"Is this a gap in space, can we go back?" Ida Tenya said excitedly. He hasn't gone back to see his parents and brother in ten years, and missed it very much.

Among the classmates present, the rest are in the same mood. Everyone has a family. Ten years is still too long for them.

Many people shed tears unconsciously, and it seems that they can finally go back.

Chi Feng wanted to leave here a long time ago. He thought he would only have a year to come to this world, but he waited for a full ten years. If he missed this time, it might take another ten years for the next time.

At that time Ida Tenya was really an uncle.

"Everyone went back to pack their own things, ready to go home!" Chi Feng said excitedly.

"Okay!" Everyone got excited and went back to their rooms to pack their things. As for gatherings and dinners, it didn't make sense anymore. What can't you eat when you return to the earth?

After everyone packed their things, they began to install Jiyuanlu's specialties, as well as their own fruits and vegetables. Lingmi was also one of the food that everyone looted wildly.

Chi Feng started buying Lingmi directly from Jiyuanlu. Of course, Chi Feng was not so stupid but only buying Lingmi. As long as Jiyuanlu had good things, Chi Feng basically wanted it.

When he reaches his level, he can still grow spiritual rice when he returns to the earth, and it will not be discovered by anyone.

In the past ten years, Chi Feng has not only improved his cultivation level, but also learned alchemy and formations. These two are all achievements, but Chi Feng is not too lazy to toss at all.

"Palace Master Lu, I may have to be away for a while." Chi Feng came to the City Lord's Mansion. At this moment, Lu Weishan is processing the documents. It can be seen that he is very busy.

Seeing Chi Feng coming, Lu Weishan immediately put down the files in his hand, got up and asked Chi Feng to sit down, and then asked, "Where are the seniors going? How long?"

Chi Feng shook his head and said, "Go to a far place, maybe five years, maybe ten years, maybe even longer?"

Lu Weishan thought for a while and said, "Is it going to the end of the Dead Sea?"

Chi Feng smiled and shook his head without saying a word. After a while, Chi Feng took the initiative to say: "I hope you don't take the old road like a thousand rivers. Also, you won't go to Huiyuanlu for the rest of your life. What a good place."

"I see." Lu Weishan nodded and said.

"Lu Weishan, we will have some time later..." Chi Feng patted Lu Weishan on the shoulder, and then left directly.

Looking at Chi Feng's back, Lu Weishan became a little fuzzy, and he vaguely felt that Chi Feng would never come back this time.

Jiyuan Lu now has Lu Weishan worrying about, and Chi Feng is still very satisfied. As for the future of Jiyuan Lu, it depends on good fortune.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Are you all packed up?" Chi Feng looked at everyone.

The classmates had already packed their things and stood in front of Chi Feng radiantly. Bai Xue hugged Xiaoxue and stood tightly beside Chi Feng.

"In that case, let's go home!" Chi Feng rolled up everyone and flew directly towards the gap in the sky, and disappeared into the gap in the blink of an eye.

Now there is no pressure on Chi Feng’s repair base. Everyone is protected by him to death. I don’t know how long it has passed. Chi Feng’s feet are real, and everyone once again fell in the middle of Tianmen Mountain. .

The sky was a bit gloomy and there was some drizzle. When Chi Feng and others appeared in Tianmen Mountain, there was no one around. Chi Feng felt that there was a problem.

"Damn, we have been in Jiyuanlu for ten years, but it's only a year since we came back!" Kaminari Denki said with a sad face. He saw the time on his mobile phone, only one year had passed.

"That's the best, otherwise you still want the earth to have passed ten years?" Mineta Minoru pouted.

"But we are ten years old. Look at you, this guy is already this old. You were just a short kid." Kaminari Denki punched Mineta Minoru on the back and Mineta Minoru staggered forward.

"Some kind of hit me on the head!" Mineta Minoru said unconvinced.

"Someone is coming." Midoriya Izuku said, looking at the sky not far away.

Chi Feng glanced at Midoriya Izuku in surprise. It was true that someone was here. Chi Feng knew who was here, but how did the brother Midoriya know? Could it be that his strength can already perceive something?

"It really made me wait. You waited a full year for you to come back!" A cold voice sounded, and a long-haired man fell fifty meters away from Chi Feng.

"You are Junior Brother Fang, right?" Chi Feng looked at this man plainly.

"You also called Junior Brother Fang?" The man furiously said, "Remember, my name is Fang Jin. Today next year will be your anniversary of death."

"The seventh floor of Jindan, it seems that you haven't been in vain this year." Chi Feng didn't bother to do it, and glanced at the Qiao Beiqiao nearby.

Qiao Beiqiao knew what Chi Feng meant. He took a step forward and waved the Buddha Chen towards Fang Jin.

The Buddha Chen used by Qiao Beiqiao was not the previous one. The current Buddha Chen is a top-grade spiritual weapon, and its power is not comparable to the previous Buddha Chen.

When Fang Jin saw that the man next to Chi Feng dared to do something to him, he was furious and wanted to take out a weapon to kill everyone, but suddenly found that he could not move, and followed him with a white light.

Fang Jin's golden core and people were cut in half, and Jin didn't know what was going on before he died.

On the earth, a person with his cultivation level can be unafraid of everything. As a result, someone can kill him instantly. He doesn't know why this is, why is it so when he is dead?

After killing Fang Jin, Qiao Beiqiao raised his hand in a flame and burned him to ashes.

Qi Chuanxue witnessed all this, but she was not too surprised in her eyes, but rather calm.

"Do you want me to send it back, or do you fly back by yourself?" Chi Feng said, looking at everyone.

Ida Tenya looked at the sky and said, "Let’s go back on our own. Ten years have passed and it’s not bad for a while."

The rest of the people almost meant this, Chi Feng nodded and said, "If this is the case, I will leave first. If you have anything to do, please contact me directly."

Chi Feng took Bai Xue and his daughter and left directly. As for Qiao Beiqiao, Chi Feng was too lazy to care. This guy is now a monk at Yuan Ying Peak. It can be said that no one on earth is his opponent, except Chi Feng.

It only took Chi Feng a while to return to the island country. Inoue Ying was writing an article at home at the moment. Chi Feng did not rush in, but knocked at the door, "Sister Ying, I'm back."


Inoue Sakura shuddered and knocked the glass on the side to the ground. She didn't care what she got up and opened the door. She wanted to hug Chi Feng, but she saw Bai Xue and Qi Chuanxue standing behind Chi Feng.

"Xiaofeng, are these two?" Inoue Sakura had only seen Shirayuki a few times, but she didn't have any impression.

"This is my wife and children." Chi Feng laughed.

"Ah!" Inoue Ying was shocked when she heard that, how could Chi Feng have both children and wives after being away for a year? How could this be possible.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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