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Along with the advance of Lin Chen, the amulets in their hands also flickered more and more prominently.

Until now, even fools can see that this amulet is showing them the way.

"It is estimated that the family that made this amulet used the special power in the fairy king palace, so after entering the fairy king palace, these amulets that have not reacted much, will have these slight changes."

Nangong murmured lightly.

Lin Chen glanced at Nangong and was a little surprised.

This Nizi has a good IQ, and she can detect some of them.

"If there is no amulet to guide the way, we are afraid that we will lose our way in this vast forest."

Li Yijian said with emotion.

No one had thought that Xianwangdian turned out to be a vast and borderless mountain forest. In this mountain range, perception is blinded. Even a monk in the nirvana realm may be lost if he is careless.

But now, the amulet actually has the function of guiding, which is really convenient.

"I'm afraid that those seniors who had participated in Wanxu Tuxiandi also knew about it."

Nangong groaned slightly: "It's just weird that they didn't tell us about it for some reason."

Before entering the Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, Nangong Qian also specially visited a Taoist elder who was more than ten years older than him. It was a talented disciple who entered the Wan Mo Tu Xian Di in the previous term.

And the man was not hesitant, and told Nangong Qian everything he knew. Because of this, Nangong Qian had a deeper understanding of the Wan Mo Tu Xian Di and the Immortal King Palace.

It was just that the man did not say that the amulet had been used from beginning to end.

Nangong Qian didn't believe that the disciples who had participated in the Wanmo Tuxiandi in the last session would not know the mystery of the amulet. After all, no one is a fool. If you can't see even this change, then you can't explain it.

Then, Nangong Qian also shook his head, no longer tangled in this matter.

I did n’t say it, I guess the person thought it was too perceptible, and it ’s not a secret, so I did n’t say it.

The crowd moved on ...

The surrounding flowers and trees are increasingly towering and lush, blocking the light between heaven and earth, making this place as dark as dusk.

Suddenly, Nangong Qian stopped and said, "Stop everyone."

As soon as this word came out, everyone stopped and looked at Nangong Shallow in puzzlement.

Nangong Qian looked around, and then slowly said, "As far as I know, there is a dragon gate ahead. To enter the hall of the fairy king, you need to climb the dragon gate."

"Ascend the Dragon Gate?"

Lin Chen was slightly surprised.

How can he not know Dragon Gate?

Dragon Gate, similar to Daozong's talent tower, but far more strict than Daozong's talent tower.

There is an old saying that "the dragon will turn into a dragon as soon as it reaches the dragon gate." This is not an exaggeration, but it is true. Every one who can pass the test of the dragon gate will become a hegemon in the future, and arrogant to the crowd.

Lin Chen saw the Dragon Gate at that time, but did not climb the Dragon Gate, because Lin Chen felt that he was the talent of the sky, and a Dragon Gate could hardly hold him back. This so-called Dragon Gate was just a waste of time.

In other words, Lin Chen did not look at Longmen at all.

And now, there is a dragon gate in this fairy king palace?

"I don't know if this dragon gate is a real dragon gate or is it just an imitation?"

Lin Chen was thoughtful.

Taoism's gift tower is an imitation, imitating the 981-story talent tower that once slammed the entire warfare continent.

The preciousness and reputation of the Dragon Gate is not inferior to the talent tower of the 981-story floor. Therefore, the world scrambled to imitate the Dragon Gate, resulting in countless "reproductions" of the Dragon Gate. Of course, these are just some fakes It is not so precious.

"As far as I know, if you want to enter the true inner layer of Xianwangdian, you need to climb the dragon gate."

At this time, Nangong Qian continued to say, "The Fairy King Hall was also divided into the outer hall and the inner hall. Only after passing the test of the Dragon Gate can we enter the inner hall again, and we are now close to the Dragon Gate."

However, after everyone heard the words, they were unhappy.

"Ah? Going to the inner temple? Impossible, we have been in the fairy king's palace for so long. Why didn't we find anything good?"

"Yes, logically, shouldn't there be crises here and there are good things all over the place? Why not?"

"It's weird, I don't feel right."


Everyone who followed accompanied them and raised their doubts.

Xianwangdian, countless opportunities and dangers coexist. According to the truth, the treasure here should be just picking it up, and it can't be counted. Why isn't it now?

In addition to the mountains, except for the endless flowers and trees, there is no shadow of an animal, which is completely different from the outside world.

The outside world is in danger, and various creatures are lurking. Maybe it will be caught by a monster, and one accidentally becomes food in the monster's mouth.

Now, obviously, he has come to this more dangerous hall of fairy kings, but why hasn't he encountered any danger from the beginning to the present?

Is the information wrong? There are no treasures in the fairy king palace?

Everyone was confused and dissatisfied.

They have been cautious and intimidated for such a long time, in order to be able to get some good chances in this fairy king's palace, but did not expect that there is nothing in this place, and even the creatures can't be seen!

What a ghost!

It seemed that they were aware of the mood swings of the crowd, and Nangong Yan Liumei frowned slightly, trying to reprimand them.

No patience, no perseverance, this mentality can not go far on the road of cultivation!

However, after waiting for Nangong to speak, Lin Chen smiled and said gently: "There must have been a lot of babies here before, but they have all been taken away. You can think about it before us. How many people have been here? "

Being reminded by Lin Chen, everyone was stunned, and immediately wanted to understand.

As long as you can enter the Wanmu Tuxian land, then there are likely to be six or seven to enter the fairy king palace. After all, the fairy king palace is not exclusive to anyone. As long as you enter it during the half-day that opened, there will be nothing. Danger.

This kind of fairy king palace will surely make countless people rush into it. From the opening of Wanmo Tuxiandi to now, I don't know how many people have come here to find treasure. This is no danger. The fairy king palace is the object they focus on.

Therefore, as Lin Chenduo said, the Fairy King Hall outside the Dragon Gate has been completely turned over. If you want to find a baby here, you may be wishful thinking.

"Well, I regret having been born for hundreds of years."

"Baby all those seniors took away, we can't even drink the soup."

"The predecessors did such a terrific job that they didn't even leave us a residue."

Everyone talked, and kept feeling.

"Let's go to Longmen."

Nangong shallowly urged.

Only after entering the Dragon Gate, it is possible to go to the real opportunity. Now the Xianwangdian here has been looted for a long time, and there is no need to continue.


After another quarter of an hour.

The crowd stopped again.

Because in front of them, the void was wavy, like the water, giving a wonderful sense of sight.

However, among the wonders, there is more, but it is a danger that makes people feel upright.

"Going forward, it should be Longmen."

Nangong Qian said.

"What shall we do now?" Someone asked.

After all, the breath ahead really made them linger.

Nangong Qian said: "Before us, there were already a few people who stepped forward, and they should not have encountered any danger, so we need not worry ..."

However, before Dang Nangong had finished speaking, Lin Chen stepped forward, and in a few steps, he reached the front of the twisted void.

He took out his amulet in his hands, and without much hesitation, put his palm on the surface of the twisted void.

Immediately, a weak repulsive force came, and the feeling was like placing the palm on the water, and a very soft repulsive force came.

However, most importantly, Lin Chen did not encounter any danger.

"I went ahead."

Lin Chen turned around, smiled at everyone and greeted him.

After that, Lin Chen took a step directly into the distorted void and disappeared.

The twisted void is like the surface of the water, ripples of layers, then gradually dissipated and returned to calm.

"Lin Chen went in like this?"

"Fuck, what the hell, didn't you encounter any danger?"

"Can it be that this thing looks dangerous, it's just scaring us, isn't it worth mentioning?"

"I think it's the reason for the amulet."


Everyone, you say something to me.

However, whether it is strength or mind, who can come here are not comparable to ordinary people, because after a moment of hard work, they have reached a consistent conclusion: amulets!

Lin Chen just came in safely with the amulet, so the amulet is the key!

In the end, everyone followed the example of Lin Chen, holding amulets and heading forward.

"What a bold guy."

Zhai Ziyin saw that everyone was learning Lin Chen, shook his head and smiled. Lin Chen's courage to take the lead in the world was not something he could learn.

"Brother Lin Chen is terrific, these are not much." Liu Yixue said in aside.

"Blind confident."

Zhai Ziyin tapped Liu Yixue's head lightly: "You have to believe in yourself, you can't believe in others too much."

"Lin Chen's brother is his own. Why can't you believe it?" Liu Yixue asked puzzledly.

"No more, telling you this, you can't hear it."

Zhai Ziyin shook her head slightly and smiled slightly. Lin Chen scolded Lin Chen for not knowing how much ecstasy soup was poured into this little girl from Yixue, which made this girl so desperate. Afterwards, they followed the crowd into the slightly distorted void.

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