't help secretly smirking. Lin Chen was quite peachy. This beautiful girl was obviously jealous!

Then, Lin Chen stopped talking and took a deep breath. The palm of his hand was gently placed on the lid of Zhang Lier's heavenly spirit. With a heart motion, a soft element of force surged out of Dantian, flowing along the palm of his hand, Inside Zhang Lier's body.

Zhang Lier closed her eyes, relaxed her body, and accepted Lin Chen's examination quietly.

And Lin Chen's examination was also very orderly. First, Zhang Lier's flesh was checked, and no problems were found. Then she checked her meridians, etc., and there were no problems.

"Then, it's in Dantian."

Lin Chen's eyes narrowed, without any hesitation, immediately urging Yuanli into the Dan Tian of Zhang Lier.

It's just that the moment Lin Yuan's Yuanli just entered Zhang Li'er Dantian ...


The strong sense of heaven and earth turning, like a bomb that hit the mind like crazy, Lin Chen only felt that he was instantly weightless, and the whole body seemed to be involuntarily falling towards the abyss!


Lin Chen was not afraid, but was slightly surprised.

The stronger and more mysterious the other party, the more interested Lin Chen is!

A few seconds later, Lin Chen's feet had a physical feeling, and the sense of rotation in his mind gradually disappeared, and the eyes were also gradually restored from darkness.

However, Lin Chen found that the surrounding environment had completely changed.

"This is where my consciousness is drawn ..."

Lin Chen looked around, a calm one. If you changed to someone else, you would have been nervous and dead.

Lin Chen found that the environment he was in now seemed to be in a cave, but the cave was extremely huge, with strange rocks around it, and an ordinary stone was much larger than Lin Chen's body.

Lin Chen moved forward all the way, and suddenly felt a sense of danger, stopped and looked forward.

Ahead, not far from Lin Chen, there was a burst of black smoke emerging from the seams of the ground. The black smoke gathered and condensed, and finally formed an extremely huge figure, standing tall.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Chen stood in front of it, like a ant!

"Who are you?"

Lin Chen asked unhappyly.

Without his permission, pull her life to such a ghost place, let's die!

Moreover, it is clear that the power deposited in Zhang Lier's body has its own sense of autonomy!

Although Zhang Lier used this strength to get a rapid increase in strength, at the same time, she became a boarding body!

"If you continue like this, it won't be long before Zhang Li'er will be completely eroded and become a puppet with only a shell." Lin Chen thought in his heart.

And just as Lin Chen was thinking secretly ...

The huge black mist suddenly surged. It seemed that the hungry wolf saw the prey and showed a kind of greedy excitement. Even if there were countless black mist blasts down, it was shrouded in the forest dust.

"Want to erode me?"

Lin Chen saw the thought of this dark mist at a glance, and immediately snorted and smiled dismissively: "It's going to look if you eroded me or I eroded you!"

Lin Chen took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Suddenly, his body suddenly opened up sharply. In just one breath, it rose to a huge height!

Now, in front of Lin Chen, this huge shadow of black mist has become a small ant!

Lin Chen was not polite, and kicked directly toward the black mist.

The black mist even produced several mists, crossing them together, blocking their heads.

Lin Chen's kick came, but he didn't shatter it, but was blocked by him stiffly.

"Oh? It's hard ..."

Lin Chen was surprised and immediately kicked his left foot with his right foot as the support point!

There was still no sound at all, and the huge shadow of black mist was directly kicked out by Lin Chen's stiff kick!

Today's Lin Chen is just a god-conscious body. The power of the god-conscious body is largely reflected in the size of the body. Nowadays, it is clear that Lin Chen's arrogance is not that this dark fog can resist of.

The other party also noticed its own disadvantage and immediately wanted to get into the ground and escape, and at the same time wanted to put Lin Chen back.

"Want to run? How could it be so easy."

Lin Chen snorted softly, stretched out his palm, and took the black mist directly into his hand with a thunderbolt!

"You stuff, it's not the power of the War Warrior continent."

Lin Chen frowned slightly, clenching the black mist tightly, as if to kill him before he could die!

From the beginning, Lin Chen realized that this black mist was wrong.

It is not the power of the Warrior continent!

The black mist was just a mad surging. Wanting to get rid of Lin Chen's palm, it was just useless work. He couldn't shake Lin Chen's palm in the slightest!

"Really, I have only died for a thousand years, and there are so many ox, ghost, and snake gods in the War Warrior continent."

Lin Chen has some helplessness, but if you think about it, the outside planes want to invade the Baichao domain, and they will definitely not start from areas where the combat power is relatively tyrannical.

They choose, generally, the twelve main domains, which are relatively weak, Bai Chaoyu, and the chaotic Senluo. They gradually eat away the warrior continent in the dark, and after they develop to a certain degree, they really show their heads.

Therefore, Bai Chaoyu should be the first batch.

"Not willing to say ..."

Looking at the wildly struggling black mist in the palm of his hand, Lin Chen's eyes lightened coldly: "Then you go to death." Lin Chen bluntly blasted the black mist ... and exploded!

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