The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 856: Sister's attitude

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A group of people holding amulets naturally did not encounter any danger, and it was easy to enter through the vacant void.

In the moment, a sensation came as if entering the water, as if the surrounding air had completely turned into liquid, blocking the breathing.

However, when returning to God, many people were shocked.

"So strong Yuanli!"

Someone exclaimed, eyes widened, extremely surprised!

Now they are not in the liquid, but the richness of the surrounding forces, which is almost the same as the liquid, and the richness is extremely high!

However, although the power here is extremely strong and tempting, no one dares to let go of it and absorb the power here.

After all, no one knows the Yuanli here. Is it clean or full of magical impurities?

Before they entered Wanmu Tuxian Land, the elders of their ancestors kept telling them that it is better not to practice in Wanmu Tuxian Land, otherwise, even with amulet protection, they may attract magical energy System, resulting in extremely serious consequences.

"Well, unfortunately, if you can confirm that the Yuanli here is clean, then the speed of practicing here is at least ten times that of the outside world!"

Someone sighed and couldn't help feeling sorry.

Such a good place for practice and such unique conditions, but because of the existence of magic, can not be taken lightly here.

"Is this Dragon Gate ..."

After that, many people set their eyes ahead.

Longmen. The golden light covered the surface of the dragon gate, shining brightly, invisibly, an extremely ancient and vicissitudes emanated from the dragon gate. The breath swept through the room, as if it were a dragon with a loud voice. The sound of groan resounded, with an inexplicable force of oppression,

Into everyone's ears.

"So powerful Dragon Gate!"

Many people couldn't help but widen their eyes and murmured softly.

They were taken by the breath of the dragon gate, so they were all in awe, as if they had seen an ancient predecessor.

"Look, Lin Chen is there, and hasn't started to break into the Dragon Gate!"

One man pointed at the young man in black and said.

The young man in black is naturally Lin Chen. At this moment, Lin Chen, standing quietly in front of the dragon gate, was motionless, like a statue, more like sitting, entering a state of meditation.

But it seemed to be aware that everyone had arrived, and it seemed to be aware of something else. Lin Chen's body trembled slightly, and then his eyes gradually recovered, and he murmured: "It was a real thing."

"What's really fake?" Nangong approached and asked.

"It's nothing."

Lin Chen shrugged without explaining much.

"Are you going ahead?" Nangong Qian asked again.

"It doesn't matter."

Lin Chen shrugged, and just wanted to be another person, but at this moment, Lin Chen seemed to suddenly think of something, then his eyes lightened slightly, and he stepped back and smiled and said, "No, no, I I'll be there later, whoever is interested will come. "

After speaking, Lin Chen turned around again, looked at the people behind him, and smiled, "If you are interested, go up, I will come back later."

Everyone was a little confused about Lin Chen's decision.

Among them, Lin Chen's talents and methods are undoubtedly extremely powerful, but why isn't he now?

Could it be that he perceives any danger, or what uncertain factors he perceives, so he will let others try it out?

All the people present were geniuses of various major gates. They were very meticulous and would consider a lot if they were inappropriate. Therefore, they now felt that Lin Chen must want to pit them.

At this time, Lin Chen stepped back and gave up the position of the dragon gate.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Nangong frowned slightly and asked in a low voice, "Are you not confident in yourself?"

"Who knows."

Lin Chen shrugged, not commenting.

Nangong Yan Liumei raised her eyebrows, and she hated Lin Chen's attitude.

However, even she did not know that her attitude towards Lin Chen was completely different from that of others.

If other people also have this indifferent attitude towards her, then she doesn't care at all, because she also has an indifferent attitude towards others.

However, only Lin Chen, if Lin Chen showed that indifferent attitude, Nangong Qian would feel upset.

Of course, this change, even if Nangong Qian himself, was not noticeable.

"Let me do it."

At this time, Li Yijian stood up and gradually walked towards Longmen.

Lin Chen looked up at Li Yijian, but said nothing, and let him go.

"Lin Chen, didn't you notice something was wrong? Why didn't you go first?" Nangong asked, after all, Li Yijian was going to go. He didn't want to see Daozong's disciples in danger.

Lin Chen immediately shook his head and said, "I'm just a bit tired and want to take a break."

"Really?" Nangong asked, staring at Lin Chen lightly.

"It should be true." Lin Chen didn't say anything, and the answer was ambiguous.

As for Lin Chen's ambiguous answer, Nangong Qian also had no choice but to ask no more.

However, she also understands Lin Chen's human nature. Since Lin Chen did not say that there is any danger, then this dragon gate should not be in any danger.

"Everyone, take a step forward with Li Yijian."

Li Yijian turned and arched his hands at the crowd, then stepped into the dragon gate.

In the moment, the space inside the dragon gate began to ripple like water, and as the ripples continued to spread, Li Yijian's body also completely disappeared into the public's field of vision.

And it's not over yet ...


The moment Li Yijian's body completely fell into the Dragon Gate, suddenly, behind the Dragon Gate, there was a colorful river condensing out. This colorful river, surging from the source of the Dragon Gate, surged toward the inexplicable distance.


The clear flowing water rang loudly between the heavens and the earth, but this feeling is strange, because there is no water vapor between the heavens and the earth, as if this colorful river is only illusory and does not really exist.

"Brother Lin Chen, what's going on?"

Liu Yixue approached Lin Chen and asked softly.

Nangong shallow is also slightly strange looking at the colorful river ahead, thoughtfully.

Lin Chen touched Liu Yixue's hair and smiled, "This is the sign that the dragon gate is open. Now someone enters the dragon gate. The dragon gate that was still closed is turned into an opening. Now Li Yijian is at the gate To accept the trial of the Dragon Gate. "

"What's wrong with this colorful river?" Liu Yixue pointed to the front and asked.

"This is equivalent to a teleportation device." Lin Chen explained very easily. "If you can pass the test of the Dragon Gate, you will follow this colorful river and enter the interior of the Fairy King Hall, but if you cannot pass the Dragon Gate, Test, then you ca n’t pass this colorful long river, you can only get some benefits from the dragon gate, and

After being squeezed out by the gantry row. "

"That's the way it is."

Liu Yixue nodded secretly, thoughtfully, and then smiled sweetly: "Brother Lin Chen knows so much."

"That is."

Lin Chen shook his hair narcissistically.

"How do you know so much?" Nangong Qian asked softly.

"Because I am knowledgeable and knowledgeable," Lin Chen said with a smile.

"Hmm." Nangong heard the words lightly and hummed coldly, thinking that Lin Chen's answer was completely perfunctory, and the donkey's lips were not right to the horse's mouth.

If it wasn't because Yang Liuqing was beside him, Nangong Qian's violent temper was afraid he would have shot Lin Chen long ago.

However, at this moment, Yang Liuqing walked in and spoke to Lin Chen's ear.


Lin Chen frowned immediately, then looked at Yang Liuqing and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

"not sure."

Yang Liuqing shook her head gently: "However, I need to go there now, otherwise there will be some trouble."

"How did you get there?" Lin Chen asked in amazement: "Do not pass through the dragon gate?"

"Well, don't pass through the dragon gate."

Yang Liuqing pressed her head lightly, and then held out the jade hand. There was an ice blue mark in the palm of the jade hand. At this moment, the ice blue mark was emitting a faint light, and it seemed that something was turned on.

A clear expression appeared on Lin Chen's face, and he nodded, "So it is."

Later, Lin Chen asked, "May I go with you?"

"Not for now, you stay here and do your own thing."

Yang Liuqing shook her head gently and said, "I know what you want to do, but you have to do what you can. I'm afraid that a certain sense of autonomy has developed."

While talking, Yang Liuqing raised her head, her glamour gaze looked forward, and the giant dragon gate was shining with golden light.

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you."

Lin Chen smiled and pinched Yang Liuqing's face, then gave her a reassuring smile, and said: "Relax, I have my own measure, but you, be careful, I will go to you after I enter the hall of fairy kings."


Among Liu Liangqing's cold beautiful eyes, a rare passing of tenderness caught people's hearts.

"How are you going to get over here? People here have many eyes." Lin Chen asked again.

"No problem, they can't stop me." Yang Liuqing shook her head gently.

"Forget it, I'll cover it for you."

Lin Chen waved his sleeves, releasing a strong element of force, which automatically liquefied into mist, layer by layer, covering the bodies of Lin Chen and Yang Liuqing.

"Slump? What does Lin Chen want to do? Don't want to do some shame in front of all of us?"

"It is really an unyielding Yin demon. It is so bold under the broad daylight. This is a naked abuse of us single people!"


The crowd scolded, and at the same time released a forceful perception, trying to perceive what Lin Chen and Yang Liuqing are doing now.

However, Lin Chen has long laid out a formidable anti-perception array, so everyone's perception cannot penetrate the thick fog at all.

"What does this guy want to do ..." Nangong looked at it briefly, and her heart jerked a little. Somehow she was jealous and even more worried ...

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