The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1061 : Ryoma joins the tennis club (1/3)

Youth Gakuen.

With the victory of three consecutive national championships, the reputation of the whole school has greatly increased.

The tennis department is also known as the nation's first strongest team.

The new students have already signed up, and now is the time to choose the club.

"I came to Seigaku to study-to join the tennis club!"

"Seigaku is the dominant school in the country for three consecutive championships. If you don't join the tennis club, what's the meaning of studying here?"

"If we also join the club, we may be able to witness the team's four consecutive dominance!"

All the freshmen were talking excitedly.

Under the exaggeration of this kind of remarks, a Ming Mengxin did not hesitate to fill in the application form for admission to the department, preparing to become a member of the strongest society.

"Ryoma, which club are you going to join?"

Horio patted Echizen Ryoma's shoulder with a familiar face.

"Aren't everyone discussing it?"

Echizen Ryoma lifted his hat and smiled: "Naturally it is the tennis club!"


"It's not that simple to join the tennis club!"

Horio looked smug, then patted his chest and said, "The Seigaku Tennis Club is the strongest in the country. It has won the championship for three consecutive years, this year."

Before he could finish speaking, he found that Echizen Ryoma had disappeared.

I looked up and saw that the other party had already walked out of the classroom.


"At least listen to what others are saying!"

Horio yelled a little uncomfortably.

However, he grabbed the application form for the first time and chased Echizen Ryoma.

One after another, the two quickly came to the admissions office.

"How come there are so many people?!"

Horio looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes widened.

Because the admission application office is already full of people, there are three to four hundred people at a glance.

"The Seigaku Tennis Club is the number one player in the country. Last year, it won an unprecedented three in a row. This year it is moving towards a fourth in a row. Naturally, more people will join!"

A freshman next to him replied excitedly.

"It was unexpected!"

Echizen Ryoma pressed his hat down.

The last time he met Zongshen, he knew that Seigaku's tennis club was definitely not weak.

It's just that he didn't expect the popularity of the tennis club to be so high.

Three to four hundred people applied to join the department, which can be said to account for half of the number of freshmen.

No way, the two can only line up honestly.

In the application office, all the candidates were dumbfounded.

"The number of people this year is amazing!"

Kikumaru's eyes widened.

The number of people who applied for admission to the Ministry last year was also quite large, but it was only in a hundred.

This year it has increased three or four times.

In the entire Seigaku Junior High School, there are only about 2,000 people, including the second and third grades.

The maximum number of national one freshmen joining Seigaku is 700.

Except for half of the girls, it can be said that most boys choose to join the tennis club.

"Too many people!"

Sanada frowned.

He naturally hopes that the tennis club will grow.

But too much quantity is also a trouble.

Even though the Seigaku Tennis Club has undergone several expansions, it cannot accommodate hundreds of players.

Once they all agree, I'm afraid there will be no place for training.

"The number of people in the tennis club now is 160."

Yukimura touched her chin and said.

The original tennis club had more than two hundred people.

But with the foul out of the third grade, so I left the fifty or sixty.

"Do you want to keep the same number as last year?"

Oishi frowned.

If it is the same as last year, then up to 56 players will be recruited this year.

Compared with the number of three to four hundred, these places are simply not enough.

"One hundred and fifty people left!"

Shoujia meditated for a while and said.

"One hundred and fifty people?"

The elections heard this stunned.


Sanada directly shook his head: "The training ground can accommodate up to about two hundred people. If you really recruit 150 people, plus the original players, there will be more than 400 people!"


Inui Sadaharu nodded, and then looked at the player: "Although the tennis club can be expanded, there will be a shortage of venues in the end.

"Do not worry."

"The principal has agreed to the third trimming of the tennis club."

Shoujia pushed the frame and said.


"Didn't you say that you were considering it? Why did you suddenly agree?"

Oishi was puzzled.

They had a hunch before the start of school that there might be more new students this year.

...For flowers...

But the school board has its own concerns.

As a school, it must be fully blossomed. It is impossible for the tennis club to absorb all the freshmen and leave no new members in other clubs.

For this reason, I never agreed to fix the tennis club.

"I told the principal that Seigaku will win four consecutive championships this year!'

Shoujia replied lightly.

The crowd was speechless.

Unexpectedly, Shoujia would use this method to persuade the school board.

"If the tennis club is refurbished and expanded, it will indeed attract 150 new students!"

Fuji laughed.

"Then it is decided!"

Yukimura nodded.

Although one hundred and fifty new students are enrolled.

But everyone knows that only two-thirds of it can persist in the end.

Some people will eventually withdraw from the tennis club because they can't stand hard training or can't become a regular candidate.

Eighty people were recruited last year, but only 30 people were left.

As for the rest, either leave the ministry a few days later, or leave when you get up the grade.

"First accept the application form for admission, and then test it!"

The hand said in a deep voice.

Playing tennis also requires talent.

Although it is impossible to judge how talented a person is at the beginning.

But it can judge whether a person is qualified to play tennis through tests of strength, speed, physical strength, and technique.

If the four items are really bad, you don't need to join the tennis club at all.

Because even if you join, you can't learn anything.


The players began to take action.

With a gentle smile on his face, Fuji accepted the application form from the freshman.

The originally agitated freshman was also infected by this smile and relaxed slightly.

"Senior Fuji, this is my application form!"

A slightly calm voice sounded.

Not for a moment, feeling that the sound was familiar, so he looked up.

I saw a boy wearing a hat appear in front of him.

There is also an application form in his hand.


Fuji looked stagnant.

I didn't expect that the teenager I met in the United States would appear in front of me.

I also want to join the Seigaku Tennis Club. Xi,

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