The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 984 : The World's No. 1 Battle (2/4)

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Polk's call arrived as scheduled.

After answering the call, Zongshen got the news he wanted.

"How's it going?"

Everyone looked curious.

"Edmond has agreed to match me, and the time is set in three days!"

Zongshen's face has a touch of seriousness.

The other party is not an unknown person, but the number one in the previous era.

Moreover, Edmund stepped into the professional field very early, and his match experience is definitely more abundant than himself.

"Three days later?"

"The battle for the world's number one high school is finally about to start!"

"If Zongshen defeats Edmund, he will be the new world's number one high school student!"

The players started talking excitedly.

"Edmond should not be underestimated!"

Byodoin Temple reminded.

"The opponent is a veteran professional player, should he have his own means?"

Echizen Ryoga is a little curious.

"Akuto, do me a favor!"

Zongshen pondered for a while, then turned his head and said.

"Is it investigating Edmund's information?"

Akuto pushed his glasses and asked.


"Edmond can be called the strongest of the previous era, he must be very strong, so he must be fully prepared!"

Zongshen nodded.

This time the opponent is a veteran world professional class.

Facing such a master, he had to deal with it carefully.


Akuto nodded.

Collecting intelligence is what he is best at, and there are still three days left, which is enough.

De U-17 training camp.

The team members gathered in the conference room to discuss matters concerning the practice match.

"So Zongshen is ready to challenge Captain Edmund?"

One of the team members was surprised.


"The time is set in three days!"

Polk nodded.

"Since this is the practice match, I won't participate in it, I want to go check it out.!"

Burku smiled honestly.

This is a professional match, and it is a battle for the title of the world's number one high school student. It is destined to be extremely fierce.

It would be a pity to miss such a rare battle.

"I am coming too!"

Schneider spoke coldly.

"this …

The other players in de country were a little moved.

After all, there are practice matches every one or two months, but professional-level matches are rare.

And this match is said to be practice, but many people know that this is a pretense to test the opponent.

So this kind of match doesn't need to be so serious at all.

"Who else wants to watch the match?"

Polk said in a deep voice.

He also wanted to check it out, but the practice match has been confirmed, so naturally he can't push it away.

Therefore, some players must be reserved to participate in the match.


"I wanna go!"

"This kind of match will naturally go and see!"

The players raised their hands.

Seeing this, Polk felt a little helpless. After thinking for a while, he said: "Since everyone wants to go, we can only decide by drawing lots. The seven people drawn will stay in the practice match!

The crowd nodded their heads upon hearing this and immediately began to draw lots.

The seven contestants were quickly determined, including Q-P.

"This match will be led by Q-P!"

Polk said in a deep voice.


Q-P sighed in his heart.

He naturally wanted to see that kind of battle, but if he was drawn by the lottery, he could only stay.

"But is this lineup really okay?"

Schneider frowned.

Although it is a practice match, if the Japanese team sends a master, this lineup is difficult to win.

"Don't worry, we will all go to watch, and the Japanese players will probably also go there. The match will definitely be half a catty!"

Burku smiled honestly.


Polk nodded.

Since both sides send players at will, the outcome depends on God's will.

"Don't worry, I will develop perfect tactics and strive for victory!"

Q-P said lightly.

Since this match is led by him.

Naturally, he would not watch the team lose to the opponent, even if it was just an ordinary practice match.


Schneider nodded and relaxed.

Berlin club.

Edmund was packing up and preparing to leave.

Although he is a professional player, he usually stays in the club for training when there is no match.


"Please wait a minute!"

A cry came.

Edmund paused and turned his head to look.

I saw a middle-aged man running in stride, with a camera still hanging on his chest.

"Louis? Why are you here?"

Edmund recognized the man.

This person is impressively the editor-in-chief of the European Tennis Monthly magazine. He often interviews him, so the two can be said to be very familiar.

"..." Edmund, I heard that you are going to match Zongshen?"

Louis took a breath, then said excitedly.

"how do you know?!"

Edmund was taken aback.

He also replied to Polk an hour ago. He didn't expect someone to learn the news so soon.

"Ha ha!"

"Don't underestimate the reporter's keen sense of big news!"

Louis replied jokingly.

"All right!"

"In three days I will have a battle with Zongshen!"

Edmund nodded.

In fact, there is no need for him to match Zongshen.

It is no good to win, but to lose Zongshen's reputation.

But after thinking for a while, he finally agreed.

Because both of them are the first people in their respective eras, he also wants to fight another genius to see who is the No. 1 of the era. (How about money?) 1.

"Can you give me the right to report?"

Louis looked excited.

This is a match between two supernovas, and once reported, it will definitely make a sensation in the tennis world.

"I have no right to prevent a reporter from reporting!"

Edmund was helpless.

In the international community, journalists have the privilege of reporting.

He knew that Louis asked that, just respecting himself.

"Thank you so much!"

Louis smiled brightly.

He has made up his mind to record the focus of this match.

Then it was sent to the monthly headquarters in Switzerland for the headquarters to carry out key reports.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will go back first!"

Edmund nodded.


Louis put on a pleased pose.

After watching Edmund leave, he fell into fantasy again.

What kind of sensation will the report of Mirage bring. ,

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