The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5738 News from the Ancient Domain

"So, even if the Supreme God Clan wants to take action, it must be very careful. Basically, the more aggressive Lao Fang is, the later the Supreme God Clan may be able to take action."

Leng Xun's beautiful eyes flashed and he said: "In this case, it is still impossible to start a war in the fairyland. All the forces in the fairyland will be afraid of the existence of the supreme gods."

"I'm already thinking about this." Lin Batian grinned and said, "Why do you think Lao Fang and I care so much about Apocalypse?"

"Apocalypse..." Leng Xunshuang was silent for a moment, then his eyes moved.

"Regardless of Tianqi's strength, his identity is not simple. He is a direct descendant of the Emperor Taishi." Lin Batian said, "And through talking with Xingyue, we know that this old boy has great ambitions. His mother is the same."

"The more ambitious he is, the more useful he will be to us."

"Apocalypse is a big thunder. Once it explodes, the Supreme Gods may not be able to distract themselves from dealing with Lao Fang."

Listening to Lin Batian's words, Leng Xunshuang stopped talking.

"So the division of labor between our three giants is very clear now." Lin Batian continued, "Lao Fang is responsible for continuing to fight against the Gods head-on and dismantle the authority of the Gods step by step."

"As for me, I concentrate on brewing and detonating the thunder of the apocalypse, and try to collapse the Supreme God Clan as much as possible."

"You are responsible for providing us with necessary assistance in the rear, especially Lao Fang. As long as you are here, Lao Fang will have confidence in his heart and be energetic in doing things..."

"It sounds like I'm not very useful." Leng Xushuang blinked and said.

"Don't say that, your value is irreplaceable." Lin Batian said, "You and Lao Fang are one."

"Is it time for him to come back?" Leng Xunshuang asked.

"That's almost it. My men just reported back that the battle in Feiyu Fairyland has ended." Lin Batian said.

In a small world.

Fang Yu has asked the leader of Tianyan Cult to leave and return to Tianyan Cult.

We will meet again after he has sorted out the information about the Protoss.

But Fang Yu did not leave the small world.

Because he still had to interrogate the prisoner of war he had just accepted, the God King Miowu from the extremely rebellious lineage.

"How many god kings did your Ji Ni lineage send to besiege me this time?" Fang Yu came to Miu Wu and asked.

At this time, Miowu was still in a state of extreme fear.

Faced with Fang Yu's question, he did not dare to neglect and immediately replied: "I, Suo Yang and I were ordered to come to Feiyu Fairyland to investigate the situation..."

"Just you two?" Fang Yu asked with a frown.

"...Yes, after we investigate the information, we will go back and report...and then..." Miowu's voice trembled badly.

"That's it." Fang Yu touched his chin.

"You, please let me go and spare my life, I will definitely..." Miowu begged for mercy.

"What must it be? How can you repay me for letting you out?" Fang Yu raised his brows and said with a smile.

Miowu was speechless.

Fang Yu, a remnant of the human race, cannot be let go.

Therefore, no matter what Miowu promised... it was meaningless.

There is no way Fang Yu would let him out!

Thinking of this, Miu Wu only felt desperate.

"Don't worry, I'll deal with you later." Fang Yu patted Miu Wu on the shoulder.

Miowu's legs became weak and he collapsed to the ground. He no longer had any power of the God King, only the fear of death remained!

"Let's study the Law of Sky Eye again... and see what the incomprehensible part mentioned by the leader of Sky Eye is..." Fang Yu thought to himself.

What happened in Feiyu Fairyland spread quickly.

The eight great god kings led more than 100,000 elites and gods to seal off the entire realm, but they were still defeated by Fang Yu, the remnant of the enemy race, and suffered countless casualties!

After this news spread, the shock it brought... was greater and more sensational than the previous news that the Ember God King was repelled!

After all, the eight divine kings are taking action together this time!

Moreover, the most important thing is... that remnant of the human race, Fang Yu, first repelled the embers in the Feiyu Fairyland, and then actually stayed there, continuing to defeat the eight god kings and so many elite gods...

What does this mean?

It shows that Fang Yu is not afraid of the so-called God King at all. Come one, kill one, come eight...kill them all!

This is a challenge to the Gods!

"It's not just the Gods who suffered heavy casualties this time! I heard that many top experts who rushed over from other realms were killed on the spot!"

"Yes! The Red Flame Queen, Xiu Tianxian, etc... are said to have been left behind by this great human being..."

"Is this Fang Yu... really the human race? If there is a strong man of his level in the human race, how could it be possible for the human race to decline like this!?"

In the Tianyan Fairy Realm, countless monks were discussing Fang Yu's deeds.

After two consecutive victories, many monks no longer called Fang Yu the so-called 'remnant of the human race', but became 'mighty', 'strong' and so on.

Who dares to disrespect the strong! ?

At this moment, in the sky outside Feiyu Immortal Realm, there was a dark whirlpool.

Within the whirlpool was a claustrophobic space, extremely cold.

Qingyu is in this space.

In front of him were four envoys from the Western Prison whose faces looked like sculptures.

"If there is even half a lie in what you said, once verified, we will take you to the Western Prison." An envoy spoke with an extremely cold tone.

Qingyu's body was trembling.

For these messengers from the hell of the fairy world...he was full of fear.

"I, I can promise... I didn't tell any lies." Qingyu replied.

"Okay, you can leave." The messenger said solemnly.


Afterwards, Qingyu was swept away by a burst of power and moved outside the whirlpool.

"call out!"

The dark whirlpool high in the sky also subsided and disappeared.

Qingyu stopped in mid-air, looking up at the sky, the look of shock on his face still hard to dissipate.

He turned around again and looked at the collapsed realm behind him.


Even the Great Prison of Immortal Realm sent envoys to find out the news about Fang Yu...

This Fang Yu... is really stirring up the entire fairy world!

"The fairy world is going to be in chaos... now is just the beginning..." Qingyu's eyes flashed with horror, and he felt a little lucky in his heart.

At least, in such a big incident, the casualties of him and his tribe were not serious!

"The emperor passed the inheritance to Fang Yu... and also saved the lives of our descendants." Qing Yu sighed in his heart.

After sighing, he came back to his senses and his face became serious.

He knew that the danger was not over yet.

A great chaos is coming, and he wants to lead his people away from the land of right and wrong. He never wants to be involved in a war of this level again!

"Old Fang, come back quickly. It's time for the three of us to meet."

In the small world, Fang Yu, who was still groping for the Law of Sky Eye, suddenly received a message from Lin Batian.

"Leng Xushuang is back?" Fang Yu asked.

"Yes, she misses you very much." Lin Batian said, "Hurry up."


Fang Yu didn't say anything more and left the small world directly.


After leaving the small world, Fang Yu returned to the Feiyu Fairyland.


Fang Yu spoke.


Beibei lazily got out of the inner pocket of Fang Yu's robe.

"You have rested for such a long time this time, so it should be almost done." Fang Yu said, "I will need your help a lot next time."


Beibei still looked a little listless and shook his tail slightly.


Then, its eyes glowed with light, condensing a ring mark in the air.

Through the ring mark, Fang Yu can directly return to the gate of the fairy world.


Fang Yu passed through the ring mark and disappeared.

Through the gate of the fairy world, Fang Yu returned to the divine realm again.

Then, through Beibei, he returned directly to Xuntian Island.

Compared to using the Space Principle yourself, the efficiency of asking Beibei to help has improved a lot.

Entering the empty valley, Fang Yu saw a figure wrapped in black lines from a distance.

And the beautiful figure of Leng Xunshuang.

"Old Fang, our three giants are finally reunited." Lin Batian looked up at Fang Yu and said.

Fang Yu fell from the air and landed in front of Leng Xunshuang.

"Yu." Leng Xunshuang smiled slightly, his eyes gentle.

"Where did you run to?" Fang Yu asked, "It was so mysterious."

"I went to inquire about some news." Leng Xunshuang replied.

"What news?" Fang Yu asked.

"About the location of the ancient human domain." Leng Xunshuang said softly, "I have mastered it."

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