The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5737: Ways to Fight the Enemy


This sentence stunned Lin Batian for a moment.

He turned to look at Bai Mei and asked: "Who is looking for me? Shenting?"

"No, this wanted order was not issued by the Divine Court, but by the god Tianqi. In a short time, it swept through the public bulletin boards of various immortal realms." Bai Mei said, "The wanted object is not just the Lord, but us. The whole place of death."

Lin Batian was silent for a while and sighed.

Bai Mei looked up at Lin Batian and asked: "My lord, the current situation is indeed very serious, but I think... the wanted order is a sign of death for us..."

"What a pity." Lin Batian shook his head and said, "What I boarded was a divine-level wanted order issued by the Supreme Court."

"And we are only wanted by this old boy Tianqi. The gap is really too big."

"Damn it, this Apocalypse is a place that looks down on us as signs of death."

These words made Bai Mei, who originally wanted to say a few words of relief, fell silent for an instant.

It turns out that I sighed not because I was wanted, but because I felt that the level of wanted was too low!

"It seems that I am the only one who is not wanted by the Gods." Leng Xunshuang smiled slightly and said, "Do I have to find a way to be wanted so that I can match you two?"

"That's not necessary." Lin Batian said immediately, "Just like in the past, when it comes to dangerous things, just let the two of us do it, and you can cover from behind."

"You have to keep an insurance policy. You are the insurance and the most critical role. Nothing can go wrong."

"Lord, does the fact that the Star-Moon God King has been dealt with mean that everything we said and did to him before has been exposed to Tianqi?" Bai Mei asked again.

"Of course, otherwise Tianqi would be so angry that he wanted us." Lin Batian said with a smile.

Seeing Lin Batian's smiling face, Bai Mei frowned.

In her understanding, being wanted by the Gods is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Because once he is wanted, it means that the Land of Omen of Death is on the opposite side of the Gods.

Such a thing would have been unacceptable before.

Even if Lin Batian wanted to help Fang Yu, he couldn't do it so obviously.

But now... Already wanted by Tianqi, Lin Batian still looks relaxed.

Why this shift?

Has the will of the Land of Death Omen been completely controlled by Lin Batian?

But this should be impossible to do...

"Xiao Bai, you know me best." Lin Batian grinned and said, "Although Xingyue is just a chess piece, I spent a lot of effort to get it back."

"In addition, I spent a lot of time and energy trying to brainwash her."

"Even if such a chess piece is given away, it cannot be given away for free."

"Lord, you..." Bai Mei's eyes showed surprise.

"Apocalypse covets Xingyue's bloodline, so I naturally have to do something about it." Lin Batian smiled and said, "Let her go back this time. If she can lure Apocalypse out, of course it will be good. But if it fails, Then if she is caught by Apocalypse, it will have the same effect."

"For me, as long as the blood of the two merges, my goal can be achieved."

"Of course, it's hard to say whether it's useful or not. At least for now, it seems that the Gods are not that good, but the Supreme Gods really have something... Could it be that they can really search for souls by force? Xingyue is a golden immortal in the Infinite Realm, so he can do this. Search?"

"Searching for souls is not necessarily the only method." Leng Xunshuang said, "If you want to obtain a monk's memory, you can do it through laws, blood, etc."

"But we don't have similar means," Lin Batian said. "If we want to pry information out of a monk's mouth, we can only use the most primitive method of coercion."

"Lord, how should we respond to Tianqi's wanted order?" Bai Mei asked.

"There is no need to deal with it. What Apocalypse did is nothing more than a warning to us." Lin Batian said, "The symbolic meaning is greater than the substantive meaning."

"But from another perspective, assuming Tianqi gets all the information from Xingyue... then he will also know that there is a connection between us and Lao Fang."

"Do you think that's just a warning?" Leng Xunshuang looked at Lin Batian and asked, "Yu has already caused a sensation in the fairy world, defeating many god kings head-on, which has dealt a big blow to the majesty of the god clan."

"By now, the Gods should pay attention to Yu's existence."

"Of course the Gods will pay attention to Lao Fang. The Divine Court issued a divine wanted order from the beginning, which already shows the degree of importance it attaches to." Lin Batian said, "Do you think how many God Kings have gone to find Lao Fang?"

"But in my opinion, this situation will not pose much threat to the old side."

Leng Xun frowned slightly and said, "The movements of the Gods will only get bigger and bigger."

"My opinion is different from yours. In other words, I think the greater the action of the protoss, the more favorable the situation will be for Lao Fang." Lin Batian said.

Leng Xushuang narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"Actually, the reason is very simple. It's because the Gods were too strong in the past. They were so powerful that the outside world could no longer pose any threat to them."

"As the saying goes, one is born in sorrow and dies in happiness."

Lin Batian took two steps forward and continued.

"Since there are no threats from the outside, we can only create threats from within. Only in this way can we force the monks of the God Clan to continue to make progress and maintain the overall strength of the clan."

"For this reason, the Supreme God Clan has set up a strict hierarchical system to allow competition within the God Clan. This is how various god kings and gods of various levels appeared."

"And the biggest temptation lies in the threshold of the Supreme God Clan! All bloodline branches want to become a member of the Supreme God Clan, and for this they are willing to pay a huge price."

Lin Batian stopped and turned to look at Leng Xunshuang.

"Such a move by the Supreme God Clan will indeed help the development of the God Clan's strength, but... it will also bring about a huge problem, that is, it will fall apart, allowing each lineage of the God Clan to have their own ideas and fight on their own."

"Today, Lao Fang, who is wanted by the Divine Court, is like a stepping stone on the threshold of the Supreme Divine Clan, and has great temptation."

"Everyone wants to suppress Lao Fang so that he can go to the Divine Court to receive the reward... and will never let this credit fall into the hands of other bloodline branches or other god kings."

Having said this, Lin Batian grinned again, showing a cold smile.

"If they all want to solve Lao Fang on their own, then no one can solve Lao Fang. So in order to solve Lao Fang, the scale of every action they take will expand." Lin Batian said, "In this case, the bigger the action, the bigger the action." , the God Clan will suffer a bigger setback, and the sensation and influence it will cause will be greater!"

"With more and more news about the defeat of various god kings and blood branches, the Protoss has been disgraced. Those ethnic forces in various fairy realms that are dissatisfied with the Protoss and suppressed by the Protoss will gradually grow stronger after seeing the Protoss's successive setbacks. Have the courage to resist the gods."

"I told Lao Fang before that if we want to overthrow a peak clan like the Gods... we can't do it alone. If we want to fight, we must start a war in the Immortal Realm. Only in this way can we have a chance to completely break up this behemoth of the Gods. !”

Leng Xunshuang nodded lightly.

She agreed with Lin Batian's statement.

Everything Fang Yu does now is gradually disintegrating the control of the gods over the immortal world, and is losing its majesty step by step.

However, there is a huge problem here.

That is the Supreme God Clan.

No matter how high-minded the Supreme God Clan is, they cannot allow things to develop like this.

"Where is the Supreme God Clan?" Leng Xunshuang asked, "If the Supreme God Clan takes action to clean up the interior of the God Clan and work together to suppress Yu..."

"The Supreme God Clan... Of course, they are still waiting and watching, and have no intention of taking action." Lin Batian sneered and said, "After all, they are the Supreme God Clan. Of course, they must maintain their aloof attitude and end it personally at the slightest sign of trouble. , but it will make them lose face.”

"However, when one of the god kings takes action against Lao Fang, they will bring a lot of information to the Supreme God Clan every time."

"I think the Supreme Gods will gradually figure out the upper limit of Lao Fang's strength during this period... Because once they decide to take action, they must make a final decision, otherwise, if anything goes wrong... the foundation of the Gods in the fairy world will really collapse."

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