The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 1518 : An absolute declaration (new book Prince of Tennis: Rikkai Da)

At this moment, the audience was quiet, and everyone didn't know what to say.

If the Generation of Miracles was defeated in the past, they must be very excited, because it means that stronger people will appear.

But this is not the case. This time, Generation of Miracles seems to have been defeated by the weak.

Kagami said: "There is nothing in this world that cannot be surpassed. If there is, then it should be yourself.~"

In his opinion, the biggest obstacle in this world is himself, not others. Because your heart will be blinded by many things, and outsiders can see clearly.

For their guidance and advice, you will make a disregarding attitude, because you feel that you are the strongest, but you have been blindfolded.

If you can't break this cage, you will encounter a stronger enemy. If you can't break through, your life has already failed.

This is a thing that cannot have both ends.

Two consecutive failures in a day should be a big blow to ordinary people.

But Midorima Shintaro laughed suddenly, he hadn't felt this feeling for a long time.

Since joining Generation of Miracles, the strength of their team has been known to everyone, and they have never failed.

It is because he has never failed, he will never be able to experience this feeling, and these experiences have allowed him to truly grow.

"I think sometimes failure is a good thing, at least for you." Zongshen said.

"I understand what you mean, but it takes a lot of perseverance to walk through failure."

"Anyway, my goal has been achieved, and the next match is about to begin. That will be our final match."

Daping said: "To be honest, I still have a little desire."

Who doesn't want to meet a stronger opponent, if you only match with a weaker opponent, then the game itself is meaningless.

For Zongshen, the world is like a grand game.

He is the protagonist of this game, he has a lot of things in his hands, but the same, there are also many uncertainties.

Although everyone has their own historical trajectory, they do not necessarily develop according to their original trajectory, and even a small thing may change.

But life is more exciting because of this.

"If you beat me, I will return. One day I will beat you." Midorima Shintaro suddenly said to Kagami.

Saying such a thing caught the opponent off guard.

Because he never thought that the proud Midorima Shintaro would say such things.

"A person who experiences failure will often experience a lot of things from it."

He returned to the rest area with Takao behind him. This match also made him understand a lot.

Sometimes because of him, victory will paralyze a person's heart, and appropriate defeat is also a good thing.

Their coach also understood the meaning and smiled on his somewhat gloomy face.

"You guys did a good job in this match. They didn't disappoint me, at least they are not ashamed."

Midorima Shintaro said: "In this match, I appeared in Turnover. In the future, I will ask the coach to take back my waywardness. I will completely obey the team's arrangement.

Daping said: "We have to train well when we go back. This time we found a lot of deficiencies. Although this team is very strong, we are not weak, but we have been suppressed."

The coach said: "It's good if you can understand this. It seems that sometimes failure is not necessarily a bad thing.

To be able to make these two players say such a thing, he knows that the meaning of this match has been realized.

Because for them, life has only really begun, and there will be more exciting matches in the future.

It would be a shame that I gave up the more exciting part of my life for the victory of a small match.

The other side.

Aida Riko said: "Unexpectedly, you all reached this point one by one, and each team member got a certain benefit in this match."

"The coach teaches well." "Hyuga Junpei said.

"I'm a bit sorry if you can say this kind of thing, but I do have part of my credit in it, and I have done a lot for you.

"Forehead "

All the team members showed speechless expressions, but there seemed to be nothing to do.

The coach really paid a lot for them.

She is a girl, and serving them is a very tiring task in itself.

After all, he is still the coach of the team. He is responsible for the tactics in the match. How many sleepless nights make a team stronger.

...For flowers...

"The coach has paid too much for us." Junpei Hyuga said: "But in the future, don't put the rewards to your lips."

"what "

Aida Riko once again felt that she had been hit, not only physically, but also spiritually.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't joke anymore. There is also the match in the last quarter. We have now achieved a five-point advantage, but we still have to wait for it."

This advantage is not great, but for them it is very small.

Midorima Shintaro made a three-pointer, and just two goals can bring the score back.

And if the cooperation is better, this kind of thing can be done in one minute, so no one knows what will happen until the last minute.


"I will do my best for the following match, please try to cooperate with me." Zongshen said.

Aida Riko said: "You didn't do anything at all in the match just now, what do you mean?"

He couldn't see through the captain's thoughts.

Although many methods are reasonable, it is really speechless if you don't talk to his coach.

"Sometimes the players have to train by themselves. If I were there, the winning rate might increase, but they would not train well by themselves."

"But in this case, are you not afraid that the match will lose?'

Zongshen said: "I won't lose!"


"I'm here!" Aida Riko wanted to refute, but found that he didn't have the courage to refute.

What the other party said is based on his own strength, and there is no false exaggeration.

In other words, with his strength, it can indeed achieve such an effect.

"Okay." Aida Riko looked wilted, facing such a captain, he didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to inform you about the future. After all, we are in the same team."

"Okay." With the promise of the other party, his expression improved.

Turning around and saying to the other team members: "If this match fails, don't forget your promise to confess to your favorite girls naked on the rooftop."


The players suddenly thought of this perverted promise. pill,

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