The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 864: Use power thousands of years ago

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The body of the burly man was cut into two halves directly by Lin Chen.

"But that's it."

Lin Chen shrugged and said slowly, ridiculed.

"Ignorant Shuzi!"

At this time, the ancient anger sounded again above the sky.

Obviously, this time, Lin Chen really angered Longmen.

"Come on, let me see, what skills do you have!"

Lin Chen yelled at the sky without fear.


The ancient rage sounded again, and an illusive huge figure appeared above the sky.


As soon as he appeared, he had an extremely powerful coercion, like a storm, bursting into the air.

"So powerful coercion ..."

Lin Chen's breathing was slightly stagnant, and his face was slightly dignified at this moment.

"Let me step on your soul!"

At this moment, the illusory soul above the sky roared and stepped on it!

Thousands of feet fell from the sky, so that Lin Chen had no room to hide at all!

However, Lin Chen just calmly shook the monster knife village rain in his hands, and suddenly the monster knife village rain burst out, even with Lin Chen's body flying out.


The afterglow flashed, and Lin Chen came out of the distance.

The thousands of feet fell to the ground without making any sound, but rather calm.

"Oh? It's just consciousness ..."

Lin Chen was thoughtful.

The Dragon Gate gave birth to spiritual intelligence, but this spiritual intelligence is not an entity, but an illusion similar to the human soul and consciousness.

No wonder before it wanted to deal with Lin Chen, it was to borrow the body of other people. It turned out to be an illusion.

However, although it is only an illusory body, it is not to be underestimated, because even if it is a high-level nirvana master such as Qizhu Nirvana, once it is bombed by him, it will instantly break the soul and no longer exist!

With the rapid speed of Yudaocun Yu, Lin Chen was able to avoid that kick.


At this moment, the magnificent giant opened his mouth, screamed angrily, and the ancient sound of thunder blasted back to the sky.


Lin Chen only felt a special energy and swept across his body, but did not cause any substantial damage to Lin Chen.


Lin Chen frowned.

What happened?

However, the next moment, Lin Chen understood.

Because he wanted to fly back to fight back this giant giant, but found that he no longer had the ability to fly in the sky!

Today, he is in the space of Dragon Gate, where Dragon Gate is the master. The word Dragon Gate can make Lin Chen lose his ability to fly in the sky!

However, all this is irrelevant ...

Lin Chen smiled: "Since I can't fly, I can only fly with the help of other things."

During the conversation, Lin Chen shook the monster knife village rain in his hands, and suddenly the monster knife village rain turned into a blaze of light, soared into the sky, and Lin Chen's body also flew up into the sky. In an instant, he came to the top of the giant man's head.

Later, Lin Chen held the sword in the shape of a short dagger and cut it off.

A black blood-colored blade wave condensed out, like a meniscus, falling down toward the giant shadow.

However, the next moment, something that made Lin Chen a little surprised happened ...

I saw that the sword wave penetrated the giant giant shadow, as if it hit the air, and finally banged to the ground, leaving a deep gully on the hard ancient square.

The attack of the monster knife village rain has no effect on it!

"In this space, I am the master, I am the emperor! Let me arbitrarily, give up resistance, and die quickly!"

At this moment, the huge giant shadow drank with a slap and fanned out with a slap, and it was necessary to slap the soul of Lin Chen with a slap!

However, at the very beginning, Yudaocun Yu suddenly turned around and took Lin Chen to a place other than Qianzhang, and it was worthy to escape the slap of Wanzhang Juying.

"Big guy, let me tell you, surrender quickly, don't force me to shoot!"

Lin Chen shouted at the giant figure.


Wan Zhang Juying was even more angry after hearing the words, screamed angrily, and punched Lin Chen.

"Old man Zhou Qing, now you are also a soul body, can you fight against it?"

Lin Chen asked in his heart while avoiding.


Zhou Qing replied directly: "If it was me at the peak of the year, it would not be a problem if I wanted to conquer the dragon gate in this state, but now I have not fully recovered, and not only is not my opponent, but may become his nourishment. "

At this point, Zhou Qing suddenly turned around and laughed: "However, the old man can inspire your godly power, use your godly power to defeat it and crush it."

"No!" Lin Chen immediately rejected it!

"Oh? Why?" Zhou Qing asked with a smile.

"No, it just doesn't work, why are there so many?" Lin Chen replied angrily.

"Are you afraid of your own whereabouts exposed?" Zhou Qing asked with a smile, quite treacherous.

Lin Chen was silent and didn't answer.

"It seems that you are really afraid of your own whereabouts." Zhou Qing laughed.

"Old man Zhou Qing, I tell you, I do this not only for you, but also for you. If my whereabouts are exposed, then all people who have a relationship with me, I am afraid they will not escape."

Lin Chen groaned, his voice was very low.

"But if you don't rely on your godly power, how can you suppress it? Are you going to run away?" Zhou Qing asked back.

"I'm afraid I can't even escape."

Lin Chen shook his head gently: "This space has been blocked by it. I provoked its majesty. It is about to kill me. If it doesn't kill me, don't let it go. We can't escape but only face it."

"It's really a bit helpless." Zhou Qing was helpless.

While avoiding the attack of the giant figure, Lin Chen tried various methods to attack the giant figure.

But everything is just useless ...

Unless it is the same soul body as it is, there is no way to hit it!


At this moment, the giant giant shadow once again screamed angrily, and rubbed his hands with a seal. Lin Chen suddenly felt only heavy and fell involuntarily!

"Gravity ..."

Lin Chen immediately stabilized his body and narrowed his eyes.

Now, the giant shadow is controlling the gravity of this heaven and earth. Under the pressure of gravity, the speed of Lin Chen is gradually slowing down.

By this time, Lin Chen had also seen that Manzhang's manipulation of this side of the world was a gradual and deepening manipulation.

It had not been able to completely control this heaven and earth before, but it has been able to control the various attributes of this heaven and earth in a deeper and more diversified way after staying between this heaven and earth for a long time.

"Can't drag on anymore."

The cold light flashed in Lin Chen's eyes, and he immediately made a decision.

The more it drags on, the worse it will be for him!

"Old man Zhou Qing, go out and carry me for a while, I will forcibly call a wave of my consciousness!"

Lin Chen shouted.

"Are you sure?" Zhou Qing asked.

"Stop the ink!" Lin Chen said.

"Well then, I can resist a tea at most, as soon as possible, you must make me the food of this Dragon Gate spirit."

Zhou Qing sighed lightly and then resentfully said: "Really, since I have been with you, I have become your thug without knowing it. My husband never thought about the rebirth of this life hundreds of years ago. "

A purple light flew from Lin Chen's eyebrows, flying above the sky, exploding like a ton of fireworks.

A gigantic giant shadow of purple light condensed out, although it was unreal, but it also carried a monstrous momentum.


Thousands of giant shadows blasted out like a shock.

The giant shadow of purple light did not have the slightest fear, but it turned out to be the same.

The two fists collided, but did not make any impact sound, but burst out a rapid wave of energy.

Affected by the aftermath, Lin Chen only felt that his soul was shaking slightly, a feeling of seasickness, spontaneous.


Taking a deep breath, Lin Chen hurriedly calmed down, then rolled his legs and sat on the ground.

His bright eyes closed gradually.

"Spiritual power is the power that can be cultivated in Nirvana ..."

"Now I forcibly call, although it may have some adverse effects on future cultivation, but it will not cause any sequelae. Even if there are, it can be eliminated, so you can force a wave ..."

"So, let's start ..."

Lin Chen thought silently in his heart, his eyes closed tightly.

In his mind, scenes emerged, each scene was majestic, weeping ghosts and gods.

Fighting 800 Blood Shura by Yourself ...

Move with the waves and move the sea and sun ...

Kill a purple gold dragon with a punch ...


The various scenes, just like the film show, flashed quickly in Lin Chen's mind.

These are memories of his past life.

In previous lives, he wore white clothes and swallowed the sun, moon, and stars in his hands.

In the previous life, he was personable and dumped countless virgins.

In previous lives, he was a demon and a **** of war.

Thousands of years ago, a great man praised him like this:

People in the world do not know what to ask, that laughs in white: If the sky doesn't give birth to my forest dust, martial arts are like night!

"In this life, I can't help but feel a little bit aggrieved ..."

Lin Chen sighed softly and murmured: "It is also time to show some of the majesty of thousands of years ago."

At this moment, Lin Chen's body suddenly enveloped a light blue light.

At this moment, a strange breath emanated from Lin Chen's body, spreading out.


The old man Zhou Qing who was fighting with the giant Zhangying but was forced to defeat, seemed to perceive something, and gave a sudden suspicion, glancing at Lin Chen.

But it doesn't matter if you don't look at it. This look really shocked Zhou Qing.

"Grasshopper, how can this boy have such a breath ?!"

Zhou Qing almost jumped up and yelled, "Fuck mother, this is almost the same as Qin Dashen!"

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