Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

Just as everyone was discussing ...


A cyan light beam burst out from the dragon gate, spreading out, and blasted towards the sky ...

So, the next moment, under the stunned faces of countless people, the cyan beam burst into the dark clouds above.

"What's the matter?"

"I seem to perceive the breath of Lin Chen in this blue light? Is it an illusion?"

"Lin Chen is coming out?"


There was an instant uproar, with big eyes and small eyes staring at the thick cyan beam in front.

And the cyan beam is completely in an unparalleled attitude, bursting into the dark clouds, and then staggering the dark clouds!

I saw the dark clouds that were able to devour everything before, but they were really scattered by the beam!

The whole world regained its light.

The sun shines down from above, giving a warm and warm feeling ...

"I'm going, what's the matter?"

"This seems to be really Lin Chen's handwriting."

"Is Lin Chen really going to come out? I feel that Lin Chen is a little strange now!"


Everyone kept talking.

After all, the dark cloud that just made them so helpless was suddenly disturbed by a cyan beam.

More importantly, everyone is able to feel the extreme and overbearing breath that emerged from the cyan beam ...

In that breath, they even want to be embarrassed and want to surrender ...

You know, these people are the arrogance of the major gates, and their heart is higher than ordinary people, but now, since they followed Lin Chen, they can no longer be calm.

The shock that Lin Chen caused them was too big ...

"How did Lin Chen do it?"

"This breath is so powerful ..."

Everyone murmured gazing at the cyan beam ahead.

However, everyone can only feel the power of this breath, but they have not found the clue of this beam ...

Nangong was shallow-minded and naturally noticed that something was wrong.

"Ninety-nine percent of the breath in this beam has been applied to the outside world, and now we can feel the breath, but only one percent."

Nangong ’s shallower Liu Mei is getting narrower and tighter: "It's just one percent of the breath, that's how domineering it is ..."

"Sister Fan, who is this Lin Chen in the end, are they as powerful as the reincarnation like Yang Liuqing?"

The little fire **** Li Yan, who had been silent, approached Fan Yutong and asked.

"He is not."

Fan Yutong immediately shook his head, and then slowly explained: "At that time, our Master Xianfeng Feng had a response to him, and he did not detect any breath of reincarnation from him, nor did he detect any killer from him. Breath, that is, he is neither a reincarnation nor a rejector. But the knowledge he knows is shocking, so we suspect that Lin Chen's body should have a powerful senior. He is helping Lin Chen at all times, so Lin Chen can make unexpected actions every time. "

"A strong senior ..."

Li Yan squinted his eyes and then nodded gently: "Indeed, before, I did notice a strong but not Lin Chen breath on Lin Chen. If nothing unexpected, it should be That powerful senior. "

"Well, yes, this is our guess on Lin Chen, and it is also the most reasonable guess." Fan Yutong said lightly.

In fact, not only is Xianfeng guessing this way, the entire Daozong, or even the entire Bai Chaoyu, those who do n’t know, think that Lin Chen is so extraordinary, because there is a thousand years ago behind him Strong forefathers help.

In this case, you can tell why Tong Linchen was able to make such a terrible act of crying ghosts and gods.

Of course, Lin Chen himself did not know the guesses of the people, nor was he interested in knowing their guesses.

As everyone knows, it was because of this speculation that Lin Chen was largely protected.

You know, as Lin Chen has done more and more amazing things, in this hundred dynasties, many people have begun to pay attention to Lin Chen.

Many people want to explore the mysteries of Lin Chen.

But now, I suddenly came to the conclusion that there was a powerful senior who was helping Lin Chen, so these people had less interest in Lin Chen.

Without interest, naturally I will not find the trouble of Lin Chen, so to a certain extent, it is equivalent to protecting Lin Chen.

"This light beam is no accident, it should be the handwriting of that senior, it is really amazing. This kind of breath, I am afraid that even the martial arts are better than others."

Li Yan stared at the cyan beam in front of him, and couldn't help licking his mouth.

His extreme desire for power, as long as he can obtain great strength, he can even give everything.

And now, isn't the power of Lin Chen what he desires?

If he also possesses this kind of power of Lin Chen, is it a saint, even if it is the entire 100 Dynasty domain, then he must not be stomped at his feet?

Li Yan's eyes flashed with greedy desire, and there was a sudden glimmer of blood in the deep bottom of his eyes.

A touch of blood that is totally incompatible with Li Yan's character ...

But then, Li Yan trembled and took a deep breath, suppressing the more evil thoughts in her heart ...

"Li Yan, what the **** is going on with you? What happened to you?"

Fan Yutong had a keen sense of power and realized that Li Yan wasn't quite right, and immediately frowned and asked.

"It's nothing."

Li Yan took a breath and shook his head slightly.

"After the Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, I went back to the ancestor immediately to find the lord. We can't heal your stuff, but the lord can definitely rule it!"

Fan Yutong said very strongly.

Li Yan didn't reply, but just nodded silently.

Because he believes that even if it is as strong as the human god, it is estimated that there is nothing to do!

"I don't regret it. As long as I can get strong power, as long as I can kill the clumps of the Holy Sect, I will not regret it even if I give my life!"

Li Yan shook his fist, and in his eyes, beat the violent spirit!

Fan Yutong sighed, knowing that Li Yan must have remembered the past and did not disturb him.

Although Nangong Qian stood in the distance, she also noticed that Fan Yutong and Li Yan were different and squinted.

"This guy's body is a bit different ..."

She murmured secretly.

Later, she no longer thought about it, but continued to look forward.

The turquoise blue light beam rushed into the sky, and after the black clouds were swept and flattened, it did not disappear immediately, but remained in a bright state, exuding an overbearing breath.

However, everyone here does not know. At this moment, outside the Palace of the Immortals ...

Thousands of magic Tuxian land.

Almost all the monsters are on their knees!

And the direction they worshiped was all in the direction of the Fairy King Hall!

"Fuck, what happened, who released this breath?"

Many of the disciples who have been trained in Wanxian Tuxiandi are all scolding mothers!

Because at this moment, there is a strong breath that numbs the hot scalp in the Wanxu Tuxiandi. Under this breath, their souls are shaking, which makes them difficult to walk!

"What the **** is that light? How could it exude such a mighty breath!"

Everyone was staring with wide eyes, staring at the beam of blue light that stood up from the hall of fairy kings, towards the sky.

The horror atmosphere that enveloped the entire Wanmu Tuxiandi was emitted from this blue light!

Some disciples who have seen Wu Zunqiang are not calm anymore. They almost knelt down and couldn't help but bow to the temple of the Immortal King.

Because they can clearly detect that this breath is even stronger than Wu Zun!

Could it be said that at this moment, in the hall of the immortal king, there is an existence that is even more arbitrary than Wu Zun? !!

The entire Wanmu Tuxian land was shaken.

In this overbearing atmosphere, not only are the monsters of Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, but even the disciples who come to the trial of Wan Mo Tu Xian Di are very difficult ...

As Nangong Qian said, only one percent of that blue light was exerted on them.

There is a breath of forty to fifty percent, echoing in the Wanxu Tuxian land, shaking the entire Wanmo Tuxian land.

As for the remaining half, no one knows where it was imposed ...


At the same time, Wan Mo Tu Xian was out of the ground.

At the entrance ...

The drowsy beauty in the yellow shirt was suddenly dozed, and then suddenly stared up, then sat upright!

She turned her head stiffly, and stared at the 10,000 Devil Sacrifice Land, and there was an unbelievable color flashing on that beautiful face.

"How is this going?"

Her eyes were wide, and she looked rather stupid.

The elders who are guarding here are aware that the beauty of the yellow shirt is not normal, and they want to ask about it.

However, before they ask questions, they are all upright, their pupils are shrinking, and their hair must be upright!

"what is this?!"

At this moment, almost everyone in the audience turned their heads violently, looking at the dark magical fairy land in front of them.

Above their faces, there was a look of terrible panic!

They are the elders of the major gates, and their strength is strong. Therefore, they are more sensitive to the sense of breath, and they can feel the horrible breath emanating from the magic land of all evil.

"Did someone awaken the fairy king who had been asleep in the fairy king palace ?!"

Suddenly, an elder growled and widened his round eyes.

They are all elders, rich in experience, and stable in heart, but at this moment, they can no longer be calm!

"Not a fairy king. Don't be restless."

However, at this moment, the beauty in yellow shirt suddenly spoke and said softly.

She has a strong tone, like a queen, and has a force that can forcibly soothe the mind.

In fact, she didn't say a word, that is:

"Just, how does this breath feel ... like that guy's breath?"

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