
Orochimaru's icy laughter drifted through the darkness.

This laughter made Hou Ping can't help but get goosebumps.

"You know my spell mark?" Orochimaru suddenly became interested in Hou Ping in front of him, "Then do you know the purpose of my spell seal?" "


Hou Ping nodded truthfully.

"Shigego is born with a special constitution that integrates natural energy into himself, and when he comes into contact with areas with strong natural energy, he will go berserk, and this process is called immortalization, similar to the immortal mode."

Hou Ping talked eloquently, for the curse seal, almost every Naruto fan is familiar with things, as a senior movie fan, Hou Ping naturally understands it completely.

"Adults let others learn this ability by giving it a spell seal, and when this immortal mode is activated, it is called spell sealing."

"After using the spell mark, the chakra, strength, and speed will increase exponentially

," Hou Ping looked at Orochimaru and said with great sincerity, "

I urgently need strength!" And your spell mark is a way to quickly improve my strength. "

I didn't expect that!" Hearing this, Orochimaru had an incredible look on his face.

The spell mark that he had been experimenting with for many years was told by a player like a few treasures, and he was still quite surprised in his heart.

"But why should I choose you?" Orochimaru sneered and looked at Hou Ping with a playful expression, "It's not that everything is worthy of being my experiment."

When Hou Ping heard this, he was not annoyed.

What Orochimaru said is not an exaggeration, counting the people who have the curse mark of Orochimaru are all proud of their talents.

As he said, not everyone deserves to have Orochimaru's curse seal.

"I'm different from you." Hou Ping said confidently: "If you die, you will die, and we can be reborn when we die, it is nothing more than a reduction in strength, but we can recover quickly."

Hou Ping stared at the eyes of the Great Snake Pill, extremely confident, and said, "I am the most suitable test subject for your container!" "

Hou Ping is gambling, Orochimaru was a kind-natured and talented young genius in his childhood.

The talent has been appreciated by three generations.,Together with Jiraiya、Tsunade.,Become a personal disciple of three generations.。

Although he didn't have a proud family background and a powerful bloodline limit to rely on, it still couldn't prevent him from becoming a genius in the eyes of the world.

Especially in the era of war, his talent is even more dazzling.

In the ensuing Third World War, he fought with Tsunade and Jiraiya, who was known as a demigod at the time, and although he was eventually defeated, he was still forced back.

He also won the title of the legend of the three ninjas of Konoha for this.

It is precisely because of his outstanding performance in wartime that he is a genius who has appeared in decades, and is deeply valued by three generations.

The third generation also said that Orochimaru was his most proud disciple and the best person with the most ability to inherit his name and reputation.

However, after the tragic death of Tsunade's younger brother and fiancé, Tsunade couldn't help but suffer a huge blow, and Orochimaru's temperament also changed drastically, and he began to be obsessed with immortality and the ninjutsu of resurrection.


Hearing this, Orochimaru's eyes shrank, and a killing intent enveloped Hou Ping, "You do know more than I imagined.

"But, you may be disappointed this time!" Orochimaru said: "I have experimented with your so-called players, and you can't be used as containers.

"Do you have any other chips?"

Orochimaru's eyes once flowed with a bloodthirsty light, "If not, I'll do it." "

Well, how about dealing with you in that way?"

"Kill you, no...

"As you say, by killing you, you can be resurrected quickly, with no ability to reduce your strength, and there is also the possibility that my plans will be exposed.

"Then imprison you forever."

Orochimaru muttered to himself.

But to his surprise, the player in front of him didn't seem to have the slightest fear.

Hou Ping chuckled lightly and said, "Lord Orochimaru, I'm different from other players!"

"The reason why you can't resurrect other players as containers is because their souls don't belong here, and in a sense, their souls are immortal in this world, so you can't occupy their bodies!"

Hou Ping continued blandly, "And my soul is trapped here, in other words, I am a person from this world.

"And I also have the ability to be reborn after they die!!"

looked at Orochimaru with a shocked look on his face.

Hou Ping breathed a sigh of relief.


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