There are more and more Tianjiao rushing to Daqing Mountain, and the melee is escalating!

All kinds of treasures are intertwined, runes cover the sky, and there is a brilliant divine light!

"Hahaha, I grabbed it, you give me death!" Someone laughed maniacally, grabbed a shining copper mirror, and when urged, the mirror sprayed a hot light, turning the person who was shining on its back into ashes!


However, a black light broke through the air, the sword blade was dark and devilish, breaking through this person's chest, he laughed miserably, the copper mirror fell, and he was killed by the attack!

Scrimmage! An unprecedented scuffle!

If someone can gather all the treasures here, they will definitely be able to really kill all sides, as long as the peerless "eight seven three" Tianjiao does not come out, no one can subdue it, but this is obviously impossible!

From time to time, someone grabbed the treasure and killed all sides, but soon they were surrounded and killed by others, and the treasure was fought over by others again...

The people who arrived afterwards found that this place had become a meat grinder! After many Tianjiao entered, they couldn't come out again!

Unfortunately, it is too late for them to retreat, as long as they reach this place, others will tacitly treat them as enemies and launch an attack, and they can only passively face the battle!

At this moment, Daqing Mountain is like a huge millstone exuding super temptation! Constantly tempting the Tianjiao in the Xiaoqian World, but twisting them into it and grinding them into bones and flesh and blood...

Even if they find a problem, they can't go back all over...

"It's so tragic..." After the boulder in the distance, Chu Yao stuck out his tongue: "Brother, if it goes on like this, we don't have to make a move..."

"It's still too slow." Chu Yi shook his head slightly: "Now there are not enough people, and when there are enough people, it is when we make a move." "

"Okay." Chu Yao nodded, then looked at the battlefield and smacked his tongue secretly.

Lure people over and let them kill each other? This is a method, but once the real peerless Tianjiao makes a move, he can quickly snatch the treasure and hold it, and then use the treasure to enhance his strength and snatch other treasures.

At that time, this fishing law enforcement will lose its meaning, so Chu Yi will not let this happen!

Time passed, and soon, Tianjiao, who was still alive in the Xiaoqian World, arrived at Daqing Mountain nine out of nine to start a big melee.

And among them, there are also some peerless Tianjiao who have shown their prominence! One of them is Hua Yunfei! He is stubborn in talent, and he has obtained the inheritance of the ruthless emperor, and at this moment, he has already snatched three treasures, killing in and out of the crowd, and there are almost no enemies!


Chu Yao was stunned, because Chu Yi suddenly walked out in hiding.

"It's time!" Chu Yi showed her face: "Let's go and help them, fight around, too tired, and too wasteful of time." "

"You guys just hunt ordinary Tianjiao as much as possible, those that are strong enough, leave them to me!"

"Yes, brother/brother Yi!"

The three women responded and rushed out one after another, showing their current super strength, rushing into the battlefield, and killing all sides!

Now, there are people joining the battlefield every moment, so the addition of the four of Chu Yi did not attract too much attention, but soon, most of them were stunned!

"Hualong Dragon, there are Dragon Transformation Masters here!"

"We have it here, oh my God! It's her! An Miaoyi, the contemporary heir of Miaoluan! "

"This... This is...... Chu Yao? The fourth to tenth ones on the Divine Weapon List, Chu Yao? "

"Block, block!"


"Can't stop it, their strength is too strong! Not good, Ji Xiaoyue grabbed a divine weapon, the lethality is amazing! "


The battlefield was instantly chaotic, most of the people here were the Four Extremes Secret Realm, in fact, the people who could live until now had more or less some skills, and during this time, they were also promoted to the Four Extremes Secret Realm 0 through various means.......

But in the face of the Dragon Realm masters, they still don't have enough to see! The gap in the great realm is difficult to make up, and the three women shot separately, killing many Tianjiao fears!

"Hua Yunfei, huh?"

On the other side, Chu Yi stopped Hua Yunfei with a mocking face.

"Chu Yi? Very good...... I want to fight you! "Hua Yunfei roared, at this moment, he has won four treasures, his body is full of treasure light, and his confidence has soared!

"Are you sure you want to fight me? I'm your uncle! Chu Yi smiled wickedly.

"What... What the? Hua Yunfei's face darkened: "Are you insulting me?" "

"Nonsense, uncle, am I this kind of person? What's more, uncle, I am here to protect you, as long as you listen to me, I promise not to beat you, and I will take you to eat chicken! "

"Nonsense! 4.8 "Hua Yunfei's hand is like a magic sound, and he who is proficient in music rhythm is very strange when he strikes.

However, Chu Yi had no intention of fighting back, but instead smiled and removed a token, which shook in front of Hua Yunfei's eyes.

"This... This is..." Hua Yunfei's face changed drastically, with a thick disbelief: "How is it possible?" Who are you! "

"I'm your uncle!" Chu Yi said seriously: "Yunfei, I call me sister ruthlessly, shouldn't you call me uncle?" "

"Young people, we should respect the teacher, respect the old and love the young!"

(Chapter 8, please subscribe, please subscribe!) )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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