The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1059 : School where Ryoma entered (2/3)

"Yes, Zongshen!"

"That super genius who became a professional player at the age of 14?"

"Why is he here?"

Sasaki's companion exclaimed, shocked.


Sasaki growled.

Zongshen met Ryoma at the first glance.

In the face of such a powerful master, he dare not presumptuously.

Several other people came back to their senses when they heard this, and they didn't dare to marvel at it, and left in a desperate manner.

At this moment, Echizen Ryoma, who heard the movement, also turned his head.

Then, seeing a familiar and unfamiliar face, he couldn't help but shouted: "Senior Zongshen?

He did not expect to meet Zongshen here.

Knowing Zongshen's strength, he didn't dare to look as proud as before.

After putting away the racquet, he walked up to Zongshen and greeted him honestly.

"Have you just returned home today?"

Zongshen asked with a smile.

The two have met several times, so they are quite familiar.


Echizen Ryoma nodded.

Then I said it again.

Sakura next to her face flushed, and her head bowed deeply.

Had she not pointed the wrong way, Echizen Ryoma would not be late, let alone conflict with others.

"Sakura's reckless character should indeed be changed!"

Zongshen touched his chin and said.

"I have told her many times, but every time!"

Coach Ryūzaki had a headache, but he quickly put it away and said, "Since Ryoma didn't participate in the match, there is no need to go to the venue. I will take you home first.


A few people naturally have no opinion.

After arriving in the parking lot and getting in the car, he drove in the direction of Zongshen's house.

"Are you going to stay here after you come back?"

Zongshen turned his head and asked.


"I will enroll in Seigaku in a few days!"

Echizen Ryoma nodded.

Ever since Echizen Ryoga ran Makinofuji, Nanjiro was ready.

Before Ryoma returned to his country, he submitted the admission materials in advance.

What I was afraid of was that my own kid took the initiative, and then I was complained by coach Ryūzaki.


"Then you can just witness Seigaku's four consecutive national championships!"

Zongshen smiled.

"Four consecutive championships?"

Echizen Ryoma was taken aback.

"The Seigaku Tennis Club is the strongest in Japan. It won the championship under the leadership of Senior Zongshen, and has never lost since!

Sakura on the side couldn't help but explain.

"So there are many masters in the ministry?"

Echizen Ryoma's eyes lit up.

It doesn't matter which school he joins, as long as there are good players.

"Kunimitsu and Yukimura are both at Seigaku!"

Zongshen nodded and said.

"Handyman Kunimitsu?!"

Echizen Ryoma's heart beats when he hears the name.

He is very profound about this name.

In the United States, the two had a match, but he failed miserably.

From then on, he made up his mind that he must defeat this powerful man in the future.

"Ryoma's opponents are not Kunimitsu, but Kirihaya!

Coach Ryūzaki, who was driving in front, smiled.

Although she thinks Ryoma's talent is good, she doesn't think that Ryoma will be the opponent of several players.

After all, a few people from the hand family joined the training camp.

After training in the training camp, it is better than most high school students.

Although Ryoma is a genius, he is by no means an opponent of these people.


Echizen Ryoma was taken aback.

But listening to the tone of coach Ryūzaki, this man is also a genius, and he is about the same age.

"You'll know when the time comes!"

Zongshen smiled.

Echizen Ryoma could only press down on his hat, and pressed down the curiosity in his heart.

In small talk, the car crossed the long street into the residential area, and finally stopped in front of a house.

"finally reached.

Zongshen exhaled, opened the door to remove the luggage and looked at coach Ryūzaki: "I really trouble you, coach!

"Ha ha!"

"Not so polite!"

Coach Ryūzaki waved his hand, then smiled: "Then let's go first, and I have to send Ryoma home.


Zongshen nodded.

"Goodbye, senior!"

Ying Nao was a little bit reluctant.

She hadn't seen Zongshen for a long time, and finally met once, but parted so quickly.

"Goodbye, senior!"

Echizen Ryoma on the side also pressed his hat and said.


"have a safe journey!"

Zongshen nodded, then watched a few people leave.

When the vehicle disappeared from sight, he looked back, and then walked towards the cabin.

"I am back "

Shouted and opened the door at the same time.

However, there is obviously no one at home, even the hands of the hands are no longer at home.

…/ Kunimitsu doesn’t know if it’s in training camp or school?"

Zongshen touched his chin and put things away.

At the same time, prepare to wash and sleep well.

But when he just finished washing, the phone on the side rang.


Zongshen glanced at the phone, then connected to the phone.

"Unexpectedly I would call you?"

A familiar voice came from the phone.


"You will call me, it must be at the foot of the mountain, so your special training is over?"

Zongshen smiled.


"I have successfully broken through the world professional level!"

Ryoga's happy voice came.


Zongshen was not surprised.

When the two separated last time, Echizen Ryoga was about to take the last step.

Now that six months (Channoy's) have passed, it is impossible not to break through.

"Not only me, but also Byodoin and the ghosts broke through!"


Zongshen was stunned when he heard this.

He was not surprised that Echizen Ryoga broke through.

However, the breakthrough of Oni and Byodoin made him a little surprised.

After all, the two of them were only the world's peak strength before June, and there is still a long way to go from the world's professional level.

"A lot of things have happened during this period. When do you have time, we will meet a wise man."

Echizen Ryoga said.

"The school season will start in a few days, let's see each other then!"

Zongshen thought for a while and said.

He ended the professional match for many reasons.

One of them is that the high school is about to start, so I have to come back to go through the school opening formalities.


Echizen Ryoga responded quickly.

He also attended Qingchuntai High School, and went there just when the school started. .

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