The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 896: Finally arrived

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

The imaginary shadows of the sky, tens of thousands, appeared neatly and neatly above the void space.

In the moment, there was a big and violent breath like a storm.

It is Lei Zun's army!

However, at this moment, Lei Zun's army is not an entity, but just a phantom of energy.

They stood above the void, exuding bright silver-white light, dazzling.

Then, under Lin Chen's thoughtful eyes, Lei Zun's army shouted neatly, and thunder lighted up!

An extremely huge thunder bird, condensing and forming, snoring, soaring towards the sky!

At this moment, the thunder bird opened his beak and swallowed the stars in his stomach with a thunderous potential!

And these stars are not evaded in the slightest!

You know, when Lin Chen captured them before, they were wicked and desperate to avoid Lin Chen's powerful hands.

And now, none of these stars wants to escape!

Not only that, Lin Chen felt that they seemed to see their loved ones at this time, and had an urge to be close and close!

"Does this work ..."

Lin Chen also stunned.

Looking at the starry sky that was swallowed down, Lin Chen smiled wryly and shook his head.

This speed of collecting stars may be ten times, or even dozens of times!

After half an hour ...


The thunder bird suddenly made a howling noise, and immediately fell from the sky, covering the tens of thousands of Lei Zun's army.

Subsequently, with the flash of thunder, the thunder suddenly shrank, and finally it was classified as a stone statue of thunder radiating with silver light, and a whistle flew back.

Lin Chen opened his palm and seized Lei Zun's stele.

At the same time, Lin Chen saw that among the stone statues of Lei Zun, starlights burst out toward the stone platform below.


The lower stone platform began to tremble slightly, and hummed softly.

After a long while, Shitai stopped trembling, and everything returned to the original.

"I swallowed at least a few hundred stars just now ..."

Lin Chen thought for a moment, but then took out the Lei Zun stone tablet again, stretched out his palm and put it in front of his eyes.

He wants Lei Zun's army to appear again!

However, at this moment, Lei Zun's army showed no sign of wanting to come forward.

"Since Lei Zun's army is not working, it is to use Feng Zun's army."

Lin Chen is also not a man of ink. When the Lei Zun stele in his hand is about to be replaced with Fengzun Jade Seal.

However, like Lei Zun's stele, Fengzun Jade Seal is motionless and there is no sign of rushing out.

After waiting for a long time, there was still no movement, and Lin Chen took it back.

"Perhaps the number of stars I collected has reached its peak."

Lin Chen guessed secretly.

At this time, the stone platform at the foot suddenly shook, and then Lin Lin continued to fly forward.

Faintly, Lin Chen was in front and saw a hint of light.

You must know that the void is extremely dark, and the naked eye cannot see the surrounding environment at all.

But now, there seems to be some light ahead.

So, no accident, the front is the exit of this void space!

"Finally leaving this place that makes me uncomfortable."

Lin Chen stretched his waist.

Staying in this empty space, Lin Chen was depressed and panicked, uncomfortable.

He doesn't like the style here.

Now I can finally go out!

Shitai dragged Lin Chen to fly out.

That touch of light grew bigger and bigger in Lin Chen's eyes, and eventually turned into a round of holy white swirls, dozens of feet huge, suspended above the void, slowly rotating, emitting a bright light, like The long-lasting star in this void.

"It really is an exit."

Lin Chen thought.

But at this moment of thinking, the stone platform under his feet was already carrying Lin Chen, and flew out quickly along this vortex of holy white light.

Suddenly it became bright.

Lin Chen was a bit uncomfortable, squinting his eyes.

At the same time, he began to look around.

The white area around it, and the dark and empty space before it, are exactly two opposites.

After adjusting for a while, Lin Chen slowly opened his eyes.

At the foot of the stone platform, I don't know when, it actually flew over Lin Chen's head.

It was white, there was no direction, and I didn't know where to go.

"One yin, one yang and two worlds, the layout of this fairy king's pavilion is indeed a big deal."

Lin Chen quickly saw the layout here and murmured softly.

"If nothing unexpected happens, there should be a magic circle here, dedicated to magic, to deceive the mind."

Thinking, Lin Chen stepped out.

See you right now, a figure appears.

His father, Lin Cang.

However, at this moment Lin Cang bleeds in his eyes and commits suicide.

With that sharp scream, Lin Cang fell to the ground.

"Childish illusion."

Lin Chen smiled, stepped over the dead "Lin Cang", and continued to walk forward.

Immediately before, his grandfather Lin Zhenhuang appeared.

At this moment, Lin Zhenhuang was kneeling on the ground, and his flesh and blood was stabbed down one by one.

Lin Chen continued to ignore and walked forward.

One by one to Lin Chen is a very important person who appears in front of Lin Chen's eyes. In various ways, he wants to make Lin Chen collapse and torture Lin Chen's psychology.

But from the beginning to the end, Lin Chen's complexion remained unchanged.

The pace of his steps has never slowed down.

"Come on, okay?"

In the end, he looked at the "Nangong Qian" who was about to beheaded, and shrugged helplessly.

Who is my sister Nangong Qian?

Fear of these penalties? joke!


A crisp sound like an explosion.

The space around it turned out to be like a mirror, breaking apart inch by inch.

The huge stone platform above his head flashed suddenly, then it suddenly shrank, and eventually turned into a round bead, which fell into Lin Chen's palm.

Five golden stars are engraved on the surface of the beads, which should be the symbol of the stars owned by Lin Chen.

And at the same time, not far ahead, a frosty snow gate appeared out of thin air.

It seemed as if there was an ethereal and domineering voice, and at this moment it sounded through the door.

"It seems that this world of yin, yang and two worlds is equivalent to two trials. Only after passing these two trials can we truly enter Xianwang Pavilion." Lin Chen's mouth evoked a slight smile.

Then he stepped out without any hesitation and walked into the door.

Finally, Lin Chen heard the whispering and domineering voice clearly.

"Welcome to Wanxianyu, Xianwang Pavilion!"

Although the sound is short, but the words are domineering. After being introduced into the ear, it will inevitably make people tremble!

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