The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 865: Unparalleled

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At the same time, outside Longmen.


The thunderous thunder resounded above the sky without any warning and echoed.

"How is this going?"

Seeing the colorful long river behind the Longmen flickered, everyone was surprised.

"What did Lin Chen do inside?"

Nangong Shallow is also Liu Mei frowned slightly, staring at the flickering dragon gate in front of her, her eyes beating ...

After Lin Chen entered the dragon gate, it was normal for the first five or six minutes, but after that, the dragon gate began to be abnormal.

I don't know what happened inside.

But fools can see that this kind of change must have been caused by Lin Chen.

And only Lin Chen, who is not afraid of things, can dare to do things in the Dragon Gate.

"Brother Lin Chen is okay ..."

There is a slight worry in Liu Yixue's beautiful eyes.

It doesn't matter how Longmen is, and how others don't matter. Liu Yixue cares only about a man, which is Lin Chen.

As long as nothing happens to Lin Chen, everything will be fine.

"Relax, Yixue, that guy is very blessed. But a group of Wu Zun couldn't kill him at that time. This area of ​​Dragon Gate, and the Dragon Gate in a broken state, will not pose any threat to him. You can rest assured . "

Zhai Ziyin aside touched Liu Yixue's head and smiled and comforted.

"I hope so."

Liu Yixue sighed lightly, but the worry in those beautiful eyes still did not slow down much.

"Amitabha, the little monk wishes the donor Linchen to return early."

The monk Zhisheng clasped his hands together and gently said a Buddhist chant.

"This guy is really a messy guy. He has to mess up everywhere."

The fat man who was too desolate Lingzong also sighed and shook his head with a bitter smile.

I don't know if it is right or wrong to follow Lin Chen.

However, even when everyone is thinking ...


There was a sudden bang in the dragon gate in front of them, and everyone was watching, but the scene that happened the next moment made them really dumbfounded.

Because they saw that the colorful river behind the dragon gate broke suddenly!

Lin Chen has lost his qualification to enter the interior of Xianwangdian!

"Crouching? How is this possible?"

"Lin Chen didn't pass the test of Longmen? It's a lie!"

"Grandma's, am I dreaming? Longmen even screened out Lin Chen?"


There was an uproar and an incredible face.

They really couldn't believe that the famous Lin Chen had not passed the test of Longmen.

"What the **** is going on with this guy?"

Nangong Yan Liu Mei frowned even tighter, thinking secretly.

But then, everyone was puzzled.

Because Lin Chen was not sprayed out of the portal.

Before that, Li Yijian of Daozong passed the test of Longmen, followed the colorful river behind the Longmen, and entered the interior of the Immortal Palace.

The man who was too desolate before Lingzong failed to pass the test of Dragon Gate, so he was sprayed out immediately.

But now, since the colorful river behind the Longmen is broken, it means that Lin Chen has not passed the test of the Longmen. It stands to reason that Lin Chen should be sprayed out immediately, but why Lin Chen has not been sprayed out yet?

What exactly happened?

Everyone was amazed. Many people stared at the Dragon Gate without blinking, trying to see the scene where Lin Chen was sprayed out by the Dragon Gate.

However, they never waited for the results they wanted to see ...

Although the colorful river behind the dragon gate has been broken, the surface of the dragon gate is still shining with golden light, indicating that Lin Chen is still in the dragon gate at this moment.

"Brother Lin Chen is really strange. Every time it is his turn, he always does something unexpected."

Many people couldn't help but sigh, wondering whether they were admiring or complaining.

"What the **** is this man doing?"

Zhai Ziyin was also puzzled, staring at Longmen.

With her knowledge, she could not guess what was happening in the Dragon Gate at this moment.

And at the moment, among the dragon gates.

Two huge illusive fists, like a meteor, slammed together.

But no sound spreads ...

Everything is a bit weird ...

There are only a few energy aftermaths visible to the naked eye, like ripples sweeping in all directions, raging constantly.

This kind of energy fluctuation is only aimed at the soul. Even if the nirvana of the nirvana realm is bombed unpreparedly, the soul may be bombarded or even broken directly.

But the next moment, the purple giant shadow among the two giant shadows was a trembling body, and then couldn't stop quitting to the rear, quite embarrassed.


Suddenly, the sound of a chain clattered, and I saw the giant shadow suddenly stretch out his hands, and in his hands, two thick chains were ejected, as if two strong and powerful pythons burst out. , Rushed towards the purple giant shadow.

The giant shadow of purple light held two fists. The surface of the fist emitted bright purple light, and the light fluttered, as if two faint purple light dragon heads were formed, covering its two fists.

Subsequently, the giant shadow of purple light was blown out with one punch, punching out the two iron chains in front of it.

However, those two iron chains are like the bones of the bones. No matter how they are struck, they cannot be completely blown away, but they are getting closer and closer to the body of the purple light shadow.

"Boy are you okay, I can't stand it!"

The giant purple light shouted suddenly towards the rear.

Behind it, a young man in black sits on the ground, his breath converges as if he were an ordinary person, giving a feeling of no danger at all.

However, such an "ordinary person" is able to stably be in the energy storm generated by the bombardment of two giant shadows. Not only that, even if the aftermath of energy comes one after another, it is impossible to shake His soul, on the other hand, can make his soul stronger and more solid.

I stand still like a mountain.

But at this moment, when the voice of the old man Zhou Qing came, it did not cause the slightest reaction of the young man in black. He still sat on the ground motionlessly, like a stone sculpture quietly.

"Your kid is really a dead man!"

Zhou Qing yelled, but in desperation, he had to bite the bullet and resist the two thick chains.

I don't know how long it has passed ...

With the blow of the giant shadow of purple light, the sturdy chain in front of him was directly blown out.

But even so, at this moment, the purple light faucet on the surface of the fist of the purple light giant fist snapped and shattered.

Obviously, it has reached its limit.

"Fairy board!"

The old man Zhou Qing shouted.

At this time, a thick and powerful chain came flying, like an arrow, straight to the eyebrows of the giant shadow of purple light.

Ziguang Juying immediately raised the other fist, and the faucet on the surface of the fist shone brightly, and then without any hesitation, one punch greeted him.

However, the moment the faucet first came into contact with the surface of the chain, it was like tofu, and was fragile and broken.

The huge body of Ziguang Juying flew out like a shell and couldn't stop.

The old man Zhou Qing scolded again.

At this time, two chains came flying together, and it was going to take the life of the old man Zhou Qing!

"Boy, if you don't come again, the old man is really finished!"

The old man Zhou Qing sank and whispered.

He can perceive the difficulty of these two chains. It is estimated that this is the strongest method of the Dragon Gate. Once the two chains are entangled, even the immortal Da Luo is useless.

Two chains quickly fired ...

The old man Zhou Qing knew he couldn't avoid it, so he closed his eyes.

However, at the very moment ...

"Zhuo Longmen, dare to pretend in front of me."

A young voice, with unrulyness and disdain, suddenly resounded in this world.

And at the moment when the sound started, a cyan storm visible to the naked eye rose up in front of the giant shadow of purple light without any warning, and quickly turned into a magnificent storm.

At this time, the two strong and powerful chains seemed to become two angry pythons, without slowing down, and hit heavily on the blue storm.

There is no sound ...

However, I saw that the chain that was still invincible and unfavorable before was even directly out of the blue storm bomb!

Not only that, if you observe carefully, you will be able to see the vibration. At this moment, the surface of the two chains has already had a deep, visible crack!

The old man Zhou Qing opened his eyes.

"You dude, it's just in time ..."

He muttered angrily.

"Relax, I won't let you just hang up like this."

In the glaucome storm, Lin Chen's unruly young voice came again, laughing and teasing.

The old man Zhou Qing smiled and said nothing.

"Well, that's the case, then it's our turn to fight back."

At this time, Lin Chen's young voice rang again in the blue light storm ...

At the same time, in front of him, the giant giant shadow paused suddenly, looking at the blue storm, thoughtfully.

"Who are you?"

The giant Zhangying opened his mouth, making a thick and bright sound, echoing ten thousand feet deep.

"You just need to know that this time you got into someone you shouldn't provoke."

Lin Chen's voice was heard in the glaucome storm, he said, "So, next, let's decide the victory."


A stern but vast breath erupted from the glaucome storm, raging with unparalleled hegemony, with the power of shocking power.

A huge tens of thousands of glaucoma palms, which tore the storm, covered the sky, and quietly stretched out ...

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