Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

"Welcome to Wanxianyu, Xianwang Pavilion!"

The ethereal and domineering voice echoed in Lin Chen's mind, which inevitably caused him some shock.

"Is the fairy king's voice ..."

Lin Chen settled down and said secretly in his heart.

Then he looked up and looked forward.

In front of it is an immensely huge pavilion with a total of twelve floors, so spectacular.

It is exactly the same as the pavilion on the hanging island outside!

And around the pavilion, there is a scent of birds and flowers, green trees and red flowers, leisurely.

At the entrance of the pavilion, at the top, an ancient plaque hangs, bearing two large gold letters:

Fairy King.

This pavilion is exactly the fairy king pavilion!

After a glance at these two words, Lin Chen recognized it. This is exactly the word of the fairy king.

Because the word "Immortal Palace" is exactly the same as the outside world!

"If you can, you must take this word and the three words outside and put it in the room to ward off evil."

Lin Chen murmured secretly.

Then he looked up again and looked up.

At this time it was night but the sky was bright as much as the day.

Just because there are two moons in the sky.


"Oh? Bimonthly?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, deep in his eyes, passing a touch of interest.

However, just as Lin Chen stared at the bimonthly sky above, ready to explore some of the details ...

"Lin Chen, if you don't want to go wrong, stop watching!"

A familiar repulsion suddenly sounded from a distance and passed into Lin Chen's ears.

Lin Chen looked around.


He blinked.

Yes, the visitor is Lin Chen's sister, Nangong shallow!

"This double moon is the eyes of the immortal king, which contains the immortality of the immortal road, which is used to suppress the demon king here. If you continue to watch, I am afraid it will have some bad effects on you."

Nangong Shunda strikes a colorful mop dress, walks around, like a fairy, and has an extraordinary temperament.

"Sister, how do you know?"

Lin Chen heard that there was a hint of interest, and he approached Nangong shallowly and asked with a smile.

Regarding Lin Chen's constant approach, Nangong Qian said nothing, but said lightly: "My father told me."

"Your father?"

Lin Chen blinked his eyes.

Nangong Qian's father, Lin Chen, once heard of it, almost became a patriarch of Taoism that year!

However, it seems that it was because of the Daoism civil unrest on the spot that Nangong's father Xiu fell sharply and became a semi-abandoned person. In addition, he was sad, so he left Daoism and returned. To his own hometown.

His father is also a figure.

It was just that Nangong Qian, who never called his father his father, always called that person, this person.

Why is it suddenly changing now?

Did she suddenly become filial?

"Your father has been here before?"

But Lin Chen didn't bother so much, and asked so.

Nangong Qian replied: "In the past hundred years, every monk who entered the Palace of Immortals will be erased by his memory. After leaving Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, he can no longer remember what was in the Palace of Immortals. Something happened, but my father is the only person who has been in the Palace of the Immortal King for nearly a century, and still has memories. "

Lin Chen was surprised.

All other geniuses and arrogances were erased from memory, but why did Nangong Qian's father still keep the memory?

What means did he use?

"My father wrote a few days ago to tell me that after letting me enter the Xianwang Pavilion, do not stare at the double moon landscape, otherwise you will be imprinted invisibly. When you leave the Xianwang Pavilion, This mark would erupt, thereby erasing all my memories in the Fairy King Pavilion by designation. "

As Nangong Qian walked towards Xianwang Pavilion, he explained softly: "In the sight of the double moon, there is an immortal avenue that can be spied by ordinary people. My father discovered this at the beginning, so he did not watch it for a long time, otherwise he Like everyone else, all memories of the fairy king's court will be erased. "

"This way ..."

Lin Chen nodded thoughtfully.

At the same time he said in his heart: This father is really incompetent. He even hid this secret for so long, and told Nangong Qian a few days ago.

However, Lin Chen didn't think too much, but whispered in his heart: "The immortal way is natural, suppressing the devil, it is a bit interesting."

"There are already seven or eight people who have entered the Xianwang Pavilion one step before, don't you go in?"

Nangong shallowly reminded.

"Of course go in, but then again, sister, how many stars did you get?"

Lin Chen overtook Nangong Qian and asked.

Since her father had told her all the secrets of Xianwangge, she should also have a way to collect the stars.

Nangong briefly heard the words, and did not answer Lin Chen, but turned his hand and took out a smooth stone bead.

There are four golden stars on it.

"It doesn't look as much as I do."

Lin Chen smiled secretly.

There are five stars above his stone beads, which is obviously a little shallower than Nangong.

"Enough is enough."

Nangong Qian then put away the beads and murmured softly.

Then it was no longer hesitant to enter Xianwang Pavilion.

Lin Chen stepped up to keep up.

Although he has now separated from Yang Liuqing, he is not worried. After all, with Yang Liuqing's strength, once the hole card explodes, then even if the demon king of that year reappears, it is probably impossible for her.

As a result, Lin Chen did not stay, and along with Nangong shallows, he entered the Xianwang Pavilion together.

Pushing the door open, an ancient breath blew towards us.

What caught my eye was the splendid palace-like building.

Lin Chen's eyes grunted a few times, and then he said, "There are a lot of good things in there."

"Be careful, the things here are not so easy to get. And the real good things in this fairy king's palace are not the treasures that can be seen with the naked eye."

Nangong reminded.

They are now located on the first floor of the Fairy King Pavilion. The first floor of the Fairy King Pavilion is huge, pearly, and dazzling.

Suddenly, an unreal figure with a big sword appeared in front of Lin Chen and Nangong Qian.

"If you want to get the spirit of the Immortal Road, you need to pass my trial. I am the guardian, sword twelve!"

When the figure first appeared, he started to drink, his voice was extremely loud.

And with the sound of his voice, a sharp sword air, like Hong Tao, burst out of him.

Sword twelve, master with a sword!

Nangong Qian immediately frowned slightly, and the whole body's nerves began to tighten, as if they were close to the enemy.

Because at that time, his father had told him that on each floor of the Xianwang Pavilion, there was a strong guardian who was extremely difficult to deal with and needed to respond with all his strength.

However, when the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, Nangong Qian was about to take a shot, Lin Chen suddenly pulled out something slowly from his arms.

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