God respects the old and loves the young! You're clearly younger than me, right?

The corner of Hua Yunfei's mouth twitched, and he almost vomited blood. But at the same time, he was also extremely shocked and puzzled.

"He... How did he know that I had the inheritance of the Ruthless Emperor? And there is also Master's jade pendant, is it... Is he really related to Master? "

"Big nephew, why are you still stunned, quickly call uncle!" Chu Yi glared, the Heaven Devouring Demon Skill was running, and a trace of the evil path of the Demon Skill breath made Hua Yunfei startled.

"You... You too! "

At this moment, Hua Yunfei believed it, and had to believe it! He smiled bitterly and bowed his hand slightly to Chu Yi: "Xiao... Little uncle..."

"Alas, the eldest nephew is good, I won't hit you, come and come, let's kill all sides, what Tianjiao, all bombarded into slag!"


Chu Yi made a move, the six reincarnation fist fist seals were monstrous, and the reincarnation light flashed, but all the contaminated Tianjiao were almost spared!

Seeing this, Hua Yunfei also followed suit, he was already extremely strong, and he also reached the Dragon Realm, and at this moment, 27 was carrying four strange treasures, and where he passed, no one could stop him!

"God, Chu Yi actually joined forces with Hua Yunfei!"

"Nima, stop playing, you ruthless!"

"Am I... Poof..."

Many Tianjiao were shocked, some screamed, some cursed angrily, and some even pulled their legs and ran, but it was too late!

At this moment, a round of scorching sun came in the sky, and immediately, it turned into a ten-crowned king and fell from the sky, and where he landed, dozens of Tianjiao instantly exploded and were directly eliminated!

"It's the Ten Crown King!" People nearby exclaimed, and then crawled farther away.


Almost at the same time, a Qilin sky map covered the sky! The six-crowned king Ning Chuan also came, urging the Qilin Heavenly Map, and where he passed, the heads were thrown, and no one was invincible!

However, before Ning Chuan could completely exert his power, a voice of dissatisfaction sounded.

"What Qilin Heavenly Map, blocking me from seeing the stars, open it to me!"

A young girl broke through the air, and in her eyes, a circle of symbols was mysterious and devilish, as if hiding the mark of reincarnation, and instantly burst out with divine light, poking the Qilin Heavenly Map into two holes...

"What people? Find death! "Ning Chuan roared, shook the heavenly map, burst out stubborn strength, shattered the blood and bones of the people nearby, and fought with that girl!

"Is she?"

Some players exclaimed: "Cultivation for the thousandth month of the list, what is going on with her eyes?" "


The Ten-crowned King Tianzi frowned, and immediately said to Chu Yi: "Come and receive death!" In the realm of dragons, there is no one on me! "

His attitude is arrogant and indifferent, and he is invincible, without the slightest ripple, as if even Chu Yi, who is the first in the dragon list, is just a chicken and a dog in his eyes.

"Hey..." Chu Yi smiled and said to Hua Yunfei: "Son, watch me beat the head of the ten-crowned dog!"

Hua Yunfei: "..."

Beating the ten crowns, and the dog's head? Even if it is him, when facing the ten crown kings, he must be cautious, and even so, he may not be able to win, but what about Chu Yi? It seems that I didn't see it at all!

My little uncle won't be funny with his brains, right?

Ten crowns: "..."

However, Chu Yi didn't care what they thought, and when the words fell, he shot out furiously. Kunpeng hurriedly unleashed, turned into a black light, and instantly killed in front of the Ten Crown King, and his fist slammed into his eye socket.

"This trick is called bursting your dog's eyes!"

"Find death!"

The Ten Crowned Kings were furious, surrounded by unknown qi machines, and when they struck, they seemed to be oppressed with the sun, moon and stars.

However, above the Chu Yi fist seal, there was a reincarnation mark flashing, breaking through all barriers and killing, and directly pounding on the eye socket of the Ten Crown King.


The head of the Ten Crowned King jerked back, the corners of Hua Yunfei's mouth twitched, although he only looked at it from a distance, he also felt that his eyes hurt a little...


The Ten Crowned King turned around, his long hair fluttering, and he was furious!

His right eye was already black, and the entire eye socket was black, and he couldn't even open his eyes anymore!

The severe pain made him crazy, although he had also been injured, but how could he have been bullied like this? With just one punch, break through all his defenses and leave him injured! And it was this kind of injury that instantly reduced his appearance countless times...


The Ten Crowned Kings were furious, and their bodies were full of golden light, but at the same time, black matter permeated out from the 123 golden light, as if there were demons hidden in the holiness!

However...... Syllable!

Chu Yi's hand was like electricity, and his backhand was a slap, smashing the golden light, printed on the left face of the Ten Crown King, and the bright red slap print was extremely eye-catching...

Ten crowns: "..."

Hua Yunfei: "..."

Many Tianjiao: "..."

Countless spectators from the heavens and realms: "..."

Confused, everyone was stunned, the name shocked the heavens and worlds, and the ten invincible ten crowned kings were really beaten on the dog's head? ’

The ten-crowned champion was sluggish and slapped? This is even more difficult to accept than killing him!

"Chu Yi!" The Ten Crowned King roared: "Today, you will surely die!" "

The corners of his mouth were stained with blood, the blood was golden, but at the same time, there was a black substance permeating! His temperament is also changing, becoming evil and terrifying!

"Desperately?" Chu Yi scoffed: "Then kill it!" "


Willow God Magic is cast, wicker is all over the sky!

(Updated, please go a wave!) Read and get used to it, dears. )_

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