
Orochimaru looked at the player in front of him, and he didn't understand

in his heart, in the conversation,

Hou Ping didn't look like the kind of person who sold his soul in order to improve his strength.

And he knows the ultimate price of becoming his own container, why would he still find himself willing to become a container?

When Hou Ping heard this, he recalled An An in reality, "I have someone I want to protect, and I'd rather give up my life!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru grinned, "Very good, I'll give you time to do what you want." "

Thank you, Lord Orochimaru!" Hou Ping nodded.

Orochimaru's hands are sealed.

Suddenly, his neck stretched out like the body of a snake, opened his mouth wide, and bit down hard at Hou Ping's neck.

Hou Ping closed his eyes.

I felt pain in my neck and severe pain in my body.

Hou Ping gritted his teeth.

Immediately, he lost consciousness and consciousness.

Looking at Hou Ping lying on the ground in front of him, Orochimaru had a satisfied expression, "One Sasuke, one Hou Bufan, this time Konoha is worth the trip." However

, Orochimaru never expected that after this middle ninja exam, his hands would be sealed by the "ghoul sealing" cast by three generations.

A body of ninjutsu cannot be unleashed.

Not to mention taking Hou Ping as a container to be reborn.

And all this was within Hou Ping's expectations.

It can be said that the reason why Hou Ping dared to come to the big snake pill and seek skin with the snake was because he knew everything about the development of the plot in the future.

All of this was within Hou Ping's plan.

Orochimaru was still immersed in joy and didn't know it, but he didn't know that he had been secretly put on a spot by Hou Ping.


When Hou Ping woke up again, he found that he was already in Houmen.

"Uh..." Hou Ping got up, and the sharp pain in his body made him moan.

Hou Ping looked left and right, and finally recognized that this was Hou Men.

"Why am I here?" Hou Ping shook his head to himself.

"You were left out the door last night." Fujii's figure suddenly appeared in front of Hou Ping, his face was still as cold as ice, "I was worried that you would die outside, so I brought you in."

Hou Ping looked at the quilt on the bed and said to Fujii with a smile: "Thank you!" "


Fujii snorted coldly, because Hou Ping saw through his lies, there was a faint flush on his face.

When Hou Ping saw this scene, he snored in his heart.

This doesn't fit in with Fujii's character.

What happened to cause such a drastic change in Fujii.

"The strength of the person who sent you here is above me." Seeing that Hou Ping had been staring at him, Fujii Xue felt a little unnatural in his heart, and changed the topic: "I didn't even notice that someone came to Houmen, it was my dereliction of duty!"

Hou Ping shook his head, stood up and moved briefly, and said, "I can't blame you, there are a lot of people in Konoha Village recently, among them Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, how can you know that your strength is above you?" "

To be able to send himself to Houmen without alarming Kamishinobi Fujii, who else can there be but Orochimaru?

"Hmm!" Hearing this, Fujii nodded his head, "I will strengthen my precautions in the future."

At this moment, Hou Ping suddenly heard the prompt sound of the system.


"The three generations of the ape of Konoha Village are summoned by the flying sun."

"The three generations have something to do with me, so I'll go first." After Hou Ping and Fujii Xue spoke, they walked towards the Hou Gate.

Fujii Kaori looked at Hou Ping's back, recalling that when she found him last night, the worry that suddenly welled up in her heart made her feel a little scared.

From ninja apprentice to upper ninja, along the way, Fujii Kao can be described as cold-faced and frosty, even he can do it without care, and now he is worried about a player, which is unbelievable.

On the way to the Hokage Building in Konoha Village, Hou Ping was also a little confused about Fujii's changes in the past two days.

I haven't done anything, why did Fujii Kao's attitude towards himself change 360 degrees?

After thinking about it for a long time, Hou Ping didn't come up with a reason.

At this time, he had already arrived downstairs in the Hokage Building, looking at the majestic building in front of him, Hou Ping couldn't help but sigh a little in his heart.

It's not the first time I've seen him.

On the contrary, he fought with the third generation many times.

But only this time he came to find the third generation, and Hou Ping felt a little bitter in his heart.

Perhaps, it's about to take the ninja exam! The fateful battle of three generations is about to begin.

Hou Ping adjusted his mentality and knocked on the office door of the third generation.

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