The Strongest Owner In Prince of Tennis

Chapter Two Hundred and Fortieth What a Pity

When everyone around was guessing who is stronger than Shoujia and Tachibana, the two standing in the field have already ended their pre-match ball guessing.

Fudomine Tachibana Jiping serve the board.

"I have been looking forward to playing against you, Shoujia."

Before the net, Yang Jiping said with a smile.

When he was in the Lion Music Middle-School, he had heard of the reputation of the hand family, and in his heart he also faintly wanted to compare it.

"With each other, Lion Music Middle-School's ace now joins Fudomine. This is something I didn't expect. I hope this will be a wonderful game." The hand's expression was solemn.

After a few simple negotiations, the two turned around and returned to the baseline.

In the face of his hand, Ju Jiping didn't dare to be careless, even if he stepped into the door of the selflessness, he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

The opponent is a high-profile player in the country.


Accompanied by a powerful swing, Tachibana Jiping is already starting to serve.

The tennis ball turned into a yellow light and it was close to the hand.

Ju Jiping's strength itself is not weak, coupled with Lin Feng's guidance and training, has reached the national level.

serve is even more fierce.

The tennis ball fell to the ground quickly, and then burst out after a brief friction.

Da da.

At this time, the hand was also moving, stomping on the ground with extremely fast footwork to catch up with the ball.

The swing is quite decisive, without the slightest hesitation.


The tennis ball hit the baseline accurately, and Yang Jiping appeared next to the tennis ball with a sliding step.

As his swing fell, the tennis ball was divided into eight at this moment.

"It's a move, the captain's burst ball.

This "ball can't be caught even by the hand."

Eight tennis balls were shot quickly next to their home, but when everyone at Fudomine thought that the ball was about to score, the ball that had hit the ground suddenly flew towards the home's body.

"What? The ball was actually sucked by the hand's side, how is this possible?"

Fudomine's group immediately widened their eyes.

"Have it finally appeared? Shoujia realm.

Orange Jiping's eyes condensed. This trick he saw in the national competition last year, gave the ball extremely high spin, controlled the opponent's ball path, and directed all the balls toward him. .

It is a very difficult style of play. Now in the middle of Japan, there is only one move that can be done by the hand.

The tennis ball was sucked to the side by the hand, and the next second he was hit back.

Both the strength and the angle are quite perfect.



"So strong, is this the strength of Seigaku Minister Tezuka Kunimitsu?"

"Both speed, power and skills are far beyond the level of ordinary middle school students."

Relying on the absolute defense deployed by the Tezuka domain, Tachibana once suppressed Tachibana Yoshihira.



"The captain's serve game was broken."

"I can't believe that Seigaku's Minister Tezuka Kunimitsu is so strong."

On Fudomine's side, Kamio and others felt incredible. They all heard about the players, and they were quite strong players.

But now that I saw it with my own eyes, it really deserves its reputation.

It is more than one grade better than Chitose Senri when he was playing against the captain.

"As expected of our captain, he broke the opponent's serve game at the beginning.

Kikumaru said excitedly.

Others were also quite excited, but Fuji Echizen and Yuta were not as excited as the others.

They knew that the just-a-time battle Jing Jiping didn't use all his strength.

One minute later, the two sides exchanged venues.

"As expected of Seigaku's minister, he is really strong. In that case, I went all out.

Yang Jiping said with a smile to his family.

In the next second, a burst of white air burst out from all over his body.

Seigaku, who was still excited, suddenly froze after seeing the aerodynamic force released by Hashiyoshihira.

"Is it nonsense again?"

All Fudomine players have stepped into this state.

When did the unselfish profundity become such a bad street?

Even Seigaku coach Ryūzaki, who has a very high vision, couldn't help showing an incredible face.

He could see that the overall strength of Fudomine's students was not too strong, but all of them had stepped into this state, which was obviously a bit unusual.

"Fuji, I remember you mentioned your museum owner to me before. Is this Fudomine also a student of the museum?"

Ask for flowers

Ryūzaki Jin asked Fuji.

"Hey, the mystery of Wuyou was given to him by the bishop of the museum."

Fuji smiled and nodded.

"It seems I was right."

Ryūzaki Jin wrinkled her head in thought. It was just her guess, but she really guessed it right.

"Fuji, let me meet your curator when I have time. I am more and more interested in him."

Fuji shook his head, "I'm afraid this will not work. The owner of the museum left the shrine a month ago, and even we don't know where he went."

"Is that so? That's really a pity."

Looking at the orange Jiping who exuded selfless energy, there was a solemn flash in Shoujia's eyes.

Even he didn't expect that this year's Fudomine would be so strong, even if the ordinary players are strong, they all understood it one by one.

The team standing in front of him, looking at Kanto, no, even in the country is quite a top presence.

However, as the captain of Seigaku, he shoulders the goal of making Seigaku into the national competition. No matter how strong Fudomine is, he can't lose.

There was a slight silence for three seconds, and the hand began to serve.


The tennis ball smashed in front of Yang Jiping, and the heavy knock on the ground was enough to see the power of the ball.

A very strong ball.

"It's worthy of being a high-profile player in the national high school tennis world. The power of serve is good, but it's not enough."

I saw Yang Jiping rushed to the ball, lifted racquet violently and hit the tennis ball.


The tennis ball fell behind the player in a thunderous manner, but the next second he was sucked to his side by the player using the Tezuka field.

Then he was hit back by the hand's family again.

After opening Selfless State, Yang Jiping's offense became quite swift, but his hand is not weak. No matter where he hits the ball, he can use the Tezuka field to draw it to his side and successfully fight back.

Standing on the side saw this scene, Horio couldn't help but look overjoyed: "As expected of the captain, he actually received all the ball from Captain Fudomine. The Tezuka field is really impeccable.

"No, that's not the case, you pay attention to the feet of the hands."

Fuji beside him said. Piece,

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