Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

A huge palm of one hundred thousand feet shattered the storm, falling from the sky like a sun, and shrouded toward the giant man below.

In front of the one hundred thousand giant hands, the giant giant is like a dwarf, and the visual impact is quite shocking.

The giant Zhang giant seemed to be aware of the danger. He immediately stretched out his hands, and suddenly there were dozens of thick chains in his hands.

However, at the moment when the chains just touched the palms of the hands, they "banged" a few times, and all broke.

Fragile is like a piece of tofu!

Then, the 100,000-zhang giant hand was not blocked by any kind, and covered directly, like holding a chicken, holding the body of the 10,000-zhang giant.

"I dare you!"

The giant Zhang shouted a roar, the thick voice shook the world like a thunder.

"Do you dare me?"

However, Lin Chen's unruly voice came out among the hundred thousand Zhangshou, echoing with a smile.

Laughter fell, and the tens of thousands of hands clenched violently ...


In the moment, cracks surfaced from the surface of the giant giant's body!

"Is wanton!"

The bright golden light erupted on the surface of the giant man's body, making it look like a statue made of gilt gold, exuding a sturdy, mountainous breath.

However, even so, under the almost horrible pressure of the one hundred thousand Zhang giant, the body of the giant Zhang Zhang is twisting at a speed that is visible to the naked eye ...


At this time, Lin Chen's faint voice came out of the hundred thousand Zhang hands, like a judge's announcement, full of majesty.


As if a bomb exploded, the giant body of the giant giant was directly pinched in a masochistic manner!

A huge golden mushroom cloud rose to the sky, shaking the sky ...

The entire space shook violently at this moment, as if to collapse.


At the rear, Zhou Qing's mighty purple giant shadow couldn't help but sigh.

The giant man who had made him so embarrassed before was directly smashed and crushed!

Hundreds of thousands of giant hands hover above the sky, covering the sky and exposing the sun, exuding a kind of overbearing breath like a king, shocking the whole space.

In the front, among the huge golden mushroom clouds, a golden dragon gate that is only a few feet in size is revealed, but at this moment, the light on the surface of this golden dragon gate is extremely dim, and it is covered with mottled traces. Wrecked.


Lin Chen's faint voice came from among the one hundred thousand Zhang giant hands, the sound did not fall, and the one hundred thousand Zhang giant hands fell from the sky and fell toward the dragon gate.

"Don't kill me!"

At this moment, the thick and old voice came from the dragon gate, but it was very scary, and even his tone became sharp.

The one hundred thousand Zhang giant hand did not stop, it still fell down towards the dragon gate with great momentum.

"If you kill me, this Wanxianyu will be over!"

The terrifying voice came out again in the dragon gate, apparently terrified to the extreme.

The hundred thousand feet giant hand stopped abruptly.

"What do you mean?" Lin Chen's voice came out.

"I am the threshold of guarding the inner and outer halls of the Immortal King's Hall. The outer hall has been contaminated by magic, and the inner hall has not been contaminated. A large part of the reason is because of my existence."

Longmen explained methodically: "If you destroy me, the inner temple will be polluted. From then on, Wanxianyu will no longer exist, and the fairy king of Wanxianyu will be completely demonized."

"It sounds serious."

Lin Chen's thoughtful voice came out of the one hundred thousand Zhang giant hands: "But if I don't kill you, it is difficult to vent my hate, what do you say?"

"This this……"

The sound of the only sound from the dragon gate was obviously extremely tangled.

"It's better, from now on, you take me as your main body and follow my orders, so I won't kill you anymore, how?" Lin Chen asked slowly.

Longmen was silent.

"What, you don't want to?"

Lin Chen's voice suddenly became dark, with a sigh of breath.

Longmen replied, "It's not that I don't want to, but that I have the immortal king's mark on my body. Unless the immortal king's mark is erased, I can't recognize other people as the master."

"Immortal Mark?"

Lin Chen groaned: "It seems that the immortal king left a mark on you. Why, do you think it is difficult to erase the immortal king mark?"


The gantry was silent.

Lin Chen's strength makes it very speechless.

It doesn't know what Lin Chen's identity is. With such humble strength, it can play such an overbearing means.

In particular, the horror breath emanating from these hundred thousand feet is exactly the same as that of the fairy king of the year, or it is even more powerful than the fairy king of the year!

"Come on, let me see the mark on you."

After Lin Chen's voice fell, the 100,000-foot giant hand fell from the sky and covered the dragon's body.

After a while ...

The tens of thousands of giant hands lifted up, and came out Lin Lin's faint voice: "So it is not difficult to erase this mark, but it takes some time."

"You can really erase this immortal mark?"

Longmen's voice was rather incredible.

"Roughly the same."

Lin Chen said leisurely, and then the words turned sharply: "But in the process, you may have some pain, after all, it is equivalent to cutting a large piece of meat from you."


Longmen fell into hesitation again.

It thinks it's good now, and it also likes to stay calm and doesn't want to change.

But Lin Chen's sudden appearance disrupted the rhythm of all this.

"Okay, no more ink, I'm very nervous, I have no time to discuss with you here, just do as I say."

Lin Chen said lightly.

The words did not fall, the 100,000-foot giant hand burst into a bright light, and then, a blue scorching sun rose from the palm of the giant hand, an extremely violent breath quietly permeated.

However, at this moment, the 100,000-foot giant hand gave a swift grip, and it was a blunt shattering of the blue hot sun ...

"It's about to start, get ready."

At the same time, Lin Chen's bland voice came from among the hundred thousand feet.

Longmen called out: "Slow, I haven't ..."

However, before he finished speaking, Lin Chen acted.

I saw the tens of thousands of giant hands slowly stretched out, and then the palm slammed open towards the dragon gate, and suddenly an extremely thick blue light beam, diffused, bursting towards the dragon gate, and the dragon gate was instantly Drowned.

Not only that, this beam of light directly penetrated this space with a scorching attitude, and shot it into the outside world ...


The whole world was shaking violently at this moment, and the muffled thunder resounded above the sky without warning. It became more and more intense, and gradually there was a tendency to turn into a thunderous sound. Howling and roaring.



When the one hundred thousand Zhang giant hand blasted Longmen's body tenaciously, the outside world changed directly.

I saw the sky above the towering dragon gate, and suddenly the dark clouds that were used for the layers were darkened, and the whole world became darkened, an extremely depressing atmosphere permeated.

Under everyone's attention, the Dragon Gate trembled suddenly, as if it was about to collapse. Not only that, the golden surface of the Dragon Gate was like a crack visible to the naked eye at this moment, as if the next moment was completely broken.

Almost everyone was dumbfounded at this moment.

"I go, what happened?"

"What is Lin Chen doing now? Does he want to destroy Longmen?"

"I know, it must be that Longmen deliberately refused to let Lin Chen pass, and Lin Chen was furious and wanted to smash the Dragon Gate! Yes, yes, it must be so. Lin Chen's violent temperament is in our entire Chao Dynasty It's famous! "

"It's terrible. This Lin Chen can always do things far beyond our expectations."


Everyone was uproaring and the discussion started.

"This guy is really uneasy."

Nangong Qian also shook his head gently, quite a bit resentful.

However, although there were some "ghost complaints", Nangong Qian was relieved, because she knew that Lin Chen hadn't had an accident.

After all, it's not Lin Chen that is showing the disadvantage now, but Longmen!

Obviously, Lin Chen is "drying" the Dragon Gate!

"Hey, shall we deal with this dark cloud?"

"I think so, too **** depressing."

"And how do I feel, this dark cloud is getting closer and closer to us? Does it want to swallow us?"


I don't know who suddenly noticed the strange dark clouds in the sky, they all became suspicious, and speculation continued.

"Hum, pretend to be a ghost, see me blow it away!"

A more temperamental big-bodied man snorted and shook his right hand. A hundred-hundred-million-yuan giant fist suddenly condensed out, soaring into the sky, carrying unparalleled power and rushing into the dark Among the clouds.

But the next moment, this big man was dumbfounded.

Because the Yuanli Juquan had just fallen into the dark clouds, it was severely cut off from the connection with the Biaohan, who immediately lost control of the Yuanli Juquan!

Not only that, when Yuanli Juquan completely submerged into the dark clouds, everyone felt that the breath of Yuanli Juquan suddenly disappeared.

That feeling was like being swallowed instantly, nothing left!

The big man seemed to be backswept, and his face was white, and his body couldn't help but take a step backward.

"So weird!"

He exclaimed, hurriedly took a deep breath, stabilized his energy.

"Don't act lightly, this dark cloud is a bit troublesome!"

Among the crowd, I don't know who suddenly spoke, reminding me.

But no one dared to act lightly, even if he did not remind him.

After all, the big guy just now is the best example.

However, this sentence has not yet fallen, and in front of it, the towering dragon gate suddenly trembled violently, and then an extremely bright blue light beam sprayed out and stood on the ground, rushing into the vast black clouds above it ...

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