The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 983 : The world's first high school student (1/4)

Led by Polk, a group of people came to the hotel.

After the opponent explained the time and place of the match, he took the players away.

Zongshen followed out, and then said: "Polk, I want to ask you something!"


Polk was taken aback.

"I want to fight Edmund, I hope you can contact me!"

Zongshen spoke seriously.


The members of the de national team were taken aback for a moment, but Zongshen would not expect such a thing.


Polk was silent for a while, then nodded.


Zongshen exhaled.

He wanted to fight Edmund a long time ago, but he never had a chance.

Now that I come to the country of de, I naturally want to accomplish this.

"I'll help you ask questions later, and I will call you at the latest!"

Polk said solemnly.

After speaking, he left with the team.

After the group walked away, Burku couldn't help but speak: "Why does Zongshen challenge the leader?"

"It's probably for the name of the world's number one high school student!'

Q-P's eyes flashed.


Bismarck on the side was shocked, and then a little dissatisfied: "Then why should we help him contact!"

In his view of 25, how the world's number one must belong to the national players.

Now that Zongshen wants to get involved, he is naturally dissatisfied.

"Don't we help him, he won't be able to contact?"

Q-P asked rhetorically.

Bismarck's breathing stopped and fell silent.

Edmund is a professional-level master and signed to the club.

Just a little bit of inquiries will be able to know where, even if they don't help contact, Zongshen can also go by himself, but it is more troublesome.

"The hand Zongshen and the captain must have a battle, so it doesn't matter whether we help or not!"

Polk closed his eyes.

The reason why he had promised so readily just now was because he saw through this.

The two competed for the title of the world's number one high school student, and the others could not stop it at all.

Bismarck was a little unwilling, but could not say anything to refute.

Rest in the hotel.

Zongshen and his party gathered in the room.

"Everyone knows the strength of the national team, so I won't say more!

Mifune entered the way and said in a deep voice.


Everyone nodded.

The current national team of de has three professional players, and there are more talents like Q-P. The strength should not be underestimated.

"This match is a practice match, so the opponent will never show true strength!"

Mifune entered the road and continued talking.

What is a practice match?

The two teams trained together to improve their strength.

But this is also a relative statement, like practice matches between countries, it is more of a trial between teams.

Use match to judge the opponent's recent progress and status.

Since it's a temptation, naturally it won't go all out, otherwise the data will be leaked and it will be targeted.

"Then I won't play in this match.

Zongshen thought for a while and said.


Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

You must know that Zongshen is a professional level player. If Polk plays, no one but Zongshen can deal with it.

"I have another thing to do when I come to the country!

Zongshen said in a deep voice.

"another thing?"

"Do you want to challenge Edmund?"

Echizen Ryoga smiled casually.


Zongshen nodded.

He has been promoted to high school and is eligible to enter the ranking of high school students.

Now Edmund foul out, he has defeated Polk and others, so he is a well-deserved uncrowned king.

But the first at hand has no value.

So he is going to challenge Edmund and personally seize this title from the opponent.

"this "

Echizen Ryoga was taken aback.

He just said it casually just now, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"If the minister succeeds in the challenge, he will be the new world's best high school student!"

Mutsu Yuma smiled.

The other team members heard the surprise, and then their eyes lit up.

If Zongshen wins this title, it will definitely enhance the team's reputation.

"Then you don't have to participate!"

Mifune entered the road and nodded.

This is a practice match, and it is not a formal match. There is no radio broadcast.

Moreover, both sides tried, he never thought of showing all his strength.

So it doesn't matter whether you win or lose in this match.

On the contrary, Zongshen won the title of the world's number one high school student, which is more meaningful and inspiring.


"Then the coach hurry up and announce the roster, if you don't have to play, I will go with Zongshen!"

Tohno Atsukyo laughed.

Although I want to compete with the de national team.

But the battle between Zongshen and Edmund was the pinnacle of the two eras.

One person represents the first person of the previous era, and one person represents the first person of the present era.

This kind of match is extremely rare, it can be said that we see it in ten years.

"I don't want to play either!"

Echizen Ryoga bumped the orange.

Matches are available at all times, but this kind of war of the century is extremely rare.


"In that case, let this match be free!"

Byodoin snorted.

"Shut up all to me!"

Mifune entered the way and shouted angrily.

But he knew how attractive the match was, so he didn't force it.

"Since everyone doesn't want to go, then draw lots to decide!"

"Whoever is drawn will go to the practice match, and those who are not drawn can go to the game!"

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

Except for Zongshen, the other 840 players began to draw lots.

"It seems there is no way to go!"

Irie Kanata sighed.

Because he won the lottery to participate in the practice match.

"It's really troublesome!"

Omagari clutched his forehead, knowing that he could not witness the war of the century.


The foggy valley whispered.

A total of seven people were drawn to participate in the practice match.

Irie Kanata, Omagari, Tokugawa Kazuya, Duke Watanabe, Kimijima, Unbreakable Iron Man, Mist Valley.

They will represent the Japanese team in practice matches, while others are free to move around.

"All right!"

"The draw is over, you will play the practice match!"

"The strength of the de national team is good, I hope you can do your best!"

Mifune entered the way and said in a deep voice.


The seven replied loudly.

"By the way, Duke Watanabe will lead the team this time!"

Mifune entered the Dao and added another sentence.

Although he is a coach, he naturally wants to see this kind of war of the century.


"The coach is too cunning!"

"Pushing this kind of thing to us!"

Several people heard this yelling.

"To shut up!"

Mifune entered the Dao with a cold snort, no matter how many people were happy or not.

Anyway, he is a coach, so he has the final say.

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