The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1060 : Going to school and at the same table (3/3)

At the end of March.

Winter has passed, and the weather has begun to warm up.

The annual preparatory season and foul out season also arrived as scheduled.

In these few days, freshmen will join middle or high school and start a new life.


Youth Taiwan High School.

As the largest high school in this area, there is no shortage of students.

This morning.

Zongshen, Echizen Ryoga, Duke Watanabe, Mutsu Yuma, Mutsu Yuho, Tokugawa Kazuya, Yamato Yuda came together.

Five days ago, Zongshen returned to Japan and talked to Ryoga on the phone.

Then he called U-17 again.

After the teammates learned of Zongshen's return, they immediately agreed to meet at the beginning of school.

There are a lot of people studying in the Youth TV, so the present scene can be seen.

A group of people walked side by side and immediately attracted the attention of other students.

When a girl saw Zongshen, she was taken aback for a moment, then her white face was instantly flushed, and she shouted excitedly: "Yes.

When this word came out, the audience fell silent for an instant.

The students around looked at the same time, and then saw Zongshen in the crowd.

"It's really a hand Zongshen!"

"That talented tennis player, I heard that he is already No. 2 in Japanese tennis!"

"I didn't expect to see him here, so lucky!"

The students at the Youth Station looked excited.

Some 890 girls around were flushed with excitement.

But after a while, Zongshen was crowded with people.

"The popularity of this guy Zongshen is really terrible!"

Echizen Ryoga was a little slapped.

"Ha ha!"

"It's good to be used to it, the Minister's popularity has always been like this!"

Mutsu Yuma laughed.


Mutsu Yuho on the side has a deep understanding.

"It's Jiang Mu!"

Duke Watanabe touched his bald head and laughed.

As for Tokugawa and Yamato next to him, they shook their heads. This kind of thing is not surprising to them.

Because Zongshen's popularity has always been so terrifying since middle school.

"Okay, go through the enrollment procedures as soon as possible!"

Zongshen was a little helpless.

It is indeed a pleasure to be sought after.

But they were completely blocked. If they continue, I am afraid they will miss the registration.


Several people heard this squeezing towards the crowd.

It took a lot of effort to get out of the crowd.

"ーWe will gather at the school gate in an hour, and now go to the class first."

Zongshen said.

He was originally in the same class as Tokugawa and Yamato.

However, as they entered the second year of high school, the school organized the division of classes, and the three also changed classes.

"See you in an hour!"

Everyone nodded and walked towards their class.

It’s the hand Zongshen!"

Class A of the second grade.

This is Zongshen's class after entering school.

When he arrived in the class, a burst of exclamation soon sounded in the class.

"It's the hand Zongshen!!

"I heard that he was back to school just now, and I didn't expect to be in the same class with us."

"I'm so lucky!"

"What's the luck? Zongshen has already applied for registered school, and it is estimated that he will leave soon.

"Yes, the opponent is already a professional player, staying in school is just a waste of time."

The classmates started talking.

"Mr Zongshen, here,

A light voice sounded.

Zongshen looked up, only to see a young girl looking at him happily.

The girl has long, supple golden hair, slender eyebrows and a pair of crystal eyes.

At this time, the girl's jade cheeks were red, her delicate mouth and lips were slightly raised, and she looked extremely beautiful with her jade-like skin.

She wore a shawl and long sleeves on her upper body, and she had silky hair that looked very flowing.

The slender arms are extremely white, and the nails are still painted with blue nail polish, which makes the girl more lively.

The beautiful appearance matches that delicate temperament, just like a daughter.

"Mr. Yuanmu, long time no see!"

Zongshen gave a gentle smile and said hello.

This person in front of him is his deskmate-Haraki Chika!

"I didn't expect to be in the same class as (cffb) Zongshen again."

Log Qianjia's face was flushed.

When she was in the first grade, she came to the youth station because of Zongshen.

Later, Zongshen chose to study under the prestige, which made her lose for a long time.

But since she came, she didn't choose to change school, because she knew that as long as she stayed at the Youth Station, the two would definitely meet again.

as predicted.

She soon got news from Zongshen after school started.

Under the operation of family forces, he was in the same class as Zongshen again'very coincident'.


Zongshen smiled and nodded.

If he was studying at school in the first grade.

The two can be said to have been at the same table for four years and are already considered old friends.

"Jun Zongshen is also studying under the name this year?

Log Chika suddenly asked nervously.


"This year I will participate in the World Cup qualifiers and I have to train, so I can only name it!"

Zongshen nodded.

He went back to school only to go through the formalities for school opening, and he would leave after finishing the formalities.


Log Qianjia nodded, her crystal eyes flashed with loss.

But she recovered quickly.

Because she has made up her mind and is ready to organize another support team.

‘In this way, even if Mr. Zongshen is going to match, I can cheer for him!’

Log Chika's eyes flashed, and her ruddy lips curled up slightly.

time flies.

During the chat, Zongshen completed the formalities smoothly.

Then he left the classroom under Qianjia's eyes with dismay.



School gate.

Several people from Echizen Ryoga were waiting there.


Zongshen smiled and walked over.

"Shall we go back to training camp now?"

Tokugawa asked coldly.

The enrollment procedures have been completed and there is nothing else to do. Now go back and wait for tomorrow to resume training.

"Understand and go!,

"Today I am going to see that little one in my house!"

Echizen Ryoga shook his head.

Today is the opening day of high school, and it is also the third day of junior high school.

So he wanted to see how Ryoma was doing in Seigaku.

"You mean your brother Ryoma?"

Duke Watanabe asked curiously.


Echizen Ryoga nodded.


"Your brother has returned to China?"

Mutsu Yuho was a little surprised.

"I came back a few days ago, now I have joined Seigaku!!

Echizen Ryoga replied.

"Then go!"

Zongshen did not refuse.

He hasn't been to Seigaku for a long time, and this time I can see Yukimura.


Several people have no opinion.

Then he walked in the direction of Youth Gakuen. .

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