The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1517 : fast break (new book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai Da)

Tetsuya Kuroko seemed to disappear into the air again.

You never know when he will come out, just because you don't know, it is full of unknowns.

After Midorima Shintaro got the ball, he suddenly said, "Do you think you can defend me?!"

"If you can't do it twice, you can do it twice. If you fail to do it twice, you can get it three times. There is always a chance.

Kagami knows that he may not be able to stop him, but if he doesn't try some things, how can he know if he can succeed.

For him, failure does not exist, only success after repeated attempts.

"Then I will let you know that miracles are so powerful!"

Midorima Shintaro jumped up, and as he jumped up, Kagami jumped up too.

The height difference between the two people's jumps is very different, which can be felt visually.

"No!" Kagami's hand can't even touch Basketball.

Midorima Shintaro seized the opportunity and shot a three-pointer.

After Kagami returned to the ground, he looked at him as if he had made a tactic.

"In any case, I will definitely give you a block in this match!

After Kagami said this, he immediately rushed under the frame.

Tetsuya Kuroko was already waiting under the rim at this time.

After the opponent sent a three-pointer, he immediately passed 190 like the ball in his hand to Hyuga, who slapped the ball and was on the same line as Kagami.

Takao is looking for an opportunity in secret.

He is the same person as Tetsuya Kuroko and eats with a pass.

But this kind of person is also divided into advantages and disadvantages, the main and the second are listed, at least in the just now duel, Tetsuya Kuroko has already gained the upper hand.

Takao was not discouraged, but more fighting spirit emerged.

They are still young, and this kind of thing will not hit them.

When Junpei Hyuga and Kagami Taiga were running dribble, Takao and Midorima rushed up at the same time.

Junpei Hyuga saw two figures, and when he found an opportunity, he threw the ball directly behind him.

"What!" Both of them were puzzled by this behavior.

But when Tetsuya Kuroko appeared in front of them, he understood what all this was doing. Tetsuya Kuroko got the ball again and passed it to Rinnosuke.

After Rinosuke got the ball, he passed it directly to Midorima Shintaro.

Kagami Taiga jumped high.

Get the ball directly in delay, and then force a dunk.

fast break!

When these people cooperated, a name appeared in everyone's mind.

This is a trick that only a team that cooperates very tacitly can use.

The reason why he is strong is not because of his speed, but because of his tacit cooperation.

To a certain extent, the five people are completely a whole, they do not distinguish each other.

"You are very strong on me, we really underestimated it!" Daping said.

"Everyone will grow up. They may not be so strong at the beginning, but a match will always allow them to learn something."

"Actually I want to ask, is this really interesting for you? I don't want to touch Basketball.

Daping has been controlled by the opponent on the court, and he is not reconciled.

He is one of the main players on the court. The coach just ordered him to be the center, but suddenly it became this mode, which made him very embarrassed.

"Don't you think it would be a good thing to let them train?"

Daping said: "But this is a team basketball, usually practice team cooperation."

"There are still three minutes before the last match. Let's see what they can do in three minutes? Let's continue with the following match."

"Good!" The situation on the court became more and more intense.

Without Zongshen and Daping, they used stronger power instead.

I paid too much for this match, and it would be a shame if I fell down now.

Winning this match means that they can enter the top four in Tokyo and participate in the finals.

The three-minute time is faster than expected, and the scores of the two sides have been separated by a small part.

Seirin High School has achieved a (cffc) advantage in this situation. Although it only has a five-point advantage, it is already very scary.

Kise said: "Before the start of the match, who would have thought they would be so crazy, who would have thought that this team would go to the present.

"Don't talk about them, even we couldn't believe it back then."

Kise said: "If Zongshen joins the match, his results may be better, but he did it to train his teammates.

"If this is what you said, then this person is terrifying.

At the same time as the match, the team's training was also taken into account.

Two and a half minutes passed quickly, and there was still the last half minute. The match in the third quarter had become the climax of the audience.

In the last half minute, everyone is also looking forward to more exciting things happening.

Midorima Shintaro got Basketball. Without Zongshen's blockade, his strength has been 100% in front of everyone.

Not only is Field Goal's high accuracy, but also his physical flexibility and jumping ability are very powerful.

His performance is once again worthy of the name of the Age of Miracles.

In the final time, the one who got the ball was Midorima Shintaro.

Kagami Taiga stood under the basket and waited. For him, everything he encountered was beyond his expectation.

He originally thought that Japan did not have many strong players, but now he sees a wonderful basketball world.

There are many powerful teammates in this world, and he has also found someone he can trust.

If the stronger the light, the stronger the shadow, then he is willing to be the light.

This comes at a price. If you are not strong enough, you will become the object of being devalued and criticized by others.

Sometimes, the loss is more than the gain.

Midorima Shintaro quickly came under the basket.

Junpei Hyuga's own barriers with Rinnosuke's few people also failed to achieve the desired effect. In the end, it was still a confrontation between two people.

"Which one do you think will win this ball?"

Daping asked Zongshen, as if at this moment, the two are no longer rivals, but old friends who have made many years.


He said his answer without hesitation.

This result will not be the slightest surprise.

First of all, he already knew the answer to the story, and he didn't panic at all.

The real strength of Kagami lies in his ability to grow. In a limited space, the body's functions grow infinitely.

Midorima Shintaro jumped high.

Kagami followed the same action as Gango.

The two people attracted all the eyes of the match field.

What will be the result this time.

Kagami growled: "I will cover you!"

Midorima Shintaro discovered at this time that the height of the latter's jump was much higher than the first time.

Basketball, which was previously untouched, is within reach here. ,

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