The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 2717: Closed-door practice

"This woman is amazing!"

Yang Tai felt an unbelievable kind, and was frightened by Yao Jin's powerful strength, such a terrifying monster, she would kill it at will with her gestures.

This is really incredible!

Sun Sheng couldn't help but nodded: "Her power has reached the peak of the Aperture-Exiting Realm in half a step, and she is only one step away from reaching the Aperture-Exiting Realm, and her spell cultivation is no small thing.

"However, they just left, leaving us here, this woman's heart is also a bit vicious."

Yang Tai was worried about his current situation. While speaking, he looked around. Although the monsters were dead, the danger still existed.

He looked at Fang Chuan again, taking Fang Chuan as the backbone.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "She is indeed a bit powerful, but it doesn't exist. Let's be careful and follow into the city. She killed these monsters with such a powerful force that she may have been targeted, so we don't need to worry too much. ."


Yang Tai nodded.

"Let's go in."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, and then they reduced their aura, like ghosts, floated into the gate of the ancient city, and came into the ancient city.

Everywhere in the ancient city there is a withered look.

It seems that a holy land has been signed here, with ancient palaces, wide streets, and mysterious symbols.

However, here is a breath of decline.

Fang Chuan knew that this was just a different space. It might have lived in a very powerful creature before, and a powerful force had existed.

However, the instability of a different space determines the instability of a power, which is easy to fall, and it is easy to enter the space of a strong person and be plundered by the strong.

Fang Chuan and the others came to an ancient palace in the ancient city, and they had determined that there were no monsters in different spaces.

Fang Chuan arranged another hidden barrier here.

The reason why he entered the ancient city directly was because the inside of the ancient city was actually safer than the outside.

Because he understands deep barriers, it is better to have a place to hide than to be exposed outside.

"Wait for me, if there is any special situation, you can call me, don't disturb me at other times, I will practice."

After Fang Chuan explained it, he entered a secret room and arranged a layer of formations to isolate the communication with Yang Tai and the others.

Yang Tai and Sun Sheng couldn't help but be puzzled. Neither of them could think that Fang Chuan had to cultivate at this time. Could it be that he was going to break through again?

They had to wait here for answers.

Of course, Fang Chuan has only broken through to the fifth level of the Golden Core. He wants to break through to the sixth level of the Golden Core. Although it is not as troublesome as others, it will not be so fast. It will take a certain amount of time.

He wants to practice a mental killing technique.

Because he has a strong sense of spirit, with sense of spirit as the core and spiritual power as the main body, he constructs a powerful killing technique.

There was no chance before, but now there is.

The five monsters before, and the monster that died on the city gate just now, all left behind the spiritual force, but the others did not understand the power of this spiritual force, so they didn't pay attention.

Fang Chuan had already started secretly, using his spiritual sense, and directly absorbed the spiritual force.

Boom, boom——

After he entered the secret room, he made handprints one by one, making him surrounded by waves of spirit, forming a spiritual world.

Smallpoxes are scattered in this world, and colorful rainbows are rising around...

At the same time, sword aura, sword aura and other sharp and killing aura things also appeared around Fang Chuan's body.

This is an almost substantive manifestation of mental power.

As his handprints were printed one by one, the originally beautiful and harmonious spiritual environment gradually became full of murderousness and fierceness.


Around Fang Chuan's body, one by one spatial cracks were cut, and he used his mental power to display the profound meaning of the cutting technique.

However, this is just a fusion.

The mental killing technique that Fang Chuan cultivated was called phantom killing, which was actually a name he chose casually, something he had cultivated in his previous life.

But that's it, it's also impossible to get ordinary cultivation.

After all, he was a magnificent immortal in his previous life, and any ordinary, self-created exercises far surpassed them.

Mental killing, from substance to spirit, is a kind of destruction. It is infinitely powerful, unpredictable and extremely brutal.

Ordinary monks, who have no experience, no spiritual knowledge, even if they know the exercises, may not be able to cultivate.

Boom boom, boom boom...

Throughout the secret room, there was a trembling sound and a kind of killing air, even if he set up a layer of formation, it was all transmitted.

On the spiritual level, it affected Sun Sheng and them.

"How does it feel?"

"What a terrible murderous!"

Sun Sheng and the others are observing the battle not far away. This is the fierce battle that Yaojin and the others encountered after they entered the ancient city and met the monster team.

Although Yaojin is great, there are many strong people in this ancient city.

However, just when Sun Sheng and the others were shocked by Fang Chuan's movement, the battle there was also over.

"This woman is so **** good!"

Yang Tai hid in the barrier, carefully watching the battle. Although Yaojin took a lot of effort this time, he still beheaded a large number of powerful monsters.

Fortunately, there is Fang Chuan's enchantment, otherwise, they will be discovered by Yao Jin, and also by the strong in the ancient city.

Following that, there was a loud bang.

The two-layer enchantment finally stopped this shock, and did not let other powerful people discover the situation here.

Sun Sheng and Yang Tai were shocked. After confirming that they had not disturbed the other masters in the city, they breathed a sigh of relief, and then rushed over and guarded at the door of the secret room.

They were already extremely curious about what spell Fang Chuan was practicing and why it was so terrifying!


The next moment, the door of the secret room slowly opened, Fang Chuan's breath has completely reduced, as if he walked out like a boy next door, with a smile on his face.

"What are you looking at me for?" His mouth twitched.

Yang Tai first explained the situation he had just observed, and then asked, "Mr. Fang, have you broken through your realm now, or have you greatly increased your strength?"

"The realm has not been broken, and the strength has not improved much."

Fang Chuan faintly waved his hand: "It's just that, killing those monsters now won't be more difficult than a woman in the Yaochi realm."


Yang Tai was taken aback and looked at Fang Chuan with shock.

This breakthrough is too big!

If so, they will be safer in this ancient city later.

"Can you demonstrate it?" Sun Sheng asked quickly.

Fang Chuan looked at Sun Sheng with a dazzling galaxy, and then shook his head: "Forget it, as soon as I demonstrate, at least one person must die. Let's go out and talk." After Fang Chuan's words, both of them revealed The expression of dumbfounding, but also extremely expectant.

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