After Fang Chuan and the others left the ancient palace in Fangchuan, they came to a street in the ancient city.

Fang Chuan spent a day practicing in the secret room.

Yao Jin and the others have already made the whole ancient city turbulent, and seem to have moved towards the core of the ancient city.

"That Yaojin is second only to Emperor Yao. I wonder if she will directly seize the core of this different space this time?"

Yang Tai already knew that Fang Chuan was bound to win the space core here, and asked while walking on the road.

"No." Fang Chuan shook his head: "When I didn't enter the ancient city, I knew that there was a super power here, and it was only the Emperor Yao that could solve it."

"Really?" Yang Tai couldn't help but raise his brow.


However, in the next moment, suddenly, in the center of the ancient city, hundreds of kilometers away from them, a monstrous blood spread out.

"Huh?" Yang Tai couldn't help but backed away.

He was a magnificent first-rank immortal official, the ninth peak of the Nascent Infant Realm, and the powerhouses who were infinitely close to half a step out of the Aperture Realm were scared to death.

The breath of the other party can be imagined.


After that, they heard a roar resounding through the world, angry and unwilling.

That's Yaojin's!

"Emperor save me!" Her voice traveled far, as if it contained a special kind of spiritual power, penetrating into the space.

Afterwards, the entire ancient city calmed down.

It was terribly quiet.

It took a long time for Yang Tai to react, covering his chest: "This breath is only present when the emperor is angry!"

He said again: "A woman who is so powerful as Yaojin was defeated in an instant."

"It's okay."

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Yaojin doesn't know her life or death, but she has passed the danger signal to Emperor Yao, Emperor Yao will definitely come as fast as possible."

He waved his hand: "But then, we have to be careful, without them covering us, we will be easily spotted."

"Quack, you are such a smart man."

Fang Chuan was talking, and suddenly, a gloomy voice reached their ears, and then five monsters that were almost as powerful as the previous encounters appeared with a sneer.

Their hideous faces carry a cruel killing intent.

They walked up step by step, but they had surrounded Fang Chuan and the three of them in the center, making them unable to escape easily.

The headed monster grinned and said, "Master Maha just issued an order to capture you to the City Lord's Mansion. If you resist, there will only be a dead end."

While they talked, they used a powerful force, approaching step by step, giving people an extremely uncomfortable oppression.

Yang Tai couldn't help taking a sip of water. He felt that he had no power to resist.

Although Sun Sheng looked indifferent, he was also hesitant to use his hole cards to protect Xiachuan in advance so that he could act later.

Once this happens, he will not be able to provide any help to Fang Chuan afterwards, which is also something he does not want to see.

"Don't you just look at the results of my cultivation, I will show you!"

Just when Sun Sheng and the others were thinking about each other, Fang Chuan's voice reached their ears, refreshing them, because they felt Fang Chuan's confidence.

But those monsters sneered. In their eyes, Fang Chuan and the others were weak prey, and they had no value at all.

"Go, once you resist, you will rectify the Fa on the spot!"

These monsters didn't have much patience anymore, and roared, one of them had already started, moving extremely fast, powerful, and oppressive force rushed toward him.

This monster is many times stronger than the one they first encountered before.

Sun Sheng could not help but squeeze a cold sweat for Fang Chuan.

"The magical killing technique, kill!"

However, Fang Chuan suddenly tore out a burst of spiritual power, bursting with dazzling light, turning into a pinpoint light.


With just a sound, the light flickered, and at an incredible speed, carrying a terrifying lethality, it pierced the forehead of the monster that rushed over and prepared for the opponent to kill with one blow.

The hard shell was pierced in an instant.


Following that, Fang Chuan's magical killing technique exploded, and the monster just paused, and then his head exploded.

After that, the light inside the monster's body also flickered, transformed into three paths, and went straight through.

Puff puff!

The remaining three monsters that have not yet started, at such a moment, there is no chance to react.

In fact, even if they react, they can't resist such a terrifying mental attack—even if they are also good at mental attacks.

The three monsters also exploded in an instant.

Both Sun Sheng and Yang Tai's eyes widened, he really did it!

The monster who had left the Aperture Realm in this half step was like a weak chicken in front of him, just like Yao Jin, it was easily killed!

Killed four in one go!

There is one left, it seems because he is unwilling to do it!


The remaining monster was the leader of the five-person team. His subordinates were instantly killed, and he was also frightened and panicked, without the arrogance he had before.

He hurriedly backed away with panic, but Fang Chuan flashed away, a terrifying mental storm swept out, and immediately suppressed the monster.

Since he practiced the magic killing technique, his mental storm has become much stronger, and he can suppress this monster with a single finger.


The monster knelt on the ground in an instant, then crawled on the ground, trembling all over, it was a kind of instinctive fear.

Sun Sheng and the others were shocked!

Fang Chuan acted fiercely, killing these terrifying monsters so quickly, suppressing the suppression.

His image is unprecedentedly tall.

Yang Tai felt that Fang Chuan would not be long before he could be compared with Zhenyuan Taoists and the emperors.

It won't be long before a figure of the emperor's level is in front of him, I am afraid it is nothing!

"Tell me about your Lord Maha, let me talk about your origins, and the internal structure of the ancient city..."

Fang Chuan looked at this monster condescendingly.

"Do you think this can do anything to me?" The monster broke away from the initial fear, and then laughed loudly: "Master Maha will surely break your body into pieces, and he will also command our Sky Clan people. , Enter your world, plunder your core, devour your blood

Meat, hahaha..."

The laughter of this monster is a bit fierce and not afraid of death, it seems that he doesn't care about life and death!

He was able to restrain the instinctive fear caused by Fang Chuan's mental storm in such a short period of time, and he could also see the extraordinary place of the Sky Clan.


However, in the next moment, the monster's body suddenly fell apart, and a terrifying force burst out. He blew himself up!

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