The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter 239 Chapter Tachibana Jiping vs Shoujia

A court in Tokyo.

The area of ​​the court is not large, but there are very many people surrounding it at the moment.

On both sides of the court, one side is Seigaku led by Tezuka, while the other side is Fudomine led by Tachihira.

At this time, the doubles two game is being held. In the original, the doubles two game itself was played by Fuji and Kawamura, but due to the variable existence of Yuta, the lineup of the original game has changed.

This year's doubles two, Seigaku's double sophomore combination is Fuji and Yuta.

The doubles between this pair of brothers are worth seeing. This is also deliberately arranged by coach Ryūzaki Jin, in order to see how powerful the doubles formed by Fuji Yuta and the brothers will be.

Needless to say, Fuji's strength is second only to the hand in Seigaku. After receiving the training at the shrine, his strength has become stronger. In a recent practice match, Fuji even defeated 7:5. Handed home.

Of course, the arm of the current hand is still healed. If the hand after the arm is recovered, the result will be different.

As for Yuta's strength, he is also quite strong. Although he is only in the second grade, under the guidance of Lin Feng, his singles strength is enough to rank in the top four in Seigaku.

Living under the hand, Fuji Echizen.

On Fudomine's side, Ishida Tetsu and Sakurai Masa are also students of the shrine, but in the face of 943, Fuji, who has developed five types of return shots, and Yuta, who is more powerful than the original, are still a bit worse. , Lost to Fuji and Yuta.

In the next singles three games, Fudomine sent Akira Kamio, and Seigaku sent Kaido Megumi.

In the original work, Haitang won the third singles, but after joining the shrine, Kamio's strength greatly increased, which changed the outcome of this game.

Kamio won the singles three.

The ratio is 6:1.

It is almost a crushing bureau.

The hand family and the others in Seigaku were quite surprised that Haitang was completely suppressed by Kamio, but Fuji, Yuta and Echizen thought it was normal.

At the beginning, when facing Shitenhouji Kamio, he won with absolute victory, Haitang was naturally not Kamio's opponent.

Accompanied by the end of the two games.

Seigaku and Fudomine drew 1:1.

In the next doubles game, Kikumaru and Oishi also suffered a disastrous defeat against the golden doubles.

6.3 lost to Fudomine.

Seigaku felt a huge pressure here.

This year's cgeg dynamic peak is so strong.

It is normal for Fudomine to be strong. Fudomine has been under the guidance of Lin Feng in the past few months, basically reaching the first-class level in the Kanto region and entering the Selfless State.

Although Kikumaru and Oishi are great for gold doubles, they are still a bit worse.

"Echizen, I will teach you this next game."

On the sidelines, Shoujia said to Echizen.

Seigaku has already lost two games. If they lose another game, Seigaku will lose the game against Fudomine.

Shoujia's heart is still somewhat worried.

Don't worry, "Let's go, Captain."

Echizen nodded to the hand and walked out with racquet.

The singles second player sent by Fudomine is the same as in the original book.

"Echizen, should it be possible?"

Kikumaru couldn't help but worried.

"Echizen will not lose.

Unlike Kikumaru, Fuji is quite confident in Echizen.

He and Echizen are both students of the shrine, and he knows Echizen's strength more clearly, even he is not sure to defeat Echizen.

Although Shenji is also very strong, it is not Echizen's opponent in Fuji's view.

When Fudomine and Seigaku were in the doubles second match, two figures appeared on the periphery of the court at the moment.

Amazingly, Lin Feng and Echizen Ryoga.

Because of the hidden locations of Lin Feng and Echizen Ryoga stations, Fuji and Yang Jiping did not notice Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the game on the scoreboard and nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that these boys have grown up well during this time."

Unlike Lin Feng, Echizen Ryoga's attention was focused on Echizen, who was panting in the blue and white jersey from the court.

"little guy.

Although he hadn't seen his younger brother for a long time, he still recognized Echizen at a glance.

"Don't say hello?"

Lin Feng asked Echizen Ryoga.

Forget it, "Echizen will enter the U17 training camp sooner or later with Echizen's talent, and it won't be too late to say hello by then."

On court, Echizen and Fuji fought fiercely. Shenji and Echizen were both students of the shrine. He knew Echizen's strength very well, so he didn't have the slightest reservation in this game and directly opened the Selfless State.

When one of Fudomine's players turned on the mystery of selflessness, Seigaku was also stunned.

What kind of monsters are these Fudomines?

Facing the deep company who started Selfless State, Echizen also chose to fight with Selfless State.

Although both of them have turned on the mystery of selflessness, Echizen is still stronger after all.

After all, Echizen has successfully realized the limit of temperament in the sense of selflessness, but Shensi has not even stepped into a door.

After 15 minutes, the game ended.

Echizen won the game with an absolute advantage of 6:2.

With the end of singles two, the next one will be the singles one game.

Hand Kunimitsu vs. Tachibana Yoshihira.

A duel between the ministers of the two schools.

"Yang Jiping and Shoujia, this game is a bit to watch."

Lin Feng on the sidelines looked at the two people standing in the center of the court, and his eyes suddenly showed a hint of interest.

The strength of the hand family is known to be very strong, national-level strength.

Even though his arm hasn't healed yet, his strength is superhuman.

But Tachibana Jiping is not weak. During this period of time in the shrine, his strength has become stronger than before, and he has also realized the mystery of selflessness, and has stepped into the door to the limit of tempering.

Not necessarily worse than the hand.

"Yang Jiping, how come this name seems to have been heard from?"

Kikumaru frowned and murmured.

"Last year's Kyushu Lions Music Middle-School's trump card."

Fuji on the side said lightly.

It turned out that "it was him, this guy actually joined Fudomine.

"This guy seems to be very powerful, and I don't know who is better with our minister."

Who is more powerful, even Fuji does not know this problem.

If Yang Jiping last year, he would take it for granted that his hand was stronger, but now he is really not sure.

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